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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Was that valve the air governor(D-2)? It may be mounted near the air filter housing..
  2. He can pull the DRL relay and see if it happens again..
  3. Does the MR have a hard pipe coming from the compressor output? If so, check it for a blockage. Oil builds up quick.. I would consider doing it now, since you see oil leaking.
  4. Engine grounds? Really all grounds. You can use the info in the 9-2 service bulletin. Or search through my posts and you will find the book I wrote
  5. Yes, those steering boxes are still in service,, I forgot to take a picture of my finished brisket.. It was yummie,
  6. it is a sheppard box #392... good deal Bob.. I expect you to get the info you need now.. Jojo
  7. the number is hard for me to see... G.W. may know exactly what it is..
  8. What the hell is it? 3X is ''slim''?
  9. I bet you and your's will have a ''Swingin'' time today.. I want to smoke some Salmon.. Too be Honest, a few Hot Dogs and Cold Beers sound Really Good!!
  10. Yep, I forgot about the multiple bolt patterns..
  11. Thats Nice!! I have a small Brisket for the smoker, a small pool full of water, and my Lovely Wife, and we are going to stay in. Our neighbors put on a fireworks show every year, so we expect to see them again. Happy Birthday America!!! Jojo
  12. interesting question.. since the brake shoe part numbers are the same, the drum diameter is the same.. I guess i would try to cross reference the drums for a 22.5 and a 24.5. can you measure the mounting bolt pattern of the drum? take a measurement from one bolt to another bolt but skip the bolt next to it, I bet the brake drums will be the same.. because I doubt the would make that many different sizes, when the brakes were sort-of standardized.. IE: 4515Q shoes, and a 996B drum.. lets see what the guys say.. Jojo
  13. I figured I will just make a hand crank.. I have a lot of scrap resources for free material.. I think I can re-build this starter, after reading your info.. I did search for it, even at Delco... ''No results found''.. Oh well.. I bet I take it apart and find a loose connection.. It was working great then it just stopped..
  14. JoBama Is deffinately running this SH!TSHOW...
  15. I too expect the bolt pattern to be the same, I thing the tooth count was 9, but not sure... im going to my shop right now to count it..
  16. G.W. your effort to post the info is amazing.. I just wish I was actively working on my KB.. I have a full time job, and a house to maintain, and i have 2 engines in my shop that I have been pickin' at.. My KB is taking a back seat right now.. God Bless you for all that You bring to us and Me... Jojo
  17. I need one of those suits,,, like Yesterday !!!
  18. G.W. Thank you so much... I have a picture of the starter tag..
  19. No sir Mr. Paul.. He (the chicken) was the victim of my local grocer..
  20. As Electric Vehicles are being pushed down our throats, I was wishing I was a wealthy car manufacturer.. I would build an E.V. with a Battery that is easy to replace, then I would try to encourage other E.V. makers to do the same, with the same style/ shape/ and wired, battery, .. Then I would propose to have battery shops like gas stations. You would pull in, get a battery change and leave your battery to be re-charged right there at the battery station.. no different then exchanging the bottle for your gas grill. I know that safe storage is an issue, but, they can be out doors in charging vaults, just in case one goes up in flames. I know this will help E.V. owners go further in the car, as well as convenient.. anyway, just some silly thinking by me... Jojo
  21. I think it is great!! All Around !!
  22. You wont find it... I tried and wrote a post about it.. Just go and donate $25.00 to BMT, and it will be fixed.. Small price to pay, for all that they provide for us here.. Use Pay-pal.. jojo
  23. I agree with you Mark, I was just hoping to give some insentive for higher learning.. I too have worked my a$$ off to get the bare minimums at times.. I guess my wishful thinking is that we could produce some more smart people instead of system suckers.. Free rides only produces D-Bag's... I cant post my true feelings, because I dont want to ruin my good reputation here.. jojo
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