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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. your on a rolll Dave....
  2. GADave... you too always bring the funny and the truth... jojo
  3. Matt.... You are truly amazing.. My eyes welled up while reading your story... I thank God for creating people like you... Jojo
  4. is the VEBC acting up? I see smoke along with the fluttering, and if was an ASET, I would suspect a bad engine brake oring.. I dont know, just a thought,, the video is good just too short.. Jojo
  5. It is so nice to see the bus loads of ILLEGAL'S being sent to Liberal run cities.. N.Y.C. just got a shipment of 6 busses.. I look forward to them going to Seattle, and California Lib. cities.. Good job Gov's. Desantes and Abbott...
  6. howdy, So have you had any more success? I know you said the speedo is inop, I have an app. on my phone called digihud, its a simple speedometer, with a large display thats easy to read.. I use it during test drives, and when I am calibrating a speedo head... jojo
  7. I really need to get up and running. But i'm still jacked up... I have some repairs to do.. the day my wife took me to the doctor, our remote control security gate decided to take a crap, and Friday our home a/c compressor locked up, and we are about to have another 90 degree week.. What next??? jojo
  8. twice a day for me..
  9. Mark, I cant use gauze because it will rip my skin off, if you were here to see it, I can rub the wound and my skin tears like thin sliced balogna.. So I use non-stick bandages with burn cream, then mummify my legs with dry gauze wrap.. I have to cut it off and toss it at each change... the yellow slime on the bandages is almost enough to make someone puke... jojo
  10. Thanks Bud, I look at them and kringe... a simple mistake, turned into this... ..
  11. Prescription silvadene.. Is what I'm using..
  12. highly likely.... you work quick.. 👍
  13. sure does idle high.. should be around 650.. glad its running...
  14. well, if the test drive is good, I would just put the starter button in it with a 25 amp fuse.. like I said earlier, you can do a clean job, and use a power post, in the top fuse panel.. just use one that powers up with the key.. jojo
  15. just saw the picture.. Im sorry bud,, Im at a loss.. try the starter switch idea.. to test it you can just use a jumper wire, leave the key on.. let me know..
  16. so you didnt see the fuse in the panel on top of the dash where the C.B. goes?
  17. Thanks... Too funny..
  18. did you look in the top panel on the dash? I mistakenly said it was in the EPDM.. jojo
  19. I'm sorry. the fuse is in the top panel. here is both legends. left one is EPDM/ right one is top panel jojo
  20. the numbers are printed in the fuse board, you gotta look close.
  21. In the E.P.D.M. the little fuse panel behind the clutch pedal. let me know if the legend is still in the plastic pouch, If not I will P.M. you a copy. jojo
  22. I have a minor infection in my left leg, and truth is, they dont burn near as much when wrapped.. They air is pretty brutal.. I hope to be un-wrapped by mid-week.. jojo
  23. Amen Brother, My wife put the burn cream on the bandage, then sticks it on me. way better.. then she makes mummy's out of my legs with gauze bandages.. she has already spent over $300.00 on bandages, not counting the $200.00 Pro-Med charged us for 2 wrappings...
  24. Yeah I'm loosing more skin, the layers are pretty thick.. after my shower this morning the skin rubbed off as I was cleaning the burn.. Pretty nasty.. cant wait to be able to stand up 'and' walk with out crutches.. jojo
  25. I forgot to ask if you know where fuse 71 is?
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