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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Thank you.. I'm healing, just bored.. sittin in front of the T.V. and B.M.T. jojo
  2. Yeah I always liked Jim Beam over J.D. Then when Red Stag came out, I was 'In'.. not so much the last few years, though.. Im a 'light weight' now
  3. Now you got me wanting some Red Stag and Cherry Coke... Ive been laid up since sunday, because my Dumbass, did something Dumb Sunday afternoon.. Jojo
  4. Wow!!
  5. 🙏
  6. Oh My God... I hope the driver survived... jojo
  7. That is awesome... I just looked back on the whole thread. Nice old trucks..
  8. That sucks, Look's like the trailer is rusted pretty bad.. Maybe, thats where the problem started... Still suck's,,
  9. It is truly amazing, how much love the Brittish people have for their leader, The Queen.. It's too bad our Great Country has a leader with whom there is no pride or love for..
  10. I wonder if you can use carb cleaner spray to break down the sludge, then wash out with WD-40?? jojo
  11. Its happening again,, the Ex-Slaves in Ashboro, N.C. are lobbing to remove another historic statue... Thank you Biden Klan...
  12. I think vmac is right. Either way, it is not correct.. jojo
  13. you say the oil pressure sensor may not be wired right.. thats an issue... You can put a gauge in the port that is above the oil filter, and compare the readings.. you may have good pressure, just a bad sensor/wires.. jojo
  14. does the squeal ring out as a steady squeal, or is it more of a ,,, Chirp,, chirp,,, chirp? and speed up with RPM's? if you dont have a stethoscope, you can use a 2 foot longish peice of 3/8" hyd. brake tubing, to listen to the engine and its parts, ie: alt./ air comp. I have couple thoughts, but will wait for you to reply with new info... Jojo
  15. I read back a few posts.. seems like it's fixed. Good deal.... Bad injectors?? Jojo
  16. Did you check the turbo for movement of the turbine? Also, look at top right corner of the CAC..front side. See if there is oil or residue at the weld where the viens attach to the side tanks.. a pressure tester is a key tool for this.. a few guys here made thier own.. jojo
  17. My wife may be getting 12 acres from her family farm,, so She wont go anywhere.. I guess the Biden connection to my injury is that because I cant afford health insurance, my Boo Boo, is going to cost about $400.00, after I pick up the rest of my med's, bandages, and tape tomorrow... If I spoke fluent Spanish, I may have gotten a discount.. There,,,,, I made it connect.. jojo
  18. Ok.... So I have had this thought for a few months now.... Is it possible that our King and his Klan, are intentionally appointing abnormal people to Gov. Dept's.. So that Us Real Americans, get fed up and put Trump or a close second in the White house? I just dont know how any one would intentionally destroy us, and do it right out in the open, on all form's of Media.. I guess I'm nut's.. I'm on meds right now I set my legs on fire yesterday, ( accidentally, while burning a small brush pile) and had to go get help for it today.. Not a Biden issue, just stir crazy.... I'm a little loopy, Jojo
  19. So I looked him up, and yes he is real... I showed it to my wife, and her 'Truck driver Potty Mouth' Had a lot to say.. I cant quote her, but she said something like of course he's the aids doctor.. He knows first hand about Suc...g a d..k and taking it in the A... she said more, but this is enough...
  20. What the Hell!!!
  21. your quick Onyx... thank you... I didnt feel like writing the book again... jojo
  22. "fuel still in the oil".. try to search that one..
  23. Oops I did it again.. I answered an d post.. as far as fuel in the oil, we just had an extensive thread about this. You can search it out. And I will try to find it too.
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