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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. I have to try to convert your words to english, lo siento...
  2. ''D''.. can you start over, and give us the year of the RD? and a better description of what happened? is the blown fuse #40, in the fuse box under the hood?
  3. Ok. They set all the way in til it touches, and back it out 1full turn..
  4. I see those posts on 'X'... They are funny, too bad they are fakes...
  5. That dash cluster is a circuit board . Is the VSS a screw in or push in with a set bolt?
  6. Im gonna miss the ole thread..
  7. So true Brocky.. It is a solid truck for his purpose... I like a 612, drove a bunch of them...
  8. looks like the Granite State is for Harris... WTF?? I bet Vacationland goes Blue too... What a waste... Northern New England never goes to Republicans... and the Green Mountain State will likey go Gay too....
  9. Ok Keystone State!!!!! why are you looking Blue???? WTF !!!
  10. I am actually tensing up.. If we lose,, America is Done !! by the end of her first term, we will be a nation of freaks and evil...
  11. Not sure if im helping, but the fuel enters the rear port on the side of the head, and comes out through the port on the front of the head..
  12. My local news just said that if Kumala wins,, she will be the first Woman and Asian American President.... So now she's Asian... Just imagine if she was Gay?? Their heads would explode...
  13. we have 24+ more hours to find out if we become a Communist country.. God HELP America..
  14. He deffinatley got an eduction.. a well deserved one at that.. What he learned about Mack synchro's on this carries over to any other Mack tranny's in his fleet.. same/same..
  15. Heinz... you are doing a great job here.. What an asset you are..
  16. Grade 8 bolts are fine, body nound bolts ae better, if you can find them. The holes are 16mm for that batt box
  17. We love pictures,,
  18. I tried a new approach, can you see the pictures?
  19. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMChnyy0zyLEhLhqzPPmcXe4HDEUErugU4Xkpbnd6XMjvQOlgEeC5-6Fs0e5yn_6A/photo/AF1QipMyHPhar8sR9rVFr0x1fY-p1c7ovOdfSObZ_NAx?key=QjFVcGQ5THlITVdtT2MySFpCX2YwNFktLTBTZmpR https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMChnyy0zyLEhLhqzPPmcXe4HDEUErugU4Xkpbnd6XMjvQOlgEeC5-6Fs0e5yn_6A/photo/AF1QipOfzeZK7IXIojQbiSVkSDduaoNNvzZ9S54MjK8b?key=QjFVcGQ5THlITVdtT2MySFpCX2YwNFktLTBTZmpR
  20. Vlad,? If I may? is the carbon seal that you describe, a ''Mechanical seal'' as I may know it to be? I have 2 Mack water pumps to re-build, and am curious about what you say. You are extremely smart and I respect what you post..
  21. The Clintons and the Obama's..... Thats who is destroying the U.S.A. and I bet they have Top Military Brass on each side of them..
  22. fjh? did you see the pictures I posted for him? I expect him to have the same set-up..
  23. https://photos.app.goo.gl/qcLuPSwJEs42sDbS9... I am not very strong in knowledge of the E-6 as I would like to be, but here is what is in my shop.. ENDT 673.. is this type what you have? you may have a cap over the hole. the tach is driven off the aux. drive shaft...
  24. is there a tach drive fitting under the injection pump?
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