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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. sure did.. But,,,, thats what we do here.. I did ask some off track questions that you guys were willing to answer...
  2. I wish I had some experience with these. It's really interesting to me.. all I ever dealt with was regular run of the mill Mack rears and eaton 404/405's and some rockwell's... I guess one of the down falls of working at a dealership rather than a full service shop that works on many makes and models.
  3. Gear selection for using the power divider makes sense to me, I guess with non mack rears, there is no chance of the front drive trying to 'grab' like a Mack would if there was a loss of traction. so the through shaft in the front drive is just turning the rear drive only.. I can see that working just fine.. I assume when using the power divider you would shift both to low, then engage the power divider.?
  4. Interesting post's guy's.. I have never seen 2 spd. rears in a twin screw truck. How do they shift gears, and stay synchronized to each other..? Sorry, for being a dum dum..
  5. https://r.search.yahoo.com/rdclks/dWU9MDhsMW9uaGptZTNkdCZ1dD0xNzM0ODA2OTczNTk2JnVvPTEwMzUyMjAwMzk0MSZsdD0yJnM9MSZlcz16U1B6WnlZQmVIM3dRMEx4VHo4bE9BTUFxMXBEUk45bzc3UUFyTm1vZXJhNWUxWUNDSDg3MzgwZi5aNFVXNHNoNnpwdUV5SWdBR1lfcVZBLQ--/RV=2/RE=1737398974/RO=14/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.bing.com%2faclick%3fld%3de8Pwnc1IbEaPbeOFV5glmlGjVUCUzPbWiN5W2-JTvqKH9FjqkKaO66t9By0_bIupURm5IG68oi1cK1av3sWqIGb92I84w53ID4RoEQuKwjzddaVfdt9qHgI5pJoDmvWJkdG2EBaIx1UHiZcBWauJvfdcEfaP0ehMZw34yw_raC3e_flw932afPX9ou0kYqYaPgpOMr4Q%26u%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%26rlid%3de924035df8cf1ed765f6643af57211f9/RK=2/RS=ppfK6VM6bCWuVRoa2fhLBrhR5DI-;_ylt=AwrFDPC9DWdnkQIAmZhXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA292LWVhc3QtcGxh;_ylc=X3IDMgRydAMw?IG=0ac50cf048314248a32e00d4f5465b30
  6. I too, dont want to be a Dick.. I try to post with an open mind, and i tend to ask questions that I know the answer too, just in case I missed something, or the guy posting may not know what he has.. even though an Eaton will serve him well, and is cheapper to maintain.. Like GW is saying, there will be a bunch of small's that will cost him time and $$, as well as limited PTO options for him.. That said, with my limited knowledge on swaps and mod's.... I say fix what he has.. it will last a long time as long as it is driven right... Jojo
  7. I asked him in the beginning of the post and he said ''you bet''.. If not, well then I am wrong..
  8. fjh,, he has an MP-7.. so mounts are on the engine.. I dont have a lot of info for him, but can probably post the ratio's from the book.. That will be as far as I can help.. jojo
  9. I dont have the Eaton book that tells the ratios, But I do have the Mack Book.. I will try to post a picture of the ratio's..
  10. ok.. I was just curious.. Love the picture. get the Eaton and have the driveshaft re-done.. Thoughts?? Eaton's kick a$$. Mack's are tough, but cost a fortune to repair.. as you well know..
  11. '07 Granite?? CV-713?? So you have an MP-7 engine? and not an ASET-IEGR?
  12. Amen..
  13. AWESOME !!!!
  14. I'm with you J.C. My wife and I bought a 2011, mint condition Honda Pilot from our neighbor in April. 274,000 on it today.. I may have to put Cat's on it, All new tires, fancy new rims, weather tech floor mats front to back, all new brakes, tinted windows, (all new headlight and tail light assemblies, installed by me and paid for by my neighbor when she owned it), no dents or rust.. $6,000.00 a new one is up to, $45,000.00 take a look.. https://photos.app.goo.gl/qmVVeYCnu4FJBa137
  15. check the sensor in the fly wheel housing near the starter. the wires on the truck side tend to get beat up by debris coming off the steer tire. peel the loom back and inspect. ohm that sensor and the cam sensor.. 900-1500 ohms is good. Please leave the ether in the lawn mower shed...
  16. Tjc,, GPS our addresses. Its in the registry..
  17. Brocky, i pick at tjc a lot.. but he still wins.
  18. Hey tjc !!!! I got a tin foil hat theory on the drones....... Since all of us Republicans are registered... these Drones will be programmed to shoot a laser at our houses and kill us.. leaving only Demonrats and freaks to roam the U.S.A. or whatever new name it will have.... There..... I have totaly lost it...... Your turn.
