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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. So I pulled a broken rearend out of a CXN yesterday, the Banjo housing is destroyed. I called Mack to find one.. Plenty of them in stock, but they are $5200.00... REALLY!!???. So today my wife and I took a little ride to salvage yards... No luck, but we did stop for lunch.. I like shopping for truck parts.. jojo
  2. good point about cracking fuel lines to shut it down.. jojo
  3. to tell you the truth, I really like the Ruger LCR .22 Mag. I bought for my wife. It is smooth, no hammer to fetch up on clothing, no safety, other than the little key that came with it.. It is small enough to put in my pocket, easy to conceal.. and, well,,, it's a .22 Magnum... oh yeah, and it's easy on the wallet to buy and practice with.. I carry a Taurus 5 shot revolver in .38 +P.. I should have gotten the Ruger LCR version.. jojo
  4. re-building the inj. pump would be a good start. . yes check the top end for bent pushrods and hopefully no broken rocker arms.. when you drain the oil, I suggest having a kitchen strainer with you to drain the oil through.. just in case there are chunks in the pan.. if water is the first thing that comes out when you pull the drain plug, well, a rebuild will be in order.. also, are you sure it was a fuel issue, and not oil passing through the turbo? pull the CAC boots off and the turbo inlet boot, to look for oil.. There is a handful of checks you can do, before diving into a re-build.. Keep in touch.. Many smart guys here to help guide you as needed.. as far as pulling the injection pump... bring the engine up on the degree mark that is on the pump tag, (hopefully its still there). if not we can get the setting.. pull the air compressor, then pull the pump, and dont turn the engine around, unless you are confident on how to bring it back to the timing mark for the pump,,, its really not hard to do, just pay attention to detail.. Good luck, Jojo
  5. Mark, I would definately look at the S&W gov. 6 rounds instead of 5, heavier cylinder, and fires .45 ACP as well.. I guess that makes it able to fire 4 different types of ammo. 5 if it can handle .44 Mag. Dont make me add another one to my collection,, Dammit!!!! jojo
  6. I wonder if there is an App.. that will program a 3-D printer, that will make a carbureator.? Seriously, it is true and sad.. I have to show my O'Rielly parts guys how to look up my parts, for my '77 C-30/ '90 G-20/ and of course my '48 KB-7... Oh well, Jojo
  7. TJC, as far as a .22 Mag.. I bought my wife the Ruger LCR in .22 Mag.. It is a ready to go revolver.. And Buddy,, she knows how to shoot it.. It was a birthday gift back in 2014.. She carries it every day... yes, I keep myself in-line.. jojo
  8. Thank's MarkT.. I really gave it a bit of thought.. I do have good shooting skill's., however,, under the pressure and adrenaline rush of having to protect myself, and my wife.. and the Fact that The criminal already has the upper hand, because they know what they are going to do... I'm in the bed,,,, not knowing what is happening outside.. I chose a hand held shot gun to be as quick to respond as I could.. as far as outdoor's,, I have been able to make a few D-Bag's back off, without putting a round into them,,, I do not live in a bad neighborhood, there is just 2 houses that need to go.. there only 8 houses on our loop.. anyway,,, Jojo
  9. yep... same pic's here, different D-Bag's...
  10. so now our local news is asking why some people didnt get the Kung Flu?? so when the Chink's learn why, they will change the virus, so it will get those people too, ... so by 2025... they will know how to kill all of us.. way to go American scientist's that broadcast thier learning's.. yippy!!
  11. Sometimes, I wish that I bought a loaded laptop with V-Mac/DEDEC... but at $10,000.00 I was not able to do it, and that's when I bought my service truck for $8000.00.. too bad...
