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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Ok . So the cab ride is out of adjustment. Could be due to worn or broken control rod.. at this point, start fresh.. new leveling valve, rod, air bag/s, and cab shocks.. you can un hook the Control rod, when air is above 100, and raise the cab by hand with the valve lever, place a block of wood under the cab edge. And make the repair.. the air bags unscrew from the cab , if they are stuck, you can un do the bottom, remove the air line and use an oil filter wrench to get thém out..
  2. Yes it's air ride cab.. change the cab shocks. I bet they are junk .
  3. yep, and they call it 'Global Warming'... It could be global cooling.... they change the rules daily.. Why.... because they think they are GOD... It's about power, and stealing votes by schooling people to be STUPID... Our planet and the solar system is the boss... Of course there is alway's the other REAL BOSS.... any guess's.
  4. May I suggest you post the truck, model, year, eng. tranny... the more info you give us, the better the free help will be...
  5. So if it is an 08, the truck is a CXU.... So on top of the dash under the C.B. radio spot.. since you said CX and Not CXN/CXU... be nice to get clarity.. if it's older,,, its behind the right dash panel passenger side..
  6. Yes sir,,, OD... and they keep talking about 'climate change'.... Blaming working folks for driving trucks and cars with combustion engine's... But doesnt the Earth rotate on an axis, and revolve around the sun, in an infinitely large galaxy, that has a tremendous magnetic pull, and can move ocean's and melt ice caps, and even switch what 'pole' will have ice caps, and didnt 'plate tectonics, seperate our countries and spread them around the planet, and are still doing so?? Isn't England getting something like 3 feet further away ( or is it 3 inches) from us every year?? My point is... our Mack's and old gas powered pick-up's are NOT destroying our planet.... Power Hungry So-called leader's are..... I welcome all correction's to my crazy opinion... Jojo
  7. yes, they are leaving,,, Plane tickets start at $25,000.00. and U.S. citizens are encouraged to leave, as well.. Too bad King Biden wont give 'Dual Citizens' the same free ride's as he does for our visitors crossing the southern border... Let's Go Brandon !!! I am the first in my family to "Not" fight in combat... I'm afraid that I may get the chance, here on our soil..... any thought's??
  8. kinda surprised there werent any sooty streaks, since 1/4 of the seal was missing.. anyway, just chatting,, been sittin here for almost 3 weeks.... jojo
  9. yes sir... windex dries to quickly.. a good douching works quickly..
  10. yeah, good call.. you got this.....
  11. does any one have an opinion about this talk of Russia using Nuke's on Ukraine... Myself, I doubt they would.. jojo
  12. is the flange bent, from too much tweaking? They can be a pain at times, as far as the getting them to seal.. I see the flat steel seal in the picture, has been leaking for a bit. Those little tabs are supposed to be your friend when going back together.. Which truck is it? Just curios, Jojo
  13. Happy Birthday,,, Rubber Duck.. 🎂
  14. I forgot about that one..
  15. these rich ass dem's have no clue about how the Real Americans live.. All of us... no matter our wealth, they have no clue how we earn what we have... So there would be no reason to care or know who is in and around the gov.. He is lost in so many ways.. and so is his Klan....
  16. She aint,,, or so she say's... ( Rubber Duck) I was thinkin back to my Schnieder days.. '98-2000.. I drove int. cab overs,,, series 60 detroit's, 10 spd's.. but the last one I drove was an old Western Auto Int. COE,, 48 inch sleeper and a dog house,,,, I payed hell to get my britches off and on.. I remember kicking the shifter as I was getting dressed.. I know it was a 9 spd. and I think a cummins M-11... it was a quick truck and would pull better than the other ones i drove, it also wasnt turned down like the other Pumpkin trucks I drove.. it would 'roll' for a pumpkin truck.... 72 MPH.... Wooo Hold on Bubba !!!!!! jojo
  17. its a 3 year old post.. You may have better luck calling Mack and give them the last six of the VIN, and get what you can out of them...
  18. I never heard of them.. I guess I can look for them.. Heck my wife may know.. shes a badass driver.. she may be in the truckers woman movie...
  19. Good luck sir... keep in touch...
  20. OK... I have used it on trucks as new as 2013.. My thoughts are to see if they have one that is at least US-10 and newer, but around 2018 or so, it's an OBDII style plug, and there may be some protections in the truck to keep you out of it's ECM's.. I was warned not to use mine on the last few models that had the 9 pin duetch, for that reason... I never risked it.. Let us know what you buy and its ability to perform.. jojo
  21. Hmmm... That is strange, Is the light control module faulty? How about a loose or bad ground wire... They are 'gray' in color.. I assume that a pressure switch on the park brake system controls the lights as well.. I dont know.. It may be best that I set back and watch, and if I come up with something, I will jump back in.. jojo
  22. I was going to ask you if you had big plans for tomorrow.. I always liked the look of the Brigadier.. I never worked on one, though.. I look forward to seeing this B-Model, when he gets more done to it.. I kinda like the brown interior.. I have only seen green ones,, and the red ones that are fire trucks.. I had the pleasure of driving one last year.. It was an "A" model Mack fire truck, a very rare truck.. I drove it about 70 miles.. I will PM you a picture, dont want to steal this guys post..
  23. I just read a news story about our King.. He was at a conference on Hunger, and asked for Jackie Walorski... I guess he wanted to hear from her... However, she and 3 others were killed in a car accident on Aug. 3 2022.. In the state of Indiana... We have 2 more years of this crap.. and if he ends up removed from the throne, then we will either be controlled by Dr.Jill, or Kamala... God help us...
  24. Maybe its a rare bird,, I mean 'dog'?? it's a cool truck...
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