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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. What a Wicked Pissahh.... Love this posting...
  2. one thing you can do is use your DVOM, and find a good ground on the cab, and check for continuity on all the pins in the J-3 plug.. that may point you towards a short to ground.. are you familiar with how to read the wire codes on the white wires? It is actually easy to do, and really helps when you are checking the wires at a distance from the VECU.. jojo
  3. Yes sahh, That's wicked funny.. Aint no Cumby's down here.. no Sahh...
  4. Well since the D-Bags got President trump's tax info released.... Let's see all the current D-Bag tax record's.. Why not??? Come on... Nancy, Chuck, JOE, Hunter, Mayorkas, Kamala, just to name a few.. Just a thought.. Jojo
  5. Onyx... I have to say... I hate these trucks... However, when you 'Post'.. You are diplomatic.. This is an area where you can 'Shine'.. Keep getting smarter about these 'POS' trucks.. You will help so many guys here in the NEAR future.. Jojo
  6. God Bless you Vinny..... I wish there was a better way for you guys.. I WAS a truck mechanic for 25 years, and every time I see guys like you, with the frustration and High costs for repairs, I would kringe and Cry real tears, (On the Inside)... So Sorry... With respect.... Jojo
  7. Bob,,, I live in a regular house too.. born in 1952... jojo
  8. i know the tranny mounts are in the same spot on the Eatons,, just like Mack tranny's. The back boxes are different.. ...... RD 688-S/ 045719 Is a 2001 RD that i have worked on.. E-Tech with an 8LL.. This should be what you need to check and see if your tranny hangers are different.. No REPTO on this truck.. jojo
  9. so when you turn the key to the ;on; position, that bulb doesnt light up during the self test?
  10. Paul,,, hand built with wood at the site, as opposed to a manufactured house that is built in pieces inside a big wharehouse sized building.. Like how our trailer homes are built.. We also call these homes pre-fab houses.. kinda cool really... they are not subject to bad weather as they are being built..
  11. The drive end that is in the block looks good.. the cable is what needs to be checked.. Is that the old cable in the picture? it comes from the back of the tach, through the firewall, and around the engine to that drive hub that you see.. jojo
  12. They are just like a speedo drive on an older car or truck. push in and tighten the large knurled knob to hold it in place.. the end of the tach cable should have a keyed end that fits in the hole. it may be a square end and you put the correct plastic tip on it.. jojo
  13. does the yellow lightning bolt come on too? Do you know how to get active codes using the cruise control?
  14. I didnt look back, but do you have any fault codes for oil pressure or coolant?
  15. forgive the silly question, but are there any loose bulbs that are just flopping around back there? yes I would expect LED to be brighter. the normal bulb is a #194. I assume you know that.. I doubt i'm helping, just curious I guess... Jojo
  16. If you dont have one of these books for your year model, I suggest you try to get one. They are a wealth of information... Of course Mackpro is also a wealth of knowledge. but.... just in case he's not around, this book will help...
  17. Hi Mackey, just curious, are you looking for that octopus looking thing with the fiber optic wires? Jojo
  18. Oh my... $250.00???? Holy crap .
  19. The last one I bought was a few years ago, and it was just under $80... I hope it is still reasonably priced.. glad you keep in touch.. Jojo
  20. so after about 15 minutes or so, does it NOT disengage? and then kinda come in and out as you drive?
  21. well the first part is great news... as far as the cluster,,, I have to think on that one.. Maybe check the plugs on the back for issues.. sorry I dont have a better answer.. jojo
  22. Lets not forget belt tension and pulley condition.... Just trying to act smart here,,, Jojo
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