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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. From what I re ember, that setup is pnuematic. It is a simple system using boost pressure to open the waste gate when boost is too high. I do not recall a computer is used to control it.. You should be able to un hook the accuator and move the lever to see if the ring nozzle is sticking. also the pin could be frozen which will jam the ring nozzle in any position. I believe the accuator is replaceable with out needing a computer.. I have also taken these turbos apart to clean the ring nozzle.. You have options. It would be good to see a picture of the turbo.. Jojo
  2. I feel your pain Brocky.. However, My Southern 'Corn bread fed' wife ''Loves'' my ''Gravy'' ( spaghetti sauce for the rest of you) .. I actually just blanched a bunch of tomato's and there is a pot of gravy on the stove right now.. She will just stand there and smell it a few times while it is cooking.. Im sorry Bob, for sidetracking this one. I'm on Quarentine again, thanks to the Kung Flu.. Already bored to death.. P.S. I was Raised in an Italian family in New Yawk. Brooklyn and East Islip Lawng Gyland... till i was 11. I learned a lot about eating and cooking, from my Immigrant Grand Mothers, and my Mother..
  3. Dave I know that Vintage Fire truck and the Owner. I built a few engines for him and was heavily involved in the rebuilding of some of his Super liners.. The wheel chair modification is really nice.. I beleive we took it to the Spencer N.C. show 2 years ago when I met You.. Jojo
  4. oh.. gotcha... that sucks. I wonder if you could use a plastic mud flap to make some shims, and slid them between the twinkies and the box?
  5. yep, more info please.. It looks like a turbo from an ASET-C.. if it is the same issue in another post?
  6. It won't dump fuel. You will just have your foot in it trying make it go..
  7. I don't know why some trucks were built without them. I guess I should have asked, I just always installed them with new bolsters..
  8. They keep the spring in line, and saves wear on the box rubber bolsters and torque arms. Are the spring tips worn or the old boxes, causing them to rattle a bit more than usually? I have seen those without the Twinkies, but then when re do them I put the Twinkies in..
  9. I really get a Kick out of the Budweiser commercials that show ''workin folk's'' .......... They know that they F'd up.. Hopefully this will reflect on other ''Woke'' company's.. and they look at the ''Real Deal'' Working American MEN and WOMEN.. God Bless America!!
  10. Sittin' here watching Smokey and the Bandit... I saw a diesel sign in the background... .47/9 cents a gallon... Could you just imagine the money you could make if that was today's fuel cost?? anyway, lots of cool trucks too. Jojo
  11. You have an E-Tech.. Unplug the cam sensor and try to start it.. If it starts after a bit of cranking, plug it back in, and unplug the crank sensor in the flywheel housing and try to start it. It will start and run and either of them, but if it doesnt start with one unplugged, the one that IS plugged in needs to be inspected..
  12. to some it may seem Crazy.. But That Cartoon really did make a lot of sense.. I am not one to try to ''stream'' any shows, but this posting, has got me thinkin' Yes I may just watch an AMERICAN cartoon.. I hope Hank and Boomhauer are doin ok.. Jojo
  13. I found this on E-Bay.. It was cheap, and it is a bit hard to read because it looks like photo copies of photo copies.. However, it also looks like the real book.. I think I paid $25 for it. and I received a book, not a download.. I gues I am assuming you dont have the books you need. Jojo
  14. they are less than $50.00 at your local Hydraulic shop.. or at least at mine,,
  15. How about puttin a remote gauge on it to see what it really pushes.. maybe a 150 PSI + gauge..
  16. Close the valve on the water manifold, and if you have one on the left side of the water pump, close it..
  17. Set the switch to defrost. It is operated by an air cylinder, or build air pressure above 90 and slowly slide the vent control knob, and you should hear a loud slamming sound, that will be that door opening and closing.. check to see if the air cylinder and the bell crank are in good shape.. just open the hood and look.. Jojo
  18. Is this a puzzle??
  19. FJH. It's hard to keep all of that knowledge under control... Just sayin'. 😉... Jojo
  20. He needs to creat a new post with pictures..
  21. ??????????
  22. I just read through the post for the ''th'' time.. I dont see were you pulled the cluster out and checked the plugs and terminal, and also unscrew the mother board to inspect it for dust or dark soldered points, that would indicate a loose weld. I would like to see a picture of the installed cluster
  23. Hat's off to you for lasting 35 years... I burned out at 25 years.. Now I have a cushy city job, with my own truck, list of work to do, and a handheld radio.. and no one baby sit's me... I am currently trying to be a driver trainer for my dept. We need CDL drivers.
  24. starter celenoid on the firewall near the wiper motor..
  25. I bet this has most of the answers you are looking for. Jojo
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