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Frank Y

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Frank Y last won the day on November 4 2020

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About Frank Y

  • Birthday 05/31/1984


  • Location
    Lehighton, Pennsylvania

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  • My Truck
    1959 Mack B61-T 673 Direct Duplex
  • Interests
    I'm into just about anything mechanical, and for the most part, despise anything that is controlled by a blasted circuit board.
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  1. Looking for a parts, or junked out single axle pup trailer (28ish footer) that still has a transferable title and data plate. Closer to PA the better. Open also to an orphan title.
  2. Ummmmmm.......Date? Times? Pre-register only, or register at gate? Ya know, the important stuff....
  3. 24.5 tubeless dayton rims are available new. Purchased 6 for my truck 18 months ago. Tire shop I used had them in 4 days.
  4. Simply put, hearing this is extremely frustrating. I've been hearing and seeing this in my area too much anymore. Fortunately the owner "made good" for the work that wasn't done. But unfortunately it's the sloppy work that was done that you still need to pay for, and get done again. Good luck with the next, and hopefully more competent shop.
  5. Actually I did some digging last night on that bearing and it comes up as a VERY popular size. Common to Case, Deere, Pete, and a Bunch of others.
  6. You're very welcome. And yes, Mack still uses a similar arrangement for a flexible driveshaft on the longer wheelbase trucks. I've only seen the driveshaft before install but I think it telescopes to allow for movement of the axles. But I know I've seen something similar albeit uncommon. Good luck on the parts search.
  7. Maybe this will help? You're probably going to need a GOOD parts guy to cross these old Mack numbers though.
  8. The 18472 seal number in your pic comes up as a good number online but, will the dims match? Not sure.
  9. Honestly it sounds like something that is still used in new production. Any pics?
  10. Had some time the last 2 weekends so I made some seat brackets. Couldn't find any and I wanted to start using the truck again. Planning on pulling the seats back out once it gets warmer to put sound deadener, and a rubber mat on the floor. Brackets came out good. I'm satisfied.
  11. A small trailer is EXACTLY what I'm looking for. Something that I can throw my 26 chevy on, and head to a show. Or throw a tractor on and head to a show. My concern with a tandem trailer is the tire scuffing while turning. The shows around here are in tighter areas so alot of hard turns. If this trailer is set with a 60" pin, could it have been used with a dolly? One thing that confuses me is that he said they pulled it with a tandem Pete with a sliding 5th wheel all the way back. I just can't see that with a 60" pin distance. 60" won't even work with my single axle B. But yeah, I think greed set in on this one.
  12. To possibly ask the obvious question, but did you check for voltage at your trailer cord receptacle on the truck? Possibly a bad trailer cord.
  13. These were on the driver side. Putting a suspension seat on the passenger side now so I would like another set.
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