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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. All of the ones I did required removal of the body. Then pull all cross members behind the trunnion, and I would cut the Hucks on one side for the X-Members in front of the A-Frame, then use a ports power to spread the frame and then simply roll the whole assembly out. I'm guessing you can't do that..
  2. Well, since it's a garbage truck, I assume lifting the body is too much work, I also assume the A-Frame is not cracked at the top or rotted through just above the trunion bar.. yes to splitting the eyes to slide the trunnion out. I have seen that done many times. There is a company here called Axle Surgeons, that will cut out the old bar and install a new one.. you have to have the wheels off and 6 feet of room around the truck. The last one I had done was 3 years ago.. $1500.00 parts and labor . I myself have done many complete A-Frame replacements, where I split the frame and rolled it out on it's wheels. I guess you have a rear packer trash truck.. so the body has to come off.. keep in touch, Jojo
  3. Are you removing the whole A-Frame? is the A-Frame rotted out? How is the truck built? ie: tractor/ dump/ roll-off.... maybe some pics of the rear of it, from the rear.. jojo
  4. Yeah that's it..... You guys are smart...
  5. Laptop ??? What Laptop???
  6. So true Bob.. so true.....
  7. You aint no Dumbass.. You are right in what you say.. I still cant beleive that Balloon Pop actually won...
  8. Awwesome!!! is it 6 wheel drive with Marmon Harrington front axle??? BTW.. I see you had the day off for bad weather.. We broke a record here... 79 degree's and SUNNY... I rode my sportster to work.. Ok I'm done 'Sidetracking'..
  9. Youre right,,, And that SUCKS!!!! MarkT... just sayin'
  10. 63.4 ?????? Now youre just bragging... 😉
  11. Those pictures of Pete Buttplug, are uncomfortable to look at (If you like him) . He is obviously not welcomed there and rightfully so.... Of course, 'Balloon Pop' still hasnt visited either.. If this doesnt spell '' AGENDA'',,, I dont know what will... If it wasnt a White/ Conservative Community,,, There would already have been celebrations of success in aiding them, and mabey even a gathering in the local Park with T-Shirts, Doves, and Balloons to celebrate their great accomplishment. Jojo
  12. I would think you buy all the door parts and the dash switch to do a conversion. I have also seen little motor boxes that fit over the existing window crank shaft. It's a bit ugly, but easy to maintain. Do you have a rider with you? If so, it will become a coffee cup rest. :).
  13. Man I wish I owned a Cabover... I just think they are awesome.. My little Isuzu is great but..... Not the real thing..
  14. I can not!! beleive the intentional destruction of our country!! And there is still support for this P.O.S. This is WAy BIGGER than our post;s on this thread..
  15. Man that it awesome!! Jojo
  16. Since I am typically replacing the bearings, I pull the caps and just put them back snug.. won't be starting the engine anymore.. it takes me about 2 hours to pull all 13 caps, one at a time.. my customers appreciate that I do that before I buy any parts or pull the heads and such... Jojo
  17. one other thing I was thinking about, because this is on my mind all day.. I hope that whoever digs into this engine, that they take the time to drop each rod and main cap individually to inspect the condition of the crank in the beginning.. a bad crank changes everything.. I would like to hear other opinion's, on my opinion... jojo
  18. Bob, I have alway's had the owners concern in mind in all of my repairs.. I know that a money maker, that is sitting aint no money maker.. That can also affect the guy that drives it, if there arent any spare's to keep THAT GUY workin'.. (earning a paycheck) This is no B.S. !! I truly care about those that need the truck i'm fixing, to make their living... Jojo
  19. Funny you should say that..... The 2 customers that didnt like my price increase last year, and told me that If I went to $70/hr cash or $80/hr on the books, I can pick up my tools and go... Well, both of them called on me a month ago. I did do the work, and I have more coming.. Since I have a full time job with my city now, I just set the price at $60/hr cash... If I was still running my service truck, they would have had a choice to make... just sayin'.. Thanks 880joe.
  20. To add to what Vlad says, One of the company's I built 5 engines for in 2022, got a lower price on the last 2, because they gave me a good bit of work, so I cut some of the labor cost's.. so those 5 engines averaged out to around $4000.00/ea. aprox: a $500.00 savings per engine. I still have 2 more to do.. So back to the 'Topic'.. I hope all of these posts, help ''bluebulldog'' make good decisions on who is going to build it and the tools to buy to get it done.. As far as tooling, I would be happy to post what I have, the cost, and where to get them... or I can P.M. the info. jojo
  21. so you hit a bump and power came back?? that sounds like a loose wire or bad sensor. have you checked the grounds under the hood and behind the dash? all those wires are gray. Do you see soot leaking from the exhaust at the pipe joints? Do you hear a squeal or hissing when the problem occurs? That's about all I can think of for simple free checks.. Jojo
  22. The guys that know these, will be along soon... jojo
  23. 880joe, makes a good point. I really didnt have bad experiences with the owner being there. He actually got to see how I did my work, and is greatful for the attention to detail, and not rushing the work.. As far as the phone ringing every hour, that was the B.S. at the dealership... I don't miss it or a pushy service writer...
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