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Joey Mack

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Joey Mack last won the day on February 12

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About Joey Mack


  • Location
    Salisbury, North Carolina

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  • My Truck
    1948 International KB-7/ '77 homemade C-30../ 2002 Isuzu NPR svc.trk.
  • Interests
    Old Trucks! Tinkering on anything,, Gardening,, Riding Harleys with my wife,, Playing with our 3 dogs,, Tino - Charlie - and - Mack..
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  1. With respect to Yarnall and other farmers, I have read a couple reports on cuts to farmers. I certainly hope American farmers have our govt. on their side, maybe not as a welfare program, but to be there to improve our food supply chain. I also hope the cost to operate these farms will come down, as well as needless regulations going away.
  2. I think it is, and covers the return back over the bridge.. i wanted to fuss about paying $20.00 to go over the George Washington Bridge decades ago,, but figured i was not in touch with today's cost... 🍻
  3. Nice go. Adkat... I dont know these trucks, but i feel like you are tuned in.. i was thinking about a shuttle valve if it is a manual transmission... But..... I watching.. 🍺
  4. I have seen some people post some serious threats on X... They think they can get away with that.. I dont know.... I wouldn't dare do that..
  5. That Bastard....
  6. On the back side of the coolant tank should be a buss bar with about 15 posts on it. Your trailer cord attaches there, and goes to the back. You will need a green cord with no plugs on the ends.
  7. I wont know how to act if we were actually a Nation that puts its citizens first. I am not saying we shouldnt help other Nations, but we need to be strong enough to do so. America first, then help, NOT FUND,, when we can..
  8. I dont know what happened, but the 04-06 is ASET. THE NEW ENGINE... What is the build date of the truck? The vin. Will tell whats it was born with...
  9. Im sorry bud... I dont know about those pumps
  10. Youll likely need the ECM and Harness for the new engine. I am not very smart about different programs, since being away from them for a long time
  11. Happy Birthday Heinzy!!🍻🎉🎇
  12. I had to read this twice . And correct my correction of myself. Old engine is either E-Tech or CCRS. new engine is ASET-I. If the truck is an 04 then the new engine is what it was born with. The fan arrangement is no big deal. The mount you need can be set to the correct height for the fan shroud.
  13. New is ASET, old is E-Tech or CCRS.
  14. Do you have the ASET engine fan and mount ?
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