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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. OK, we stole another thread again..
  2. Screw the 'level'... You were thrown to the wolves' 7 years ago... seem's to me, you have a very smart brain... I guess, like a 'Sponge'... we talked, I know... jojo😁
  3. Mech you need to start a topic on "The good Old Day's" or something like that... You have So much to offer, and it would be a hell of a chat about'.... Lots of guy's here that are right there with you... just sayin'...... jojo 😘
  4. Mech, These are big time competitions that MackVo puts on to test the contestants at their skill set.. It is a timed event, and the tasks are, tranny builds/ elec diag/ and such... I was never asked to go to one,, I guess bcs I dont fit the new age mold,, anyway... It's prestigous in the Mackvo world.. and you earn 'Brownie point's'... However, those of us that are REAL Mechanics, know how many rewards we won, when we shake hands with happy customers... jojo
  5. I bet He has already been to the competition..... I never have been, and wished I could have gone...
  6. Well maybe he will see these post's, and consider adding one... 👍 jojo
  7. Mackpro...... You are one !!! I hope the guys that get your help realize how much valuable info you provide... jojo
  8. you were leaning towards a real issue, Onyx... The Davco 382 is a great setup, and you are correct about the $8.00 check valve allowing fuel to bleed back when worn.. My guess is He doesnt have that added to the MP.. Too bad.. at times I try to recommend adding one to trucks just because... I like the drain and the ability to see the filter as it gets dirty.. I also like the fuel heater option that it offers.. Just tossing my opinion in the mix... jojo
  9. LTK..... How are you doing today? How many stitches did it take to close the hole?
  10. I feel the same way when I watch the video.. amazing how much damage happened in about 2 seconds..
  11. well if he comes back we will know... ??
  12. im still waiting for the answer to what suspension he has... It is the lightest set I have ever seen on any Mack.... Just curious... jojo
  13. opposites dont attract.. it sucks...
  14. I wish my wife could understand why I keep what I keep... Even though she has seen me fix an 'S-load' of things around here just by going to my 'so-called' junk pile. and pulling the repair out of my A$$.. I'm still gonna do what I do.. jojo
  15. Christ all mighty... I wish I had 5g's to buy it.. Seriously.. I would be proud to own it.. Dammit !!!!!
  16. yes JoeH, it does.. You have to remove the balancer to remove/replace it.. Im still curious as to how much he needs.. jojo
  17. are you looking for the yoke as well as the rubber mounts?
  18. That is the one. the vin. I gave you should do the trick..
  19. I was able to watch it.. on my laptop..
  20. its 39 seconds but the last 15 is when it happened.. let me know if it works AF1QipOGPO5jEttzV1C9PX-WOTZ2ZRkEbib2KehVjBq_.url
  21. yes ... 2 of my 9 cameras caught my 1 second F'up...
  22. yes sir, accidents happen... Do I need to go further Or post the video of my F'up? jojo
  23. I'm guilty Paul,, I remove the guards, because they are in the way of getting the job done.. Yes they MAY stop the exploded disc, but?? Yep... I/We... take 'em off...
  24. My Wife Just said..... Hell Yeah TJC,,, "Thats what i'm talkin about".... Im tellin you guys, if we were ever gathered up, and talking junk,,, My wife will tear it up !!!.. jojo
  25. LTK... I read your post.. You make good points about tool usage.. I know you will follow Doc's instructions, and get fixed up... Yes my burns were very painful and took 2 weeks to be able to walk with out crutches,, What I re-learned is,,,,, Dont take your body parts for 'granted'.. You are obviuosly a tough ASS Canadian.. God Bless You ! ... jojo
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