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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. I just bought a turn signal set up on amazon for 20 bucks, its chrome and well... what ever..
  2. Awesome....!!!!!
  3. Yes sir, Bob.. Im glad I posted the vendor, after your comment.. I will contact them as I go, with this project to see if they have what I need.... jojo
  4. are you able to reach in by hand and move the box rubbers at the ends of the springs? if so, they are worn out. also look and see if the 'twinkies' are in the boxes at the sides of the spring ends..
  5. do you engage the power divider before you get on the sand, or after wheel hop starts?
  6. cya...
  7. So in V.A. The wacko's there are trying to make it possible to press charges on parent's that don't reckognize there, young childs LGBTQ feeling's or whatever... so If Li'l Suzy at the age of 8, think's she need's to see a Doctor to get an 'Adadicktome' and the parent's say NO F'n WAY... they want to charge the parent's by law... I'm just waiting for the new revolution to start.... I'm 'bout ready.... jojo
  8. I have installed many 30/30's on R models.. the push rod length fall's between 4 1/4" - 4 1/2" on the Mack rear's.. but don't take my measurement as creed,, do your measurement, the 30/30 is a close fit.. I hope a few others chime in with their knowledge, just so you get a full scope.. jojo
  9. do you have an old 30/30 in the scrap bin that you can use for mock-up? you do know that you can loosen the clamp on the service chamber and rotate it to a position that fits???
  10. i would be surprised if they dont fit.. the rear.. its an 85 'R' model... Hell, I may learn something important here if i'm wrong.. with respect, Jojo
  11. My last post is if you have Mack rears... sorry I forgot to add that...
  12. Well all I can say is.... replace the fronts with 24's, put 30/30 maxis on the rear.. As far as auto slack adjusters go, on the rears you may have a hard time finding ones that will mount to the s-cam. I tried to do this to 2/ 86 RW's, and I couldnt find a parts guy that new how to cross the Mack numbers. the left and right are different. and the s-cam on the left side was too short ( by about 1/4") to allow a modern ambidextrous slack adjuster to be secured with the snap ring at the slack adjuster.. this being said,,, I am not 'all knowing' there may be a good auto slack out there that works. We just put the manual slacks back on and maintain proper adjustment,,,, just like in the olden days.. and with that being said... you can adjust your brakes to perform the way you need them too, and be safe and legal... I welcome all opinions and corrections about my posting... jojo
  13. I did say I use PAI oil pump's... I did notice after 2 engines that the oil pressure was 5+ PSI lower at a hot idle then I prefer.. They had 28-32 PSI.. I have seen 35+ with Mack pump's.. However, overall the oil pressure is good... Just a side note... and these engines got new cams and bushings.. It was after the second one that I developed this opinion.. Don't fear it, just know it..... Jojo
  14. how many trucks do it? are there other hired trucks that are doing the same thing? Is it just because you are on sand? empty or loaded, or either? jojo
  15. I hope it makes air better than it looks... at least if you have to replace the compressor, you will have the plumbing done...
  16. I would say.... Just keep doing what you do Paul.. even with air dryers water still collects, and guys just expect them to work forever, and they don't... Even with a dryer, when you pull the tank vent cables, water still comes out,. Not a whole lot but some.. just my 2 cents... Jojo
  17. Great news about the lines.. I have built 1, E-7, and 2 E-Techs, and 2 ASET's. An AI and An AC... All are running good and making money.. I measured the liners and the pistons and compared them to Mack parts and they were the same. The PAI kits come with more parts than a Mack kit, including head gaskets.. the bags of gaskets and o-rings is great.. it even comes with the little sealing balls for the piston cooling tubes, and depending on the level of the kit you buy, you may have new cooling tubes as well.. I also use their oil pumps, and cam kits. Cam kits are better than Macks current kit.. the bushing set for an E-Tech was just over $100.00... you will need to order connecting rod bolts separately.. I have had great service from the PAI parts... At half the cost or less... Jojo
  18. The line is in the center port. That is a D-2 gov. He should be able to plumb it right using the posted diagrams.. jojo
  19. Yes sir.. I almost mentioned the compressor mounted gov. But thought I should see what is asked next.. you the man!!! Jojo
  20. I don't know if I would know what a spammer looks like..
  21. You make me laugh Mech.. do you think the diagram I posted is good enough info? Is it missing something? Jojo
  22. It's really sad that he cant remember that his son died of brain cancer and not in combat in Iraq... OMG....
  23. you can also use the WEB and go to the dryer website for what Mech Is saying.. the info is out there ..
  24. Paulie,,, did you see the B+W diagram I posted? It really is that easy... jojo
  25. OK Mech. this last pic is for you...
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