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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Im not real smart on 1070's. I believe that's what he has. But I would look at a split oring in a shift cyl. May be time rebuild the shift cyl's.. new air filter, and confirm air pressure setting.. Simple stuff first.. jojo
  2. It's funny.. I was on my phone earlier today and all was normal.. then during a late day break, I checked on my phone, and thought my phone went crazy.. It's all good,, Jojo
  3. I just want to be able to walk and bend without pain.. If that happens I will feel like a man again.. then i will stick it to my wife,,,, just sayin... hopefully that will shut her up...
  4. Well 'F' from what I am seeing, even if we give away our secrets, they wouldnt know how to use the knowledge.. They are not looking at a Mechanical issue nowadays, they want to plug a laptop in and get the answer.. So .... No.... I'm not concerned.. the knowledge we have will go in the ground with us... jojo
  5. Ok, Onyx... I understand your point's.. But... Many guys ran good old push rod MACK engines, and they new how to keep them running, and making their living.. You didnt need to have a boat load of special tools and knowledge to get it done.. and a computer.. now, you have to have all of those, and the luck to find a shop that can fix it.. and then you cross your fingers when you leave the shop, hoping that the CEL doesnt come back on and derate you in 30 minutes or less.. I know i'm losing here but this is my take on this.. jojo
  6. Onyx say's it truly... I have those same thought's... He just wrote it professionally.. Damn you Onyx... You are correct Sir.... My pride is true, but I do know when to bow down to the truth..... DAMMIT !!!!!! 😘🤔
  7. That's why I posted my take on this.. It suck's!! Us older guys, were able to fix the trucks with our hands/heads/ and a damn good set of tool's... have a service manual handy, and you get it done.. Nowaday's... to make a Million dollars in trucking,,,, start out with 2 Million.....
  8. Yes Bob, Thanks... So today I was looking at the wiring on the '48 INT. K-B 7... I think I'm going to go ahead and convert it to 12v Neg. ground.. I cant afford to buy the correct gauges, and a few other thing's, so that's what I'm gonna do.. I'm going to leave the original wiring, and gauge's in place ( this way when I am at a Show, I can show how it was done in 1948) and run all new wiring.. I can do this a heck of a lot easier than trying to buy and replace all the old parts.. I just dont have the money to pay for NOS parts... I will apologize now to all of the Traditionalist guys on here... I just cant afford it, and I want to drive it, not look at it up on jack stands... Jojo
  9. I understand all of what you guys say about pain, and reduced physical ability.. All my life I have been a laborer, even as a kid, my chores where hard work, yard work/ Mechanic work/ and helping Dad cut ,split (by hand) and stack 7 cord's of fire wood every year for 10 years. The last 25 years in trucking and as a mechanic has really messed up my back and my knees. When I sit for a bit, my arms tingle and hands go numb.. I'm only 53.. My new job with the city, helps. I get to walk much further than just around a truck in the shop.. I have some better days, lately, and hope to lose my belly fat, to help with my pain.. God Bless you guy's... Even You TJC.... 🤣😘 Jojo
  10. I am in total agreement with you Mech... I was just thinking about starting a separate topic about respect for our free knowledge.. All of us are truck doctors, and need to be respected.. Jojo
  11. I second that motion.....
  12. TJC, I have a custom made tin foil hat... I can send you one if you need a new one... jojo
  13. TJC....You were supposed to give me a 'Trophy like' Dammit...
  14. yes they will...... dammit....
  15. I do have to 'Bow down' to those of you that like the MP's.. They are very smooth running engines with a great power curve. They certainly pull hard.. My point of view is from a mechanics point of view... I dont care for an engine that needs injectors and cups every 200,000 miles or less. and when the rear mounted gear train has an issue, you have to pull the tranny, and the whole rear engine assembly to fix it.. I also dont like the fuel delivery system, where air can be introduced through the primer, and I also don't like the fact that to make these repairs you have to have thousands of dollars worth of tool's to fix it, and the knowledge to do so... and then when you are done.... you may have to hook to P.T.T. and re-program some of what you installed... lets not forget cam removal and replacement and that whole process.. If you have never done this repair,,,, you better study up on it... ask me how I know?? jojo
  16. I have no use for the MP engine... It has good power, but when you have to fix it... you will be pissed.. The AI Mack is decent, compared to an MP.... This is my opinion based on my knowledge of Mack's over the last 25 years.. As far as parts gettin'.. You will have to search a bit more for the Mack part's, but they are out there.. I will stop here, to see what else comes down the pike... jojo
  17. No truckers???? they are trying, but they WILL fail....
  18. OK, TJC.... Here's a conspiracy theory... The New I Phone 14 says it can detect, if you are in a crash..... So how does it know the difference between that abrupt stop.... and just dropping the I Phone???? I say it' s using GPS to track you and it see's how fast you are moving. So while you are driving your car and looking at your I Phone instead of the road... It knows when you go from 60 MPH to Zero.. in 2 seconds... Just my 2 cent's..... jojo
  19. Mark?? You are a genius !!! Hell yeah...
  20. well damn, if farts can power an electric car, I need to get one and put a charger plug in the drivers seat.. I wonder how far I could go after eating a small can of re-fried beans ??? jojo
  21. What I think I see, is a CAT powered Diesel generator, charging that truck.. Irony at it's best..
  22. I wonder if all of the body panels were solar collectors, if it would generate some power to charge a second set of batteries, that is on an 'A'/'B' switch? I wonder too if the owners would know how to flip the switch, or would it have to be automatic? This way you can fully charge the set's, then as you drive (on a sunny day of course) the collectors, would recieve a charge to lengthen the max distance? jojo
  23. yep, thats how you save the planet.... just toss it in the trash...
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