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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Which EUP?.. In the past, I have swapped the faulty one with a good one to see if the code follows the faulty EUP. if it does, I replace it, if not, I look at the wiring... jojo
  2. May I suggest, just buying the replacement harness... jojo
  3. looks like the socket behind a CH/CX/ CV... model,,, fans speed switch.. It would be nice if you posted much more info about the truck,,, year/ model/ eng./ tranny/ just for the heck of it... by the way, that harness is easy to fix, and Mack still sell's it, but you have to take the whole thing out of the HVAC, cores/system... If you put di-electric grease on the terminals of the new one when you plug it in it will help, a bit.. that melted socket is also replaceable if you know how to release the female blade connectors, then re-set the locking tab's .... it's easy... jojo
  4. Put a few of those filters in your shop.. save the part number in your book..... jojo
  5. I thank GOD for Dr. Rand Paul !!!! Fauci is a crook, and he bought stock in 3-M, prior to his rant's... Dr. Paul, has alway's questioned the Lib Left Covid Klan, The proof is in the Puddin, Several "Doc's" are walking back their take on the Kung Flu, IE: Rochell Wolenski.. as well as Prince Fauci.. and the C.D.C. is having a changing of the guard... Well, at least they were able to destroy our Business infrastructure, and make ''wimp's'' out of a bunch of American Sheep... No... I am Not Smart.... I just see through the B.S. and little guy's like me take a big hit.... anyway,,,, Thank You King Biden !!!! so glad i'm paying for loser's... jojo
  6. Hello, Vlad.. Im glad you read this post.. Do you have any other suggestions, that can help him.. I'm a bit of a 'Boy Scout' when it comes to rescuing trucks, ive rescued many, but I know you are very smart, and may have some good advice.. jojo
  7. I guess I would drain the filters into a clean bucket to see what is in them. are you able to bring an air compressor to the truck? you could use the red trailer line on a tractor if you need to... screw a glad hand to an air hose. you can un-hook the pick-up line at the primary filter, and blow back to the tank, and do the same with the return off the pump ( Ambach, I assume?) with the filters off, you can blow out the fuel lines, remove all the delivery valve nuts, and crank it over to pump all fuel/water out of the Inj. pump.. then I guess, now you look in the tanks to see if there is a puddle of water at the bottom.. hopefully you have drain plugs, or are able to remove the fuel crossover line on the main tank. drain the water from the main tank, and leave the crossover shut off for now til you get it to your shop.. hopefully it doesnt have gallons of water in the fuel tank. then, put it all back together with new filters and use the air compressor to push fuel to the injection pump, ( low pressure to do this), leave the line off at the injection pump input, to make sure you arent pushing water into the pump, and when its clean and clear, you can hook it back up, then try to crank it up, it will take a few minutes to get it started.. as I say this, I would bring a road tractor, so you can keep jumper cables hooked to the R-Model, and use the air from the tractor to do the purging.. There will be some more guys adding to this, and you will figure out what will work best for you... Best of luck! Jojo
  8. I forgot to add,, this repair can be done without taking the tranny apart, you can re-seal it from inside the bell housing.. jojo
  9. the numbers should be stamped into the tranny housing, on the left side, in-line with the clutch arm cross shaft, 2 inches from the seam where the rear case and front case meet.. You will have to pull the tranny to fix this leak, then you willl see if its the oil seal and /or the oil pump line/system , shown in the picture. jojo
  10. ok, well, many times on these MP's. when there is a lot of codes, we find oil in the EECU sockets, and it causes multiple codes.. with that said, I will step back and watch, because I have been away from these engines for 4 years now, and I dont have the skill set that i used to have... There are several others that will see this post and help you.. Jojo
  11. yep, 1/8"drill bit, centered between the seal lip, and the seal housing, it will leak some oil, no biggie... jojo
  12. turn the key off, unplug the plugs on the E.E.C.U. If there is engine oil in any of the sockets of the E.E.C.U. you will need an engine harness.. jojo
  13. if you replace the input seal on the steering box, when you get the old seal out, look to see if there is a grove in the input shaft. If so, a new seal wont last long.. Glad to see you back in the CH..... jojo
  14. I like your 'Handle'... Just start out simple and thoroughly inspect what you can, "F" is right, He has excellent approaches at troubleshooting.. Jojo
  15. I just went through my Midliner books, and I dont have any part numbers for the truck. Most of what I have is for the MS series.. I alos checked E-Bay, and nothing there right now.. I assume you are fixing the steer axle? jojo
  16. Well here they go again... just now CBS said that Monkey Aids and covid, are primarily affecting Black people at a rate of around 15%... higher than whites... I just threw away all my mask's.. yippie, I'm cured!!!!!! I wish us Whitey's could have a Mask burning parade!!!! (Mouth Bra's) ... My Body, My Choice !!!!!! Hell No!! We Wont Go!!!! jojo
  17. look under the right seat...
  18. I dont have a diagram handy to locate the exact switch, one thing you can do is put 30 psi in the truck air tanks, slowly remove the pressure switches, one at a time. if air starts leaking out of the one you are removing, screw it back in, go to the next one, look for one with no air pressure behind it, remove it, then press the brake pedal, if air comes out, thats the brake light switch, so then you can cross the wires to see if the brake lights come on.. any chance that both bulbs are burned out?? I guess i'm tossing ideas out there that are easy to do, I dont know if you have a shop, or help... jojo
  19. Good luck, Glad you got back in touch. jojo
  20. does the knock go away after a few minutes, and stay gone?
  21. Happy Birthday !!!!

  22. behind the pedals is where the brake light air switch is. I dont remember which one it is. you can pull the plugs off of them one at a time and jump the plugs, (Key on) then go see if the brake light's are on. if so, you found the switch, the trailer fuses are in the box on the firewall, left side by the steering column.. jojo
  23. Well Fauci is leaving... Next,, need's to be Rochel Lowinsky.. yeah they are Doctor's.... But they are destructive.. See Ya, Bye... ( I dont care if I spelled their names wrong) ...
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