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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. I converted it from a plate type oil cooler to an early E-Tech.. totaly re-built. steel cam and roller set.. it was a clean build.. Look forward to another one... the first pic. is what I recieved.. jojo
  2. OK, I'm gonna take another stab at some shop talk.. I picked up this engine for a friend of mine, and rebuilt it.. No kick butt story, just shop talk.. I finished this over a month ago.. I cant wait to hear it run.....
  3. I want that Scout !!! I had a '73 when I was a kid... I miss that damn truck.... jojo
  4. You can by pumps that mount directly on to the PTO. the side covers on the tranny are where you would mount the pto. I suggest finding out which way the pto rotates, and then you can pick the side of the tranny that will turn it correctly. they also have reversers if you needed to install one.. depending on the size of the pump, you may need a support bracket, but I think you can get by with a small pump, if its just for the winch. there should be specs for the winch that will tell you the pump needed..
  5. yep..
  6. On the left side middle area back by the end of the main case, should be stamped into the case..
  7. MP, do think the starter button will cause any issues. I know the '09 that I did, worked fine..
  8. Nahh.. I can stop posting my ugly legs.. I was just trying to get some laughs by showing what an idiot can accomplish... Jojo
  9. ok,, no more pics from me.. jojo
  10. Well You just got a good one. I'm in!!!
  11. I vaguely remember that, MP.. That is why I asked him to try jumping the starter, and then installing a starter button.. Do you think that would cause any de-rate's or other performance issue's.. I know I did this before on a deleted '09 CXU, for a farmer. He had some MIL's iluminated, but could run the farm truck just fine.. I dont want to give bad advice.. Glad you came in on this... Jojo
  12. DCW, You make me laugh.. I'm getting better, this is today after a shower.. No salt on these wound's...
  13. Dont forget the salt..
  14. yeah i'm gettin there.. Dr. Beam is helping me. I just fixed a dose of meds, a minute ago..
  15. that is odd, is it possible the celenoid is bad too? i know you can buy a replacement for about $35.00. i have replaced them quite a few times.. they dont seem to last as long as the older types, like on a 42 MT starter.. I also see the contacts are dirty. the larger black wire coming from the celenoid should be the signal wire for the starter. volvo uses gray wires as the grounds, black may be 'hot'.. i need to look at one in my hand to refresh my memory.. i figure that when you power the key signal line, that there would be 12v at that black wire's post..
  16. since it wont crank with the key, you can hook an in-line fuse to a post in the top fuse panel. there should be a row of posts under the cover. use a post the powers up with the key in the run position. run it to the button, then down to the starter post that has the red band on it. you can un hook the original wire and tape the end to protect it, and hook the new starter button wire to the post.. jojo
  17. one of those 2 opposing wires should have a red band around it.. thats the pos. from the key..
  18. ok, I understand now.. But I have no experience with deletes.. I have reversed a couple of them, but never deleted one.. I will just set back and see what others post on this issue. If I have an idea or info, I will come back in.. Jojo
  19. the viens in the turbo dump exhaust to reduce boost.. air intake is not metered. the exhaust flow controls the boost pressure, by spinning the turbo faster using exhaust pressure to create intake air pressure.. a bad egr can cause the puffing you have. I have seen this same issue many times with Series 60 14 ltr Detroit's.. jojo
  20. So, South Carolina Health groups are concerned about the mental health of "Pediatric Transgender Issues" Pediatric???? Really??? What does a 5 year old know about the pain of being a freak??? Thanks Joe Biden for not trying to inject common sense into issues like this...
  21. On top of the oil filter pad is the sensor. You can pull it, install a 't' fitting, put the sensor back in and plugged in then put the gauge in the other port on the 't' and compare readings.. jojo
  22. Prosthetic boobies. But still... WTF?:)
  23. My Wife found this shop teacher from Canada... WTF?? This is too funny, but it's real.. I am so glad I don't have children... I know I would be in jail.. So what's happening in Canada?
  24. Yep, That's what I'm talkin 'bout... I set my legs on fire, then our security gate decided to be a dick, then our central air compressor locked up.... I did fix the security gate today... I was out there with my cane and a stool, and some patience. It was a simple fix, there was a plug, inside that was unplugged, fixed, tested op- ok..
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