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    Kelliher, Mn

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  1. I know it’s been discussed but I can’t find it. Can someone explain the 685lst for me? I know the f is the model but the rest is greek
  2. I’ve got a r600 and a 36” bunk with the crawl through opening. Question is were/how can I find a boot or diagram for installation? I can fab mounts but sealing it is keeping me up at night.
  3. What trans and reads do you have?
  4. I’m trying to think what I did to fix my big cam iv when it happened. Did you check the springs In the jake housing?
  5. O-ring under the oil lines coming into the head
  6. O-ring on the line into #1 head
  7. Truck ever sell?
  8. Do you still have the blue MH? Where are you located?
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