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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. I think you mean Ultra Maroons... There Bug's..
  2. That is exactly right... When deputies come to my street due to the druggies, they come to talk to me, and they like my gate and I say thanks... It draws a line.. If they cross it, their mine.. They do not tell me "You shouldnt talk that way" they just look and smile and say, "youre good"..
  3. Trump was called a racist for wanting to stop international travel, and he was closing the border too.. What a bunch of Bafoon's we have today..
  4. my bad.... Thought it was an MP..
  5. What's that you say? Bob..
  6. I thought I used to re-set soot level and do a learn data re-set, then a forced re-gen. .. Back when I worked on these at Mack.. I need to just watch , instead... 🤫
  7. would a 'learn data re-set' be the answer??
  8. I was trying to find a sign that I had on my driveway gate for a few years.. It said: The average response time for 9.1.1. is 35 minutes,,, The average response time of a .357 Magnum, is,, 1,150 feet per second.. A few neighbors didnt care for it.. Oh well, I also made an electric retractable gate on the end of my driveway.. My wife and I have key fob's on our key chains to operate it.. I laugh when I see the 'God Squad' walk in the neighborhood, and stare at my house, trying to figure out how to get to the doorbell..
  9. Yep....
  10. Damn You !!! O.D. !! 🍻
  11. 9-2 is power reset without the key... Very common issue...
  12. When I was a 'Pumpkin Driver' '98-'99... I drove several diferent Int. cabovers.. I would love to own one.. I just think they are cool.. The fastest one I had was the last one.. an old western auto, cab over with the smallest sleeper in the wolrd, and it had a doghouse. I used to kick the shifter while getting in and out of my britches It had a cummins, N-14 or M-11, cant remeber, with a 9 spd. I could actually pass Schneiders and J.b.-Hunts ,,, uphill.. Anyway,, just my 2cents.. jojo
  13. Well that's a nice way of putting it.. I put up no trespassing signs one year on my 400 foot long road side fence, and one of my neighbors got pissed at me and shot two of them a bunch of times with his BB gun.. The law man told me there was nothing they could do about it.. This same neighbor shot my shop 3 times last fall, and the law man told me the same thing.. And I said to him,. Well it wasn't me who shot holes into my shop that earns my living.. He said he needed proof... This neighbor has vandalized my property 6 times in ten years,. Same story from the law man every time.. anyway...
  14. True that, O.D. I have ADT, 14 years now.. I was given 4 signs with it.. I gave two of my signs to neighbors, and to this day they still have them out front of their houses... But don't have the service
  15. Ok.. I guess I'm not the right guy for this one.. sorry sir. I would just drain the oil and look behind the cover.. I also don't have the svc. Manual for that tranny either.. if I did I would send you pictures.. sorry sir.. Jojo
  16. So it's a twin stick? After you drain the tranny oil, you can pull the bottom rear bearing cover. There you should see female splines in the end of the counter shaft. That is where the PTO months. There is a special bearing cover for PTO mounting..
  17. That's great.. Thanks for posting the fix.. jojo
  18. I guess, my question to you is.... Do you have a good mechanic's background? For one of us to give the run down on procedures would be extensive here.. If you want to P.M. me with your cell number. I can try to call you tomorrow and try to answer some questions.. Jojo
  19. Running the overhead on this engine has to be followed by the book!! If it is done incorrectly, several issues WILL occur.. One being that the ceramic lifters will crack and cause major issues.. I wish I was there to inspect it, and possibly hear it run..
  20. I just went back over it... I am sorry.. I thought i saw that head gaskets were done.. However my thoughts on the rest are the same.. Forgive me... Jojo
  21. I hope my last post isnt a rude one.. I just know those engines really well, and my distain for them is where my opinions come from.. jojo
  22. It shouldnt be a head gasket, because of the fire rings. If a fire ring was left out it would have blown out the gasket on that cylinder. It can be, worn valve guides, bad piston ring(s), a cracked head, possibly.. I just looked at the pics again..I dont mean any disrepect, but it looks awfully dirty and rusty to have the heads off of it, and if the manifolds were left on the heads and pulled as a whole unit. I would expect the mechanic to break it down on the bench to clean and re-gasket it.. The ASET-C is not an engne to cut time and corners on...I am also concerned about proper valve adjustment.. That is also VERY specific... Sorry sir.. With respect, Jojo
  23. I wanna go sledding!!!! Dammit... Have a blast in Wisconsin.. Jojo
  24. That system SUCK'S !!!!!!!!
  25. Looks like she pushing oil into the cylinders.. Not good.. Pull the exh. manifold off, and I bet you have some wet ports..
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