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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 67RModel

  1. I assume since you say it needs restored it is some type of antique truck. Are you going to put antique / historic plates on it? If so who cares how much it weighs? Reading the statute what is meant by Vehicles licensed under RCW 46.16.070, 46.16.090, and 46.16.0621? Are antique registration fees dependent on weight in WA? Section 2(b) states "A weight slip from a certified scale". Fine. Take your pickup ballasted to whatever weight you want the scale to read and go get a "certified weight slip" printed. Take it to the DMV. Problem solved. How is the mindless drone at the DMV going to know if the slip you have is for the truck you are trying to get the title for or not?
  2. Well that looks like an identical reproduction to what is in my 94 RD and it will boil me in there if I need it too. Usually have to have the window rolled down a few inches if its on.
  3. Seems like a crazy amount of idling time. I was always told the average mph for a vocational truck such as a steel body dump or roll off operating a mix of suburban and city conditions would be somewhere in the 20-30mph range. Don't know what the use of this truck was but those numbers indicate a lifetime number of 8.5 mph.
  4. Isn't this Walz clown the guy that said something to the effect of: "If a 25' border wall is constructed I will invest in a 30' ladder company."?
  5. If I had to guess I would say the 864 V8. Mack collectors know they have questionable reliability (as a working truck engine) and parts at this point are near unobtanium.
  6. From the picture it looks like the wheel seal is leaking pretty bad.
  7. If its a 6 cylinder Mack engine the serial number is cast into the engine block. It is stamped into a ledge in the engine block casting just above the water pump housing on the front right. 82 might have an actual VIN number. Otherwise the truck / chassis serial number is stamped into to the frame rail on the passenger side behind the front wheel. Usually somewhere between the two leaf spring hangers around the shock mount. Was this truck built in Allentown, PA USA?
  8. Are you sure the replacement transmission you got is a 2060A? There seems to be a difference between the T2060 and the T2060A. Just quickly looking at Muncy's catalog no PTOs available for the T2060A are compatible with a T2060 or at least none of the part numbers are the same between the two options. I would somehow verify the exact model transmission your replacement is. There is a PTO that will fit it..... Do you have access to the truck the replacement came out of? Or can you get the VIN of the donor truck from the seller?
  9. Its funny. Back in the day an FLD120 was fleet truck. Usually some low spec Series 60 Detroit and a 9 speed. You wouldn't even notice it if one drove by you. Now if you see one on the road you dam near snap your neck trying to get a look at it. LOL
  10. looks like an LJ too. Cummins powered. The yellow B model is a B755. Looks like an 864 V8 Diesel. And the black B model is a B73. Cummins powered.
  11. I think its just modern times/ mentality. PREFACE: I'm not beating up on your tractor just speaking my observation of the times....Most people would look those pictures and say "What a piece of junk. Aint no way I'm paying $3k for that dinosaur when I could put that money down on a brand new B or L series Kubota have a brand new tractor for $225 a month." Extreme devaluation of the dollar, easy credit, low interest rates, and the consumerism mentality have taken over. Look back 50-60 years ago. Nobody besides famers had tractors and loaders. Now everyone with a backyard has a BX series Kubota or bigger. 50-60 years ago someone with 5-10 acres would be proud to have something like that in their shed. Now its seen as archaic and useless. I would find the appropriate local or semi local auction and consign it there. Some auction houses are better at marketing and selling certain categories of items. I would research your local area and see who sells the most used heavy equipment and go from there. With internet marketing and bidding you are pretty much going to get what the market says its worth.
  12. If Trump makes it to the Whitehouse he should declassify every shred of evidence and let the full story come out on this thing. There is no way this SS Director is lasting a week longer than his inauguration if she isn’t forced out before that.
  13. This is a very good article IMO. I had actually thought this whole time the SS Snipers that are in just about every video on the Northern barn were the ones who took out Crooks. Turns out it was the team on the Southern barn that actually made the kill hence the 15 second duration from when the first shot happened to when he was taken out. They probably had to turn around and reposition as they were observing the Southern field of view. I also think the Snipers on the Northern barn roof were probably assuming the roof Crooks was on was secured and were looking for threats much further out or in more obscure locations than that roof.
  14. I was actually thinking the same thing. I was like poor h67st can't give his away for scrap price and someone is giving $2200 out the door for this heap.
  15. What organization those snipers worked for is irrelevant. She had operators on a roof with a considerably steeper pitch than the roof the shooter used so her excuse is erroneous and she sounds like a complete dumbass
  16. Of course I read it. If I post a link I have read it. Maybe I shouldn't have proclaimed I might need to change my position that he acted alone. However, I stand by my statement that it is weird. If it were a commercial for any other company on Earth I would say no relevance. Black Rock the largest asset manager in the world and is very often accused of funding "deep state" activities. Some claim Larry Fink actually rules certain aspects of the world either directly or indirectly. Just saying its weird is all... Maybe Black Rock knew what Matthew Crooks was....
  17. Also did anyone hear that the shooter was in one of Blackrock's commercials back in 2022? That is just weird. I may have to retract my position that he acted all by himself.... BlackRock says suspect from Trump rally appeared in a 2022 ad | Reuters
  18. She claims nobody was placed on the roof the shooter used because it was sloped and "wouldn't want to put someone on a sloped roof". Meanwhile the draft horse barn behind the stage where the SS snipers were has a steeper roof pitch than AGR's building......These are the people in charge. Does she know how ridiculous she sounds?
  19. I'm just wondering if that truck was stretched or something. It looks like it has Hendrickson walking beam suspension, which would have been really uncommon in 1967 and it looks really weird the way the end of the frame rails end way before the rear wheels.. No biggie, just wondering.
  20. I guess it is a true Magnum and those are sought after? I have heard there where a lot of Magnum clones over the years that were just regular Superlines or MHs and someone had just added that paint scheme and decals...Real Magnums bring in some money but I didn't think that much... The interior of that one is pretty clapped out and nasty
  21. Sold for $35,000. Yes. thirty-five thousand. Not running and water in the oil was disclosed......Holy smokes. And there was a 10% buyers fee...$38,500.
  22. Sold For $2000
  23. Sold For $2250
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