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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 67RModel

  1. I know Trump, for the most part, actually does what he says he is going to do. I think sometime in December he mentioned DOGE, but had probably been preemptively planning it for a while in case he won the election. But here it is on a website you can somewhat follow along on. It almost seems fake. Like this stuff I'm reading the department is flagging for elimination is bat$hit bizarre. Like a $25,000 debit for "empowering LGTBQIA+ refugees in Greece". Like who is authorizing this garbage. Its almost like it isn't real. Assuming it is real the transparency is insane. Like this department is literally opening these crooked books for everyone to see. I can't ever recall a time where anything like this has happened before. Maybe that is why it almost seems fake....The level of transparency and bluntness is nothing you would ever get from an establishment politician.
  2. Case In point. Per DOGE's website (assuming its accurate) the federal agency with the most regulations is the USDA.....21,060 separate pieces of regulation.
  3. That is what you get as a result of industrial agriculture on a commodity-based system rather than subsistence agriculture or farms operating on a direct-to-consumer model. Prices for that stuff will never come down under the current arrangement. Big ag is no joke. The entire industry (row cropping) is a monopoly controlled by about 5 or 6 entities. JD, Archer Daniels Midland, Bayer, Dow Cargill & most importantly the US Govt. The meat side of it is no better. Vertically integrated into oblivion. Owned by 3 or 4 corporations. Farming in this country has been made into a disaster IMO.
  4. Are farm subsidies on the chopping block? I haven't heard. If they are I would guess they would have to be cancelled via a revised congressional budget. My guess is its much easier to get away with cancelling "foreign aid" than a something like domestic farm subsidies. I don't really know though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. Secretary Hegseth certainly walks the walk and talks the talk. I get the impression he is not pi$$ing around. I'm not really sure what the best experience would be to be considered the best or even a good secretary of defense. Only two of them since WWII have been generals and only about half of them have had actual military experience prior to becoming secretary. Hegseth has a good deal of real word experience and some actual combat experience in Iraq / Afghanistan. He is used to seeing the military at 3,500 ft. He's now at 30,000 ft. and looking down. I hope he knows what he's looking at. I hope he can get the armed forces as a whole straightened out and hopefully get recruitment moving in the correct direction.
  6. End the Fed.
  7. I assume the front bumper used to read "MERCURY". Has anyone every heard of that outfit? I think the radiator guard says "Wide Load" on it but has been painted over.
  8. Watts Mack...... B81 Front Fender Set
  9. Interesting. Makes sense.
  10. Has anyone ever heard of this? I have heard some stories from people with tons more experience and years under their belt than me that this can happen. I think it would pertain to older, mechanically injected and governed diesel engines. I think the scenario I was told was that a truck was off road on a very rough construction site and was stalled and immediately was subjected to forces or momentum that forced it to move backwards I'm guessing before the driver removed his foot from the throttle? So I guess my question is can it really happen? If so is it logical to assume all the forward gears would then be reverse gears and visa versa? Would shutting off the fuel and starting it with the key as normally done return the engine to normal rotation? I guess I'm just curious if this can really happen or if it is a tall tale.....
  11. Google has officially changed their maps application to "Gulf of America" lol.
  12. I think there is more of an "on paper", theoretical justification for positive ground in automotive applications. In a positive ground system the sacrificial anode is the vehicle itself (chassis and bodywork). In a negatively grounded system the wires, connections, and electrical components become the sacrificial anode(s). So in theory a positively grounded vehicle would be more likely to be "rotted out". However, with that being said the amount of chassis/body metal lost due to electrical corrosion in a positive grounded system would be miniscule whereas the same amount (mass of metal lost) of corrosion in a negative grounded system could have much more effect on the vehicle due to corroded connections and components as well as dissolved wires. With modern insulation materials and much more robust connections the "problems" associated with negative ground have become a moot point, however, there is still is a better theoretical justification for positive ground. When you consider the electromotive series of metals negative ground is incorrect. If I'm not mistaken GM or Chevy strong armed the society of automotive engineers to make "their" negative ground system the standard as Ford was using positive ground on their stuff. As I said White Motors was still using positive ground at least into the mid 70s if not longer.