  19. https://www.ebay.com/itm/235452265365?_skw=Mack+5-106&itmmeta=01JFBM29CDFS4BY27D0D3B561X&hash=item36d20c7395:g:dAcAAOSwofFl35OE&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmFRuI3UvOiUvyr7xZWqbgTjrsrkZnhRmThzDqavcdCTEniAAsGWkTwAR2cP1E1jjes0E2vaqhfi5Uyp4d5rH4MBkZSlCOqXqFp2UBcoyv7yTKIO9Jjuz5gYN0lS9W8cSE2fiwmcDY%2FTAD9PO0IRtC2KGw%2FVpIjosltIIymQE0l7I29ZfmqHrGR5Zfli6SJESLdfB9f%2Fv%2FRGCadrno28pdarzo1JLCRFAEl8z91m0td1AkjCVkvLP1%2FUYqAl4HKyZ8%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6aWifT6ZA https://www.ebay.com/itm/235452272880?_skw=Mack+5-106&itmmeta=01JFBM29CDD72R34NFPGT0BF5Q&hash=item36d20c90f0:g:FkMAAOSwpcZl35Ub&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKnZ2X1TLl2GrmLJIHCfWADJYx%2BCjJcwZFrXXbvyJA1g7zfFME63sm9dfmNdwdbiCe0DoLf3Q2cFEHkYdQUqWNtnLYpG0xptf2UpT%2FV%2BB99P67k2gfEkHgLGzXYBSJxABJ1427hvOizU7fOgzRsirkJ3OBBMimahWRPX5ylzmXmEiy9jFo5xBRIqPNi4sUXBmSoo9eQyhMakqmFkQ24VffjTKEeVxuPCLvKerXg4FDfPD4%2FswrQJh8MK5FwtqWBNaZc%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6aWifT6ZA https://www.ebay.com/itm/235452256657?_skw=Mack+5-106&itmmeta=01JFBM29CDT64Y80V9WZHCQH67&hash=item36d20c5191:g:GFAAAOSwRgpl35E0&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmfMosTFV4VMAFnL%2FoOGJb8IY9pllDIsC8OFOL0gEeOwA%2BP54JCGXjR9e%2Fa0m0fD5t6dActHNHqElB8wKoub6FxSgI13ETUtZ%2Bp1GTYHu1ZJFUn%2FkZpqD2Y2JXhPS18RaEhUxYqHrrAQ5BgwaBhOW3ZVeydmAMLAX1nGY2Yj8OFHhi3a7tCuIT4tmlM8KJUo10l%2FqY3xto1cd0cLPcmlv7POmZVbpIsW%2Bu3O2K%2BkRhUZi%2BRW86Mo9a1uOjUys32p4M%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6iWifT6ZA https://www.ebay.com/itm/165324435309?_skw=Mack+5-106&itmmeta=01JFBM29CD76A5JVF5JWV16JRV&hash=item267e1aaf6d:g:IGMAAOSw4xlctesK&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKkXHthHRgbmnwJj%2BrVHJ1C9RlXoCTkyGZqXSsvkP7HOE%2FJBpXwOe7YJcXagEvkMouI1H9BBeIzZP1A5u2vKMwretpvg0eL6V4XuZngzzMhaqJuNLM4JiD3XpxBotYSbUTDv%2FuO3aEnlc8RHM8rg0XuecRpLr3zAXfPlIM3YzwsfzdPt7K%2F4EPRRb8j7DeV23Rz5Y8UdSo9l756qny9tnt8kv2%2FYF4cK%2FRHqQoCd%2B%2FnBkS8lgtT%2F1g7LumxK5JBewHXqeFF92Gh3TPDo7U2ABTDGJA%2FN343nLX%2F2pFCje%2FPK2g%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6iWifT6ZA Here are 3 books you can use. I have the white one, its the first edition. I would like to think the green one is better for you, but either will do. Jojo
  20. Did you find a pdf? Around $40.00??
  21. Blieu Dm, i cant post pictures easily anymore, if you need any help or pictures from a service manual... P.M. your phone number, and i can send pictures to you.. You may want to consider connecting with 880joe... He is a wealth if knowledge, and has part's...
  22. i'm in Salibury..
  23. I agree. Big Joe's Trailer Truck was mine,, and well...... Here I am. 50 years later.. You read my mind BOBWhite...
  24. I wish I could post pictures again... the H-Rings keep the lifters in-line.. the tool is about $400.00 at tillman tools, there are other sellers. I promise I am not trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, I just want to help educate you.. with respect.. Jojo I am passionate about these engines..
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