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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. I bet I already know the story... ( What the hell is this thing,, I cant drive this.... ) (What is the pedal on the left for, is that the parking brake?) ( Where's the start button?)..
  2. I have no experience in working a truck with an auto tranny.. But I have transported many of them and test drove many of them.. I will admit when I am in a MackVo with the M-Drive, I'm kicked back in the seat with all the comfy's turned on and I'm just ridin'... the problem is... I find myself driving very fast.. Not Good!!.. It's funny,,, I worked to learn how to drive a truck (Manual Tranny), using the gears to go/ pull/ slow down/ etc: Then I get in an Auto truck, and I have to teach myself how to drive this one.. Anyway,, I'm not a fan, but I am also a lost cause.. I bet the big stick in the middle of the cab floor looks funny to, todays new driver's... jojo
  3. Dammit Bob.... I just looked at your'e shop again.. It is Awesome.. Makes mine look like a tool box.. God Bless You Bob.. jojo
  4. Bill,,, I do not have ANY knowledge of ,, 'OFF Brand' set ups.. Of course I know that a Mack Camel back set up is Tried and True.. I have been around dump trucks for 2+ decades and I know that suspension works hard.. However... I am a mechanic and not an owner of a fleet.. so the fleet guys know more because they have many different suspension set ups.. just my take on this... Jojo
  5. Mech... I kept the boys , 'put up' for the day.. I would have had at least a hundred foot prints..
  6. Paul, is that the ''T- Ride'' of todays world.. I actually have heard good things about it.. It's been around for decades.. Kinda chaps my ass that Volvo has a better set up..
  7. 🍻
  8. Outa likes... 🤣
  9. Yeah I'm pretty gross.. Oh well...
  10. Hmm? I have not seen those before... I am curious. I know what TRUE Camelbacks can do, but I am interested to know how well they do in the hard working world of a MACK TRUCK... I have no knowledge to offer, so I guess I'm sittin on the bleachers with a beer in my hand. jojo
  11. Yep.. Well this is how a Po Folk, fixes his shop up.. I cant afford a truck and a finisher, so..... I guess its on me.. 53 60# bags today.. going to get 56 more tomorrow, to do the other half..
  12. You can replace the u-bolts with the trunnion mounted.. this suspension is hard work but doesn't require any special knowledge.. any smart mechanic can repair this suspension.. Torqueing the u-bolts is where the real hard work is if you dont have a hydraulic torque tool..
  13. I like the shop... That is great... jojo
  14. atro has nylocks,, or so I thought it did.. and the washers fit just fine.
  15. ATRO has a bolster kit that includes all the box bolts/ washers/nuts and ''Twinkies''.. it is a lot cheaper than Mack's kit, which you have to order seperately.
  16. Mech Buddy.... I bet you have forgotten more than what many guys know... OK...I sidetracked this thread too...
  17. Sorry Han's.. I think they are called spring isolators, or something like that.. The crazy thing is.... I have done dozens of camel back repair's, and I cant tell you the real name, only the shop name..
  18. Has the A/C system been recharged recently? Check the condition of the binary switch in the reciever dryer bottle, as well as the wires. Does the APADS show any codes? The wire on the radiator??? is it connected to a fan control valve? a brass valve about 5/8'' diameter, and 3'' long?
  19. ''R'' models Kick A$$ !!!!
  20. 🍻 Now when it gets put back together, make sure you put a set of ''Twinkies'' in the lower boxes, on the ends of the springs.. Glad to hear you are getting it fixed.. jojo
  21. 👍
  22. The sticker part number is usually printed in the bottom corner. Is it not there any more?
  23. Mech.. I do take my hat off to Mack for this.. '98ish to 2006, all the wires are white, black is a ground,,, yellow and green twisted pairs are Comm. line for the ECU's (1939 lines)... So when you read a wire, lets say under the hood.. You will see something like EJ-1 42 .. it means that the wire circuit is through the Engine computer. It would the J-1 plug,,, pin 42,,, there are a couple other numbers that will tell wire size and ''intersection'' for lack of a better word.. I should probably go to the book to refresh my memory.. but the point is, for basic wire tracing, Mack did a good job..
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