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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 67RModel

  1. It is being reported locally that neighboring Beaver County had 8 ESU team members including snipers and spotters in that area. That adds a 4th local department into the mix of coordination that was clearly not coordinated at all. It was also reported that the AGR building complex was outside the SS boundary of responsibility, which is ludicrous considering it is an elevated location within 400 feet of, and a clear line of sight to the podium. The SS director and whoever was in charge for that event, including probably the next 3 down the chain of command all need fired. Based on everything I am hearing and seeing, I highly doubt the boots on the ground local law enforcement were able to directly communicate with the SS in real time. Watch the drone footage from the attached WPXI video. You can clearly see where the shooter was laying and where all his blood ran out onto and down the roof. You can clearly see he had a perfect line of sight to the podium. Alleged Trump shooter spotted by law enforcement nearly 30 minutes before shots fired, sources say – WPXI
  2. I was so busy looking at the pictures of everything I didn't realize there was only an hour left before the auction ended.
  3. The B models look barn fresh. Very good condition and the one has an original Mercury sleeper on it. Somebody is going to hit a gold mine there.
  4. Looks like something for everyone. Old Macks everywhere. Just quickly looking I have seen B models, C models, A models, an H model, an MH, lots of internationals and old iron galore. In Wisconsin. No affiliation just passing along. Live and Online Auctions on HiBid.com
  5. I think what you have is a Secret Service run by a woman with a DEI agenda, who is hiring incompetent agents rather than ex military / ex special forces operators.
  6. Considering 4 of the last 7 Presidents have been shot and/or were attempted to be assassinated I don't think this any more different than in the past. Reagan was shot. Clinton was shot at while in the White House, and Martin Duran was convicted of attempting to assassinate the President. G.W. was fragged in Tbilisi Georgia but it didn't detonate. Now former president Trump, as a candidate, got shot. Of the last 7 Presidents, only H.W. and Obama have had no assassination attempts. IMO its highly unlikely this was some elaborate conspiracy. The world is full of crazy people, who carry out their actions. As evidenced above its not uncommon for someone to get close enough to and attempt to assassinate the President of the USA. Assuming it was some elaborate, deep state, multi million (billion) dollar backed organization or group of people there is no way they are going to have it carried out by a 20-year-old, untrained nursing home laborer. If you assume Crooks is just a patsy and an actual assassin was on the roof then you would have to have had buy in from at least 3 local law enforcement agencies and two or three federal agencies. Butler County is an extremely pro Trump area. Law Enforcement personnel are statistically right wing and favor Trump. There is no way all the officers there from the PA State Police, Butler County Sherriff Department, and the Butler Township Police would go along with a plot. You would also have to have buy in from everyone there from the SS, and the local FBI field office in Pittsburgh. Maybe some DHS people too. The Butler County Coroner would have to be in on it too to falsify death records. I Just do see it. Also, these pundits and experts keep saying "President Trump". Its former President Trump and at this point he is just a candidate. A presidential candidate probably doesn't get the same level of security or have the same security budget as the President has.
  7. If I recall correctly my B81 had type 20 rotochambers on it. I searched high and low for the 2050 Maxibrake like Geoff attached a picture of. A 2050 Maxibrake is a type 20 rotochamber with a 50 pound per inch spring in the emergency side. It didn't flare out and get larger on the spring chamber. Haldex still listed it as a part number in their catalog but it was discontinued. I could never find any. This was 2 years ago now. and yea my B81 had a handbrake on the drive line with a brake drum and shoes that looked like it belonged on a VW beetle. No way was that thing stopping the truck it was rolling with some momentum. It was 23,000lb unladen
  8. Add Trump To a fairly long list of Presidents and/or candidates who have been assassinated or shot. Abe Lincoln James Garfield William McKinley Theodor Roosevelt JFK Bobby Kennedy George Wallace Gerald Ford Ronald Reagan G.W. Bush (frag grenade) Trump Honestly, thinking about this objectively, I can't believe this hasn't happened already. I mean as extreme as politics have become, and as polarized as people are I'm guessing there are more political radicals as there have ever been. I think a lot of people loath Mr. Trump and would rather not see him as president again. Also, why is Trump even doing these rallies anymore? He holds a rally in hardcore "Trump Territory"? For what? My guess is every person there besides the shooter is going to vote for him in the election. I highly doubt some Democrat or undecided voter went there to see what he had to say about his platform and policies. He was millimeters away from death or being unelectable for no reason IMO.
  9. If anybody was curious as to where the shooter was in relation to Trump look at the attached pdf I made. I go to the Butler Farm Show every year. In fact its next week. Hopefully its not canceled but I haven't heard anything yet. I'm very familiar with the show grounds and I looked at all the news pictures and videos. Attached is the location of everything. The SS Snipers were on the roof of the Draft Horse Barn. Shooter was on ARG's roof somewhere and The Rally was in the field where the amusement park is typically set up. It didn't make sense to me because I first assumed they were utilizing the farm show grand stand bleachers West of the lake. It appears they set up their own stage and bleachers in the large field just South of ARG International, which is like I said, where the amusements are set up. Just passing along if anyone was curious...Document1.pdf
  10. Send the O.P. a private message. He may get an email notification that you sent him a message. He hasn't logged onto this site since September of 2015. Good luck.