  13. With regards to any old, antique, and technical motor vehicle forum I have ever been on the most hotly contested topics always seem to revolve around electrical and charging systems. Its probably irrelevant to the truck in question but I'm fairly certain my 1967 R model originally had 2 6V batteries in series in each battery box to make 12V each. Then both battery boxes were connected in parallel to create enough amps at 12V to roll the starter over. It also had a 12V generator, which I still have. It was given to me by the previous owner. At some point in time he switched it to a 12V alternator and has 1 12V group 31 battery on each side now. If I'm not mistaken it was / still is positive ground. I'm not too sure as all the battery cables are black. I just make sure I hook new batteries up the same way the old ones came out. I've never been curious enough yet to wring it out and know for sure. I know for sure my 1974 White Road Boss is 12V positive ground and is all original. From my understanding White Motors was a big proponent of positive ground.
  14. I think it gets mad if the file size is too large. I know a lot of times the actual size of an iPhone picture is pretty large. If your using an iPhone a quick work around is to select the photo you want upload then hit the share via email option and email the photo to yourself. It will ask you when you hit send if you want to send it actual, large, medium, or small. Usually if you hit medium it saves it down to a size that's small enough to upload here. Once you email it to yourself just open the picture from your inbox and resave it to your photo library. Theres probably a way to do it faster but that is what I usually do. I know its dumb but it works...
  15. No affiliation. Saw on FB Marketplace. Looks like a nice original unit. 1968 Mack r600 - Commercial Vehicles - Hayden, Indiana | Facebook Marketplace | Facebook
  16. Yes I understand this caveat. However I'm not familiar enough to know if still is valid after the 2008 referendum which allows Greenland to ultimately decide their own fate if they no longer wish to be a part of Denmark. Trump tried this in 2019 and failed. Denmark has repeatedly stated its not for sale. Greenland has been a territory / autonomous country Denmark for nearly 600 years. 90% of the population are Inuit fisherman. If they choose their own path, I highly doubt they would choose to be a to become a state / territory of the USA. Sure Greenland has massive natural resources but who is to say the citizens there have any interest whatsoever to develop and extract them? My guess is they are completely content with their current arrangement and do not want to be bothered by foreign influence. Personally I think Trump is unnecessarily stirring a geopolitical pot and would be wise to drop it and focus on his domestic mandate.
  17. Trump seems to be pretty serious about gaining control of Greenland? what are your thoughts on this? Do you think its possible?
  18. Did / does Pacbrake make a compression brake for E7s?
  19. OK. then 44mph on a 2100 rpm governor with 11R22.5 rubber. 🤣. I have to think that was slow even back when that truck was in its heyday. I forget the final O.D. ratio in the quadbox but my B81 had 9.00:1 rears and was good for about 42mph on 1200-24 tires maxed out on the governor but it was set up to move major weight. Unless going real local it wasn't even practical to bobtail to shows.
  20. Assuming those new tubeless tires you put on are 11R22.5 (498rev/mile) then you have 5.73 rears and 5th gear is 0.78. In a duplex transmission hi is direct (1:1) and low is underdrive. So with all that said on a 2100 rpm governor you will be doing 56.5 mph theoretically on paper. If those are 11R24.5 then you will be a few mph faster at 2100 RPM. FYI.....
  21. I would start by putting a muffler back on. Make the 90 degree bend with an elbow fitting. Connet the elbow fitting to the flex pipe under the bunk.
  22. Are there hydraulic lines going in/out of it? Follow the lines and see where they end up.
  23. Looks like it was a factory tandem since the build data says B67 "ST". The S means tandem. And T means factory tractor. Was probably lengthened for the pallet loader. A wheel base should be listed somewhere in your build information.
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