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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. I bet the core is plugged with dirt. Pull the duct work back and blow the dirt out. It can "try" your patience. There's no filter that I know of. But I not knoweth everything
  2. Check the wires and the pins in the plugs.
  3. There is 1 or 2 sensors in the rear of the rear water manifold.
  4. I have also chocked the wheels, released the brakes, and with a pair of hose pinch off pliers, would squeeze the lines at each can til I heard the air leak change sound. But if the hoses are in poor shape, your way is better than mine. Mine is just a quickie way
  5. Lets see if hurricane Hilary (with one 'L') will interfere with Sleepy's flight to Maui?? any bet's??
  6. Its all good.. I wish I knew the answer (100%)...
  7. are the 2 temp sensors on the rear water manifold plugged in?
  8. heck, did B-models even have front brakes?
  9. I think his is the same, I did one a few years ago, it had tapered pins.. Just like your R model
  10. I totaly agree with DCW.. its a bit of labor, but I know I can do that axle within a work day, (as long as the beam and boss' are good and dont need machining).. do you have a shop and a 20Ton shop press? You dont have to pull the beam out as long as the eyes are good, which you will check with the new pin to observe fitment. Yes, micrometers are important, but you can do it with the pin.
  11. Skydawg,, Take a close look at the pictures I posted. the second one has specs that may be useful to the machine shop, when it comes to fitting the pins into the new bushings. I can e-mail them to you so you can print them. just post or P.M. your e-mail.. Jojo
  12. I wish I was smarter on these differences, but i think the liner protrusion is a different shape/style between E-6 and E-7. the 4V heads have a fire ring groove to seal the fire ring to the top of the liner, that I beleive the E-6 (2V) doesnt have.. Man I wish I could just blurt it out like I can on an E-Tech.. here are 2 pics from my books, E-6 + E-7 I was also thinking about bore diameter..
  13. I am leaning towards worn king pin bushings, he said both sides are sloppy. I hope these pics from a B-61 book I have helps, along with the great info DCW has posted.. Jojo
  14. I guess I need to take it from the top and go slow.....
  15. You speak the truth DCW.. It bothers me that something I am very proud of, is easily dissolved. Hopefully we can help him figure out, and fix his issue..
  16. I'm sittin here thinkin about the last king pin job I did. It was over 2 years ago. It was for an '86 Super liner. I got the kit from Mack.. After reading back a few posts on this, it seems to me that in the short time I have been out of the truck repair business, everyday parts are quickly becoming hard to find or diss-continued. Now I wish I was a 'machinist' with a fully equipped shop.
  17. Keyser may have a kit for it.. I have seen several B-Model axles repaired at a Mack dealer up to about 4 years ago. I need to find a set for My '48 Int. as well.
  18. I really enjoy reading these. I love to see the history.. If I had a large library The Mack Truck would be the 'Featured' book..
  19. Do you have a bad maxi brake chamber
  20. Interesting article. I'm not sure on how to react. Our president is more concerned about his wealth over what's good for our country. So for me to think he is part of a positive ( anything) is hard to Believe.
  21. Pedo Joe doesnt care about Maui.. and I thought Hawaii is a liberal world, and voted for him.?
  22. Well Bob,,, if you ask me,, it seems like DCW is your go-to guy on this one.. 🍻
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