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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. ok.. next to your name on your page is the word "Create" click it, then click topic.. pick Engine and transmission for the catagory.. Keep the title short and to the point, then in the notes type the year and mdel and engine and tranny in your question.. It helps get more answers.. Good Luck,, jojo
  2. Here is a legend from a CXU..
  3. Hell, a Boy can dream, cant he?
  4. Good point, but It could have made some of us 'Feel' like He give's a Damn... even though we all know that he is destroying our great country..
  5. It was a nice Gesture from our King, to let the Chinese spy Baloon complete it's 'info gathering' mission, before he shot it down.. You Go !!! Brandon...
  6. I was told years ago, that the offset cab of the DM, was for the driver. So he could see behind him really good, due to the amount of 'Backing up' that a dump truck driver and mixer driver have to do. Jojo
  7. I am impressed that it is a manual transmission... I didnt know that young'ns knew how to drive one.. My '97 Tacoma 4X4,, has a button to the left of the steering column.. If you turn the key 'ON', and push it, it will start without the clutch being pushed.. I use it all the time, my clutch pedal switch acts up at times.. Easy breezy.. jojo
  8. I have been to the top of Mt. Washington a few times.. I rode the auto road once on my Honda Nighthawk.. That was awesome!! the ride down was great, we were the only ones coming down, and I was 'Gettin it'.. I used that bike to the fullest.. I was also up there in the middle of the summer, and at the top it was snowing, lightly, but snowing, none the less.. What an amazing place.. Jojo
  9. No doubt about it ''Mean Green''.. This ''Crying Racism'' all the time is becoing a predictable JOKE.. It is about to backfire, for the cry babies.. At some point nobody will give a damn about these types of people. I am sick of hearing that all of us white guys are racist!! and that WE cause all of the problems and illegal activitie's of the ' non-white man' ..
  10. I guess firing 5 Black cops in the Memphis P.D. wasnt good enough for Biden's clan.. I guess in order to keep pace with Obama's influence, they had to keep firing people til they got to a white guy, or two... Well, at least now when they call it 'Racism',, It will LQQK better.. Way to go!!! Exploit another persons death for political gains... Jojo
  11. I hope you have that: 'Child on Christmas Morning Experience.'.... jojo
  12. no.. you saw the condition of the crank.. If it was perfect.... 'roll-on'.. or ... do what you think you need to do...
  13. Good luck with that... TJC... Glad you can hear again, sorry about what you will start hearing in the near future. Hope you are not surrounded by ''Progressive's"
  14. Mark, That's what make's us who were are.. Or at least that's what my Therapist tell's me..
  15. Good call FJH.. I do know that the outer oil seal lip needs to be recessed over an 1/8" from the end of the crank shaft. The overlap of the fly wheel will grab the seal lip, and when you rotate the engine, it will tear it off.. You can measure the depth of the flywheel recess to determine a good seal depth. Jojo
  16. That's Great,, MarkT... I Guess I will cancel my order for a new 'Filter'..
  17. Yeah.. I like O.D.' s picture better than mine..
  18. 💩erfect!!! I was almost afraid to scroll down.. wasn't sure what bowl was going to be in the picture...💩
  19. Yes sir. I forget that ASET- C uses separate wires, unlike E-TECH.. all good. The best part, is that it's fixed..
  20. Uhhh,. Yeah, what TJC said...
  21. That's great, Im glad that worked.. I knew it would, actually.. when I learned how to do these cups, that was the procedure.. 😃. Jojo
  22. By the way,,, You posted an issue with a CH 613.. However the thread is older and for an RD.. May I suggest you start a new thread, so that It is seen better... Jojo
  23. Specify everything.. Check the accesory relay under the ash tray.. Keep in touch... jojo
  24. Here is a picture of a common issue with the EUP wires.. The other one is the finished product.. I dont have a picture of how I repaired the EUP wires.. jojo
  25. Yes sir,, great point.. I was thinking about the other 2 EUP's on that power wire.. Just wondering if there was an 8-1 and an 8-3 code.. Just trying to think outside the PTT box .. I recently repaired an E-Tech wire harness for a friend. I stripped all of the loom and tape off and spread each wire out to look for issues like cracks, chaffing, and such.. I did make several repairs for chaffing, and 2 repairs for bad terminals in plugs. Anyway,,, that's all... Allway's good to read your post's FJH... Jojo
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