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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Just curious?? What is not the solution?? I'm losing my MP knowledge quickly. However, I still work on trucks here and there.. jojo
  2. Oh My F'n Word!!! Mech.. You are AMAZING !! Yeah I wish I had that book too... Why??? because I can not quote one tenth of what you just posted.. But on the serious side... You have a gift of knowledge that will help many people.. BMT struck GOLD, with you sir.. Jojo
  3. Can I get an AMEN!?!?!? luv u TJC....
  4. Hmmm,, and I thought you got 'Hearing A.I.D.S.' from,,, Listening to A-Hole's?? 🤣
  5. Yeah !!!! What Onyx said...
  6. Have you checked the ground connections down below the fuse panel? You may be able to pull the panel around the throttle pedal, and reach up to get to them. There is also ' pass through connector's ' in the firewall.. all those ground wires are gray..
  7. I re- built an E-Tech last summer that was making oil.. I took the fuel lift, pump off and put a plug in the output port, and shop air set to 80 PSI in the input port. The fuel in the pump blew out passed the spindle where the gear is.. Bad Pump.. I also found on another one I re- built right after that, and it had a leaking fuel gallery plug, behind the timing cover.. My 2 issues aren't very common in my experience, but it happens. For a bunch of years now, I will remove both the front gallery plugs, and reseal them as part of the rebuild. Good luck.. Jojo
  8. I should have asked you what the truck is built for.? If it pulls a dump trailer for example, do you have a ISO cord for a tarp motor or vibrator, or strobes. anything that uses electricity, that could have a switch left on or faulty.. Ok..... I go now...
  9. I know there are many ways to try to find the voltage draw that is killing the batteries.. What other electrical repairs were done recently? Was the starter replaced? You say that elec. is not your thing.. I get it.. Here is a thing you can do.. (with the key off) Remove the main pos. cable/s off the batteries. if you have more than one, remove both. leave the neg's attached.. If you have more than one pos. battery cable, bolt them together. put a test light on any of the positive battery post, (on a good battery) and the other end on the positive cable or cable's.. with the (key off). If the test light is on, you have a 'draw'. So now, eliminate a newer stereo that remembers channels, and any other electronics that do the same, ie: C.B. radio. also unplug any phone chargers, and the ELD, if you have one.. if the test light stays on with these items are removed or unplugged, there is a 'Draw'.. now go to the fuse box and pull fuses, one at a time.. pull one, if the light stays on, put it back in and go to the next one. Keep doing this until the light goes out.. The fuse that shuts the light , has the draw.. This can take a bit of time, but it is a simplle way to try and locate the bad circuit. I know this isnt a Professional way to trouble shoot, but if you have limited tools and skills, it can work. Good luck, Jojo
  10. the thermo housing is a rectangle about 6" by 8" top left front, on the engine.. pic's??
  11. I think he was looking for a battery for a :: '62 Ford Camaro, with a 318 slant six... Just sayin...
  12. I assume you have the dual thermostat set-up with a plate type oil cooler.. ?
  13. Everything is Racist....
  14. I can't give any likes today, so here it is...👍
  15. Poppop. I have 1 of those little Bulldogs, from a 78 DM I used to drive. The truck came in as a trade- in at the Mack Dealership I worked at... Yeah,. I took it.. he's got the pointed ears.. 👍
  16. What can I say Paul,,,. I like it here..... Jojo
  17. I know FJH,, I get it.. Your a good egg..
  18. sometimes I wish I was 20 years younger with a 2 bay drive through truck shop.. I would probaly have 3 good guys working with me, and we would be making a good living HELPING truck owners keep trucking.. jojo
  19. Thats respectable FJH.. I guess I have known too many slackers that dont care..
  20. I gave my crappy opinion.. FJH.. jojo
  21. Our LOCAL bussines's, all 2 of them, have some knowledgeable people.. But the parts on the shelf are from China.. I guess they cant afford to keep the good stuff on hand, probably, because we cant afford to pay the high price's.. It's a damn mess... Yeah, I get it... pay the high price for the good stuff so it will last.... but when you are out of service, you are stuck buying the junk, to get you back to work...
  22. Thanks for this thread Bob,,, This Is my 5000th post, and I couldnt think of a better place to do it... 🥰 Jojo
  23. i tried, nicely.... 😁
  24. 67RModel... I second your posting. Push in types have a place, but not in fuel systems. And.... Any one who has been around mid 2000' Macks and Frieghtliner Century/ Columbia's, know all too well how crappy the push in connectors can be.. ie: the air manifolds on Macks behind the pedal's, and behind the trash bin on the Frieghtliner's.. Jojo
  25. No. Fuel is delivered mechanically. Then the EECM, determines how and when to fire the EUP's .
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