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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Enjoy the BBQ... I did a few chores.. after sweating my butt off, I fixed an adult beverage, lit the smoker, and dipped in the pool.. I think the chicken looks more relaxed than I was... hope you have a great weekend Bob... Jojo
  2. With the Ut-Most respect of course...... 🍻
  3. 93, and humid.. I was in the pool for a good bit... of course I was smokin' some meaty goodness as well,,,
  4. Instead of giving college loan refunds or amnesty... how about tell students that they can EARN a financial relief... GPA of 3.5, 10% discount, 3.75 GPA 15% discount, 4.0 GPA 25% discount.. This will give students a goal, and if they meet the goal, then the country wins!! we will have smarter graduates entering the workforce rather than, affirmative action kids with lower educations. Regardless of SKIN COLOR...... Jojo
  5. Well... cant post a picture,, anyway.. it was yummy..
  6. I tried something new today... Smoked a chicken.. It took 3 1/2 hrs at 250 ish.. I was tender and just like a rotisserie chicken.. But... with a smokey flavor..
  7. 15/W40 oil in older steering gears.. newer TRW's were ATF, or something lighter.. yours, Bob is considered OLD... Not you of course,<<
  8. What a rush!!! I know the feeling... I'm very happy for you !!! Jojo
  9. 688's were 350's... 690's were 300's.. so how about some pictures?? I bet there is 20+ of us that want to see 'em... I know Bob does !!
  10. the 688S should be a 350 engine.. I bet 44K suspension,,, if the shift knob has a red splitter on the left side, its a 13 spd,,, gray button, 18 spd..
  11. Well there you go.. Nice repair.. I have no real Knowledge of Meritor tranny's in Mack's.. Only seen a few.. It's great that you got it fixed..
  12. I use ''Overdrive Rebuilders'' in my area..
  13. Buddy,,, I have had to rebuild a handful of engine components because someone glued a bolt head to the part to make it look like it was fixed,, I had to re-build a recently re-built engine, because someone stripped 7 sets of threads out of the block, and filled the holes with red locktite.. yeah right??? that will hold tight with 205lbft of torque on each head bolt.. anyway, been there fixed that... ( I had a good block to replace the crappy one) .... The truck is truck #476 at Hanes Construction in Lexington N.C.. CH-613.. It is still in service..
  14. to me that 5th wheel looks good.. Yep, i would clean the top plate and look for cracks,, (non that i can see) and i dont see where the outer edges are worn out-rounded, like some brick hauler 5th wheels I have replaced, and so-on.. Like GW said, just keep track of the assembly . is the pin yoke clean and smooth without a wear mark? The trigger needs some love but, just based on these pictures, I believe, especially with your skill set, you will do a fine job.. I almost think the springs are the same ones in todays repair kit.. I like this posting.. I have re-built quite a few of these, mostly Fontains, and Jost, (kinda the same), but this Holland looks pretty easy to understand.. I expect that where the bolts go through, there is a bushing, to take the stress and wear.. Hell,,,, You got this Vlad.. I expect the bolts to have SAE threads,, 1/2''x13 threads.. Jojo
  15. DCW... You speak some Real Truth.. Jojo
  16. G.W. I am TRULY GREATFUL!!! I am glad-no-lucky to have you and your brain.. I hope to get a chance to shake your hand and buy you a beer or few someday... Jojo
  17. You are a hard working guy.. your dillegence is working.. with the bearing cap off, be mindful that if you put a lot of force on the diff. Assembly, you may affect bearing pre load.. just keep doing it like you are... You are doing really good..
  18. what i was taught, and had to do, was to remove the air fitting and put the caging bolt in the hole. there are threads deep in the hole. the bolt will secure the shift fork when you pull the axels.. otherwise the fork will drop, and then you have to pull the pumpkin out..
  19. You can set the truck up for raising it.. if all you have any 6x6 or 8x8 wood trigs, thats fine... set the truck in position. place the blocks aside the frame in front of the front drive axle. unhook the air ride control arm, put a strap or chain around the rear axle, and manually raise the suspension(with the ride valve by hand) to raise the frame.. then set the stands in front of the front drive axle, then let it sit on the stands.. then you can go after the rear rear axle. you can use the bobcat to roll the rea rend out. or if the forks are long enough, you can pull the rear axle, (wheels off) Since there is metal bits on the magnet,, you will need to clean the whole thing anyway...
  20. Ok... I said I was out............... well.... whatever....... can you lower the body, and lift the ass end up on stands and just pull the whole rear axle assembly out... It is on air bags... way easier to remove the whole axle and tip it up to pull the diff. out straight up.... Ooops there I go again,,, making it easy again,,, done it quite a few times...
  21. Sorry guys.. I guess I made it sound like a piece of cake to pull a front loaded rear rear.. and I thought this was a road tractor.. I'll stay out and watch...
  22. The part you are pulling is not very heavy, but I can see where you will have to get creative.. I have the larger tranny jack that Harbor Freight has.. it was under $300.00.. maybe that can help you.. I use mine to do other small lifting jobs and last summer I rebuilt the back box in an Eaton 10 spd. In the chassis.. I used it to pull the back box out.. yes I did weld up a jig to bolt to the table so I could use the yoke for removal and install.. just another idea.. I appreciate that you want to see what you have before sending it out... Jojo
  23. It sounds like you are going at it pretty good given the dirt floor and engine crane.. maybe a full sheet of plywood under the crane, and some long pieces of threaded rod for guide studs, when it's time to put it together.. as far as breaking the seal, the weight of the diff. Is enough to break the sealant loose.. I'm not sure if meritor uses an internal oil pump, but if so, be aware of the plastic oil gallery, in the nose cone when you pull that apart.. I know Eaton's have them in the front diff. I cant remember Meritors...
  24. $500.00 for a water pump.. I have no problem trying to rebuild mine, however, it is still working and not leaking. Once I drive it around my neighborhood and get it good and warmed up, I will know better.
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