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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Well put FJH... Quite Diplomatic if I may say so..
  2. Well, I got me another E-Tech to re-build.. As you can see... The Boys came in to help me.. But after a while, I guess they needed a break... Young'ns,,,,,?? Oh well..
  3. what does eliminating the 'protection mode' his mechanic did mean?
  4. Happy Birthday to Winfall Woman 🤣 

  5. President Trump's chances are about as good as a snowball in Hell.. I know damn well, that the Klan will load the jurors box with Trump haters,,, and people like Soros, will pay people to wear MAGA gear and protest like idiots, to make it look like True Trump Supporters, are causing mayhem.. I hope I am Wrong !!!!
  6. FJH,, there was a delete that I never heard of, have you heard of it??
  7. Mech,, I was wondering about that just a minute ago.. It's good that you posted the fix... jojo
  8. there is always a power draw, because of the on-board computers.. also, when I here of ANY kind of delete, on these P.O.S. Volvo-Macks... I already need to walk away... Too many of todays diesel guys, are You-Tube trained and think that every repair is some bigass major repair, and overlook the normal, use your hands type repairs, like checking ground wire connection quality... The use of computers has a place in diag. 30 years now... but good ole' LOOKING at it how you fix it.. and with all the electronics,, grounds play a HUGE roll in smooth operation.. anyway, just my crappy 2 cents worth... and more reasons why I left the dealership to get away from these P.O.S. computers on wheels..
  9. OK.. this has just gone passed my knowledge... Others here will be better help.. Jojo
  10. was the starter recently replaced? this seems like a bad ground and/or back feed issue.. have you checked the ground wire connections in the cab and on the firewall? Those wires are gray..
  11. Yep.. I see it now.. My mistake.. I was still stuck in air ride settings.. Well now he knows the ABS system works as well.. Glad his wallet gets to take a nap..
  12. You got me again,, TJC.. and it wont be the last !!!! 🍻
  13. Yes Mech. he was posting about the rear axle. I'm glad its fixed, but I'm having a ''Brain Fart''.. how could the non-ABS axle lock up on its own? I thought when ABS senses a stopped wheel, it would release the air pressure for an instant, therefore, 'brakes off' ? So maybe he could have pulled the ABS fuse to test this problem? I don't know.. Hopefully it is FIXED and stays fixed..
  14. Yes mech. You have a point. It's another reason I left the dealership world.. I used to get in trouble for question why my boss rolled the cannon up to my truck and and said install a new, sucn and such.. when an hour or 2 more diagnostics may find the problem. Then the truck could be fixed, and the shop learns something as a group..
  15. With respect... I believe the 'poster' is not doing the work. He is relying on a mechanic. I believe the mechanic has a parts cannon in the shop and fires it regularly.. I really try to avoid criticizing mechanics, but, post's like this one cause me to post this dribble.. jojo
  16. I bet it is,,, Mech....
  17. I really want to make a joke here about 'her',, "Puffing on something" -or- probably NEVER puffing on something,, but,,, I am in good standings with BMT bosses.. So anyway,,, would you look at that??? Its almost my bedtime
  18. Yes it was MarkT.. and .... Mech.. I know,,, I guess I am trying to avoid CRS by watching my elders, and learning from it...
  19. Yeah I say that too BullHeaded.. yeah we are rippin this little non-binary, flesh baring being,, a new defacation hole... Holy SH!t... what the hell did I just say?? Oh NO!!! They got into my brain...... whatever will I do??
  20. Duals up.. 🍺
  21. Justin Truedon't?? Could be...
  22. I think its that Greta P.E.T.A. doesnt 'Puff' on anything kid from,, New Zealand or Sweden or where ever it is, that Unicorns come from..
  23. Do you have any good news to post about the rear brakes?
  24. Yes Hayseed,, i tried to delete my attachments.. You tried to guide me through it.. I was not able to delete the pictures without deleting the posting that they were in.. I forgot how I learned about making a donation, but , after I did donate, I was given a lot more storage for pictures.. Jut sayin'.. Of course, it is quite possible that I made mistakes when I tried to clean out pictures.. jojo
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