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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Legs are much better.. I will be back to work this week... Thank you for asking.. Jojo
  2. Thank you 'F'.. yes,. I should be getting another E-Tech from my friend in Missouri, and I still have an E-6 2valve to finish.. I appreciate you Bud.. Jojo
  3. You got this !!!!!
  4. Sorry about the short notice.. Today Sat. 10/1/22 in Mt. Airy N.C... all day and night.. https://mayberrytruckshow.com/.. I hope I get a chance to meet some BMT guys.. Jojo (704) 785-1738
  5. Text me : I want to say hello.. sorry about the short notice.. (704) 785-1738... Jojo
  6. My wife is taking me to Mt. Airy N.C. to the Mayberry truck show this morning.. Maybe I will get to meet some of you at the show.. She woke me up and surprised me just a bit ago.. .. jojo
  7. Well here's some more of the Biden Racist agenda... Bank of America is offering Black and Latino's first time home loans... No minimum credit score,,.and No money down.. for select housing areas... What?????
  8. Kamala Harris says that the effects of Hurricane Ian, is racist, that it has dissplaced mostly Black and Brown People.. What a dissgrace.. I saw incredible destruction on the weather channel, and nowhere did I see that it was picking out non-whites.. This Biden Klan is so sick, and they dont even know how sick they are.. I guess all the white people that went to Florida to help, need to come home and let only Black and Brown do the work, to save live's and help rebuild the non-white community.. My rant is a stupid as Kamala's B.S. God Help Us... jojo
  9. Hey Paul, Do you have the part number for those air bags you posted.. I want to add something like that to my old '48 Int. KB-7.. It looks like I would get a Smooth Ride.. jojo
  10. I'm done with it... I work at a waste water plant for my city now.. 1/2 the money, zero stress... Perfect.....
  11. My wife looks at trucker videos on Tik Toc and finds some funny stuff..
  12. This BMT place is a great place to get amazing info, to help in many different way's... Dealership's could learn a lot from BMT... I spend a lot of time here because it is a great place to be.. Jojo
  13. ok.. yeah, another first try..
  14. My wife found this on Tik Tok... https---www.tiktok.com-t-ZTRmHvhta-.url
  15. right, but if you dont have acces to the portal,, well...... you know....
  16. Paul,,,, That's one of the Breast explanations so far.. Your knowledge is Udderly amazing. You always Bust out some smart sh!t.. You don't Milk it, just get to the point... Jojo
  17. one of my issues with a lot of parts is that there isnt even instructions, or a 'cheat sheet' in the box... sometimes parts are updated, and there is nothing to show you how to install it.. Im not saying every part, just a boat load of them from dealership's .. jojo
  18. I am also posting my thoughts about the hub seal/s, is because if you are going to use this axle, you may as well pull the hubs to inspect the bearings, and then re-seal the hub's the best way possible. grease has worked for decades, and oil bath is pretty good too.. jojo
  19. I had to measure the hub and axle to find the correct seal.. There are many different seals.. It was easy to do.. jojo
  20. what year is the 'R' model? I havent found a manual for that rear end yet.. Mack E-Media, didnt help.. I would love to see it up close to get a better understanding of how it works.. I wouls say itsa locking diff. over a power divider, since its a single 'x'... jojo
  21. No. It is super easy.. what you see is what it is.. really is an easy repair. Raise the body, set the body braces in place, and right there behind the cylinder, is everything, right in the open.. all the work is done out side the cab, at the rear..
  22. There several postings about this issue, that you can read.. air in the fuel is common in MP engines...
  23. Any visible fuel leaks or dampness on fuel lines from the tanks to the filter pad?
  24. Possibly any of those reasons.. did fuel leak from the primer, when you pumped it? If so... Replace it..
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