  12. I forgot that I bought these home deffense loads a few yaers ago. They are now in the Judges cylinder.. I choose 'shot' cartridges, because,, God forbid I miss,, I dont want my round to pass through the wall of my house and go into my nieghbors house. their house is only 40 feet away.. There is 5 children and 3 adults there... Its a good chance one of them would be hit from a stray round.. Just sayin.. My house will contain all of the projectiles from the shot cartridge, minus hitting my own window from inside.. jojo
  13. If your luck is anything like mine,, where ever you pry with the seal puller, the part number on the back side of the seal will be damaged by the puller.. even when I pry in only 1 spot,, 🤔
  14. Good point TJC.. I guess I will put some L.C.'s in it.. I like it, because it wont jam.. My 1911 isnt trustworthy..
  15. Steeler, I get it... I used to know so many MACK part numbers off the top of my head, and I kept notes on all my jobs... now, not so much... Nobody cares, especially Volvo... jojo
  16. I really felt like an idiot... I should have paid better attention to the rounds I grabbed.. shame on me... however, the Scout is fine and My Dan Wesson .44 forgave me for using his rounds.. however, my Remington model 94 (.44) still has a tude against me..
  17. yep. Mine is a "Scout" 5 1/2" it will shoot .45 LC/ .410/ .44 special/ And the not reccomended.. .44Mag.. which I did one day by mistake... I ran 5 rounds though it, and was ' like' damn these rounds are strong... Dahhh.. I have since kept my .45LC and .44 Mag. rounds away from each other..
  18. you are correct sir... but ,,,, today,,, they came,,, in droves.. there were more cops here today than ever.. we had 5 shootings in our city last night.. all Black, all drug related... what a damn waste of a descent city that can be a place to raise a family.. instead it's a liberal sanctuary city they pays the rent for P.O.S. people..
  19. as far as sleeping with an "on the ready" I have a Judge with #6 shot in it... I wear glasses, so my vision isnt so good, so aiming would waste time, all I need to do is reach over to my right to see if my wife is in the bed, then I know whoever is in the house is not her,,,,, BANG!!!
  20. the video is 30 seconds and there is no real detail.. you can see the shooter roll the right front window down and get out and shoot 3-4 more rounds. But I think the other car shot at them first.. thats not on my camera,,,, wait.... maybe my shop cameras caught that... My wife already said that "I dont need to be out patrolling the yard tonight, just go to bed!" Yeah, right...
  21. I'm glad you found it funny, Onyx...
  22. as far as the inner seal goes... A year and a half ago I re-sealed a B-61's drive axles.. I did not install new center seals. I cleaned the axle end of the hubs really good, and just put inner seals in, and I used Mack Gray RTV for the axle caps, and so far no leaks on either side.. Oil is now getting to the outer bearing.. This truck was a working dump truck for 1 year after I did this repair.. now its a museum piece... LOL jojo
  23. Well here's some Shop Talk... at 6PM today, there was a drive by shooting at the drug house that is across the street from me.. We are safe and no good neighbors were shot.. There was about 10 shells in the street.. 8 cop cars came after I called.. When they got here I was out there with my AK, and was asked to stand down, so I complied.. I happen to have (9) ,,, 24/7 cameras with large hard drives running.. They took the video of the shooting.. I cant post it, for a couple reasons, but anyway, this would definately be some beer drinkin' shop talk, FOR SURE.... Im sleeping on the couch tonight with my M&P 9... In case you are guessing what they looked like.... They were in a black Dodge Charger, shooting at a Black Cadillac... Any Guess's??? Both cars left in a hurry.. Last night there were 5 shooting's in my town in 8 hours... I checked out my shop, and there were no holes in it or my customers Freightliner that is here.. Good Deal.. Now can someone post a happy 'shop talk' story... jojo
  24. I think that it is all 4 lines that are not hooked correctly, Mark.. Hopefully he will find a diagram that suit's him.. I posted a couple of them myself.. it worked before the clutch job.. from what I understand... Good to see you are posting on this one.. jojo
  25. James, 2 year old post... so what tranny do you have and what is the issue? jojo
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