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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. I regret not staying in the Army.. but as we know, hindsight is 20/20... jojo
  2. My wife wants a canary yellow Pete 379, with bug eye headlights.. But a KW W-900 L would be a sweet ride too.. She just wants it to drive around in.. Go buy groceries or whatever.. Mabey I could sell her Harley Tri-Glide Ultra Classic and her Pristene 81' C-10, and get her one,,,, yeah right... jojo
  3. Bingo!! MarkT.... jojo
  4. When I interviewed for the service manager postion, I had just over 20 years on Macks, 10 in the dealership, 2 in fleet mgt., and the rest as self employed. The G.M. told me they werent concerned about my experience, they wanted a college degree, and someone to answer the phone and talk to customers... It HURT... I walked out 1 month later and went back into business.. I have posted this story before,, so forgive if its boring... jojo
  5. the buzzer is called a "Multi buzzer" it buzz's for many reasons and funtions... my diagrams are very large and dont photograph well.. I dont know how a faulty buzzer would reduce engine power... jojo
  6. I guess im not sure,, i thought you have an RB,,,R-model,,, any R-Model I worked on, the buzzer is in front of the clutch pedal, under the dash, on a triangular bracket. no need to remove a dash panel, just lay on the floor and look up at the bottom corner.. its right there.. above the vent door, if you have the vent down there that you kick open.. I wish I had a picture of its location. there is the chance that it is missing, but the wide plug should be there.. jojo
  7. i think its 8, have you still not found it?
  8. have you just simply looked at the wires on the VSS sensor, and the truck side to see if they are chaffed, or broken, or just not right?? jojo
  9. 4-1 is the speed sensor in the tranny output shaft.. If it's a screw in type,,, remove it, inspect it, clean it, ohm it out, based on the part number stamped in it.. if you can see the part number, post it,, should start with 64MT... when you screw it back in, go in till it touches then back it off 1 full turn, and ,lock it down.. jojo
  10. Oh Hell, TJC.. You make good point's.. I would only change a few of my actions,,.. anyway, its a deep subject for me so I will stop here... jojo
  11. No doubt MackPro, I remember, continuasly updating PTT, and the few times I used a Nexis box, was just 'ok'.. Ive been away from these systems for a few years, with the exception of setting up PTT for a customer of mine,, however, no one there knows how to use it, or speak english, so all the money he spent for me to renew the system is now gone. Its been over 6 months, so it all needs to be be re-set, passwords and the like.. If these systems arent used regularly, they just go away to a point, then more money has to be spent to get it back.. its sad.. jojo
  12. I just looked in my V-MacIII book, and did not find a 291 modifier... jojo
  13. the ABS rocker switch is under the dash, above the brake pedal. it is lit up in 'orange' if you can retreive the 2 digit codes, I can tell you what it is for.. What year/model/ engine series/tranny/? jojo
  14. yeah Mech... you are right.. I know I posted this before, but... I tried to work for Mack again a few years ago... one of my co-workers, rolled the lap top cart up to a truck to diagnose why the headlights didnt work.. Of course I laughed and asked What the F are you doing?... he just looked at me and continued... of course, he was the favored 'tech'.... He got 'tech of the year' that year.... I played the game as well, but of course I fixed trucks.. I won tech of the month 7 out of 11 months, went to school and became a 'Master driveline' tech, and got tech of the year the next year.... Big 'F'n'Deal !!! I still wasnt good enough for a promotion, even though all the hi-up's asked me how to fix it, or 'what do i tell the customer'? and so on... What a waste of 10 years in the dealerships learning how to actually fix a damn Mack... anyway, ... jojo
  15. interesting perspective.. JoeH... maybe thats why I have more work than I can handle. My body is beat up from the work I do,,, but there are very few that do what I do.. and I'm nothing special.... just nobody wants to fix trucks, they just want to plug a laptop in and tell you whats wrong.. anyway,, just chuggin along, jojo
  16. I knew you would come through... TJC.. That beat's the heck out of any local news story I watched. no-one explained it better... Of course Newsmax does spell it out very well... You done good sir.... jojo
  17. Can someone??? other than TJC,, tell me how? we have have a so-called increase in jobs by 430,000, and an un employment rate below .04%??? but everywhere I go, the business is understaffed due to lack of help, and any 'eatin' joint may have the dining room closed and it's 'take out' or 'drive through only'... ???? OK TJC... you can chime in... Still luv u... jojo
  18. its common for drivers to unplug the buzzer, because it is loud and 'sounds' when the turn signal is on.. its annoying,, but also needs to be plugged in 'by law'' ,, just sayin, jojo
  19. I my goodness.... I did something that almost got me killed.... (By my Dad)... I was (17),and working on my '69 Camaro, under the hood.. it was mid winter in Maine, the snow banks from the plow truck were very high.. While working under the hood, a tranny line burst and sprayed me and the engine with ATF. with the engine running, the fan blade threw the fluid up the snow bank, so , of course I had to have fun with this. I pulled my left hand inside my coat sleeve and went running the house jumping and screaming, " I just cut my hand off!!! "... My Mom found me and looked out the window to see the ATF sprayed up the snow bank, and she lost it!!!!.. when I pushed my ' perfectly fine hand' out of my coat, my Dad came after me and well,, He didnt see the humor in it.. Jojo
  20. the shutdown buzzer is to the left of the clutch pedal on the triangular bracket below the dash .. under the area that has the oil pressure, water temp, and alt. gauges... jojo
  21. dammit Bob.. that was a job!!!... god bless you man.................. jojo
  22. hey