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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. You need to put that on DCW's thread. You know your a redneck.. I meant to say... ''You might be a redneck'' .. oopps
  2. Heres one I made up.... "If one or more of your vehicles beeps when it backs up"! Youuu might be a Redneck.... Jojo
  3. So once again there is a baby Formula recall... However, ''Some" formula ''Slipped through the Cracks, and was distributed'' here is the list of states.... ( Right now on CBS News With Norah O'Donnel) 6:45 pm.. est.. Alabama. Georgia. Indiana. Kentucky. Ohio. Tennessee. Virginia. West Virginia. Seems to me..... if this food IS tainted,, I guess it's OK to send it to REPUBLICAN STATES... What say you guy's?? I bet the illegals at the southern border have ''The good Stuff''
  4. I used to take my dirtbike cables off and poke one end through the corner of a ziplock bag and go around a few times with elec. tape to seal the bag to the cable. Then pour a couple ounces of ATF in the bag and hang it up. ( Kinda like an I.V. bag) in a few hours, or over night,all the ATF has poured out the other end. Just an old way to keep my cables lubed.. On shorter cables I have used a drill and spun the cable. like a screw pump, i could dip it in ATF and it will pull the ATF through the sheath, and come out on the drill end. it takes a few minutes to do it this way.. Jojo Here it is anyway, I found it so it was easy to paste here
  5. I assume you will keep the old one in a bag or box, for later use? You never know.. I posted on another thread on how I re-lube my cables. It works, but doesnt do anything to fix the inner lining or excessive fraying.. Do you want me to post the info again?
  6. I wonder if you could use a PTO cable? Like what we had in trucks before air op. PTO's
  7. Bullheaded,,, you are awesome all the time, Mack;s or not..
  8. Well Mech.. it's like I said,,, We need to Be the Old Timers.. You are one, 70MackMB is one, ( God Bless him) and I WILL be one.. whether its here or in the shop, I will Be one.. It means a lot to me.. Pass it On !!
  9. Keep goin' Mech.. 🍻
  10. To add to this, I have found myself, sort-of, giving in at times, because, any extra effort I would put into providing good service, could be reversed by the actions of my leaders.. Giving a customer a good repair, gets lost when the company wants every penny for the job, and the pennies that were lost on a previous job that had nothing to do with the current customer.. This crap also causes the consumer to be difficult to deal with, for example when I was in business.. They expected me to do it super cheap because the Dealership screwed them. Well, my knowledge isn't as cheap as they want it to be.. anyway, I believe it is a circle of B.S. that starts with a greedy service provider.. Just my opinion, and 1 example..
  11. I'm with TJC.. I hope your blood pressure is back down by now.. I'm sure you know it only gets worse. I was getting pissed while reading the story.. I hope you enjoy the camper soon.. jojo
  12. Bullheaded??? I think I figured out your Handel.. Your a 'Taurus'.. Me too.. right or wrong??
  13. Mechohaulic and Bullheaded are birthday boys... Happy Birthday !!!!
  14. Yep,,, a cell phone transformer, to me.. It is kinda cool.. I would like to sit in the big seat just to see what it is like..
  15. I wish he knew... You hit A nail on it's head Mark... jojo
  16. You guys speak the truth.. I can relate to you even tough I am younger. I wanted to learn the CRAFT.. Earl, would cuss me and shake his head... and then when I did quality work, he would say so... He's an old military man who was an airplane mechanic.. He wasnt a large sized man, but he was Huge in knowledge.. I aspire to be an Old Timer, but I dont have children, or even a young'n that wants to learn... So I come here.. and try to help in any way I can.. Thank all of you for your kind words and stories that are just like mine.. Like I said... We need to BE the Old Timer's... It's about pride and purpose for me..
  17. You sure can,,, and no need to charge a battery, or have Wi-Fi.... 🍻
  18. Dammit R.E.D. You did it again.. !! Great info.. I got my books from Mack after I went to Mack schools.. I'm glad you posted the 'Free' option.. jojo
  19. I have been posting on a thread about a Mack ASET-I engine. Turns out, the 'poster' is in Maine.. Turns out, he knows of the shop I used to work at.. Maine Mack, currently O'Connor motor's. ( I was there when the buyout happened).. This post is hard for me to write, because I cant see the key board very well, through my tears.. I asked our BMT brother about a guy that worked there, another BMT brother posted an article about the person I was asking about.. It was an obituary.. It was my Old Timer friend that I worked with at that Mack dealership.. ''Earl Harnden''.. He hated me for about the first year I was there.. Then He came to me one day to tell me he was wrong about me... He was a cranky Old Coot.. From then on, he became my Mack Daddy.. He took me under his wing, and would willingly teach me all he could about E-6's and E-7's.. We didnt have many 'B' models back then, but he knew them well.. He taught me how to do Really Good work, and to take notes, and to work neatly, and cleanly, and organized... and on and on... He could just stand next to a Mack, and listen, and then tell you where to look.. He just had that way about him.. I have that way too, but , just a drop in the bucket compared to Earl.. He gave me that knowledge.. Every job, especially, engine jobs I did after I left Maine and came to N.C.,,, I always had him in the back of my mind.. ''Ronzo'' he would say,, ''Pay attention!!'' This is how you do this.. He is still in the back of my mind today, even after building dozens of Mack engine's, I always have him with me.. I found out 2 days ago that he left us in Sept. 2022.. Earl, and Men like him, Much like the Mack Truck, are a dying breed.. I am greatful for the knowledge he gave me.. I am also greatful when I see postings that show young'ns who want to carry on the Legacy.. Be that Old Timer that Earl was to me.. It still means something.. Jojo
  20. Here is the supplement book for the E-7 E-Tech..
  21. Yes to guide pin location.. the plug goes into the fuel gallery.. with a bore scope, you se the oil pump drive gear.. drop the oil pan and look up to get a good view of the cam. The oil pump is in the way of #3+#4..
  22. Thanks Onyx.. it was sad to read it.. He was the most caring asshole I ever knew.. He taught me a lot.. Jojo
  23. Exactly!!!!!!! This is so Big,, that to me the answer is simple... Intentional destruction of the U.S. of A.
  24. I have posted a couple of times about ...how the hell do the migrants keep their cell phones charged??? I was just talking to my wife, and she said... Jojo, how the hell are they paying for the cell phone service.???????? KaBoom!!! I thought these people were poor and desperate???????? Once again.. please help me to understand?? Jojo
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