  11. In my experience with the B81 you needed to get the cans way inboard of the frame rails close to the pig. You would need really long S cams. Offset slack adjusters ain't gonna get it gone. B81 stuff is massive though and takes up a lot of space. Then comes the part where the axle housings do not have provisions for S cam and can mounting anywhere. You would need to fabricate something to the axle housing to be able to mount all this stuff. There are a ton of "ifs" and unknowns involved. Mostly trial and error and that is hard to do considering how expensive all the components can get. I honestly at one point thought about getting a pull type maxibrake can and mounting it ahead of the rotochamber and connecting it to the slack adjuster with a chain. That was honestly the easiest way possible to get emergency brakes on that setup. I'm kind of glad that truck is gone. It was too impractical even for a hobby truck. 12.00-24 rubber, 9.10 gearing, quad box, 40 mph top speed, and that archaic brake set up made it not really practical to drive.
  12. If the original setup is anything like the rotochamber arrangement on a B81 / Early DM800 good luck. When I had my B81 I tried everything possible off the shelf to upgrade the brake chambers but nothing was suitable. The only path forward was a lot of custom fabrication or potentially buying all the parts off of a later model DM800, but even this would probably require fabrication to mount the S cam shafts to the axle housings. Bottom line is the brakes on those models were just not set up for modern 30/30 or even 24/24 chambers. There just isn't enough room. Any small amount of suspension articulation would crush the brake chamber between the axle housing and the frame rails. I have since sold the B81 so its not my worry anymore but I could never come up with anything straight forward that would work. Do you have any pictures of the LTL brake setup? I'm not familiar.
  13. Ebay is polluted with them depending on which specific manual you need.
  14. Happy 4th
  15. Saw on Marketplace. No affiliation. Just passing along. Don't see too many 400 Series R models and the Chrysler powered ones seem to be pretty scarce. 1969 Mack r410x - Commercial Vehicles - Gill, Massachusetts | Facebook Marketplace | Facebook
  16. I saw him coming in Saturday morning about 10:00 in the staging area. He is from the Binghamton, NY area so he probably drove down Saturday morning. I purchased a sleeper from him several years back. Great guy. He is heavily involved with Brockways and the Brockway Museum. He has quite a collection of old iron at his place. That 761 is really nice.
  17. My 94 RD is a heavy single frame. I never measured it but looks like 3/8" thick.
  18. My wife asked me "who is the guy that looks like Tom Petty?" when we looked at the picture. Apparently you resemble Tom Petty.....
  19. I was there real quick for the photo and had to run. My wife had our other 7 week old son with her and everyone except me was getting worn out and grumpy by 12:00. We left right after that and basically drove straight home to Pittsburgh so we didn't have to spend another night in a hotel. I just wanted to get out there once and see what it is like. Next year or in the future I will probably come by myself so I can spend an entire day or two days there seeing everything. We breezed through mostly everything and didn't look at anything too close. I can't believe how big it is. I'll be 38 in September.
  20. There was an old school pump and injection shop in New Castle, PA called IB Diesel. Sadly he retired and closed up about a year ago. He couldn't find anyone who wanted to buy him out and continue the business. He was an ex Mack mechanic and service writer for the local dealership in the 70s and 80s then went off on his own in the 80s I think. A real wizard with the Mack engines and pumps. He knew everything about Macks. He worked over the pump on the 237 transplant in my B81 and it runs amazing. Area Diesel Service in Illinois seems to be the people to go to nowadays. They have tremendous exposure online / social media and seem to know everything about any injection pump. They seem to be able to get parts for just about anything and anybody who uses them speaks very highly of them. Diesel Specialists for Powerful Diesel Solutions | Area Diesel Service
  21. I have my 2.5 year old son sitting on my shoulders......3rd from left.
  22. There are no interior pictures provided but since it’s a 1964 steel dash would be a good guess
  23. Saw these on FB Marketplace. No affiliation. Just passing along. Without seeing it person the F model seems like a good deal to me. 1960 Mack B83SX - Commercial Vehicles - Vestal, New York | Facebook Marketplace | Facebook 1964 Mack Cabover - Commercial Vehicles - Medina, Ohio | Facebook Marketplace | Facebook
  24. Why is the pump brand new? Was it to try and correct this problem you are having? Meaning, did the engine have the exact same symptoms before the oil pump was replaced? When did the symptoms start?
  25. Where would someone park a passenger car if travelling from out of town to Macungie to go to the show? I've never been there before and trying to go this year. I don;t know anything about the logistics of getting there, parking, entry fees, etc.
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