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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Yes to same bearings..
  2. I wonder if an RD front axle/spindle, is the same? If so, you could use an RD v.i.n. with hub piloted hubs..
  3. One Hour Ago... 9/17/2023
  4. I forgot these 2 pictures... I posted them in another thread too.. I really enjoy meeting BMT family members.. Jojo
  5. We had a nice time, and got to visit with a bunch of BMT folk's.. I didnt take many pictures, but here they are..
  6. I remember you Posting that before TJC.. I wonder if I can fuel my C-30 with my farts? I have plenty of them,,, 💨
  7. Preview attachment 31451.jpeg31451.jpeg246 KB.url
  8. WoW!!! FJH, That is great news.. I am glad to see the price went down by 2/3's USD.. Great info bud.. Jojo
  9. Wow!! that is cheap,,, those were $1,000.00 here in the States just 2 years ago, and hard to get.. I think he has the one with the fuel filter pad incorporated into the lift pump..
  10. FJH is right,, what is the issue that you have, where is the drip? pics??
  11. Thats what I'm talkin; bout.. Glad you found it out.. Jojo
  12. well as long as you are here at BMT,, many guys will help, and are wayyyy smarter than me.. We LOVE pictures !!
  13. can get an AMEN ? !!!!! I'm in Salisbury, If I can Help, let me know.. I'm No ''B'' model expert, but may be able to help. Jojo welcome aboard... runs and drives is great..
  14. I like those rain caps..
  15. The Wife and I got to take a ride on The Tri-Glide.. We went to the Brad Wilkes truck show.. It was a great day over all. We got to meet Double Clutching Weasel,, 61H67,, and Brocky.. and the grandkid's.. and Mrs. DCW.. Very Cool.. My wife and I are on the far right..
  16. I know the head gaskets are, (20 Bolt heads) I bet the others are too..
  17. I have an ENDT 673 in my shop.. These are the gasket kit numbers to do a head job and full rebuild. I hope they are the same ones you need.. ''PAI'' is your friend on this one.. Jojo
  18. Has the head been removed? If he's a good E-6 2 Valve guy, then maybe you should listen to him.. When you can, post pictures of the head and any thing related to your question.. Welcome to the Dog Pound.... Jojo
  19. Yeah, it was rusted bad, but had Oysters growing on it, so I left it alone.. Doing my part for the Environment..
  20. My condolences, TJC... 😁
  21. Bob, I had to read your responses about 6 times. I think I get where you are coming from... I almost thought you implied that WE Deserve it... Yes, less talk is a good idea.. I would love Action from the people in Power that can fix this B.S.
  22. $3.59 ish, and holding here.. give or take a dime.. Diesel,, $4.29 ish..
  23. Holy Crap !!! You Kick A$$ !!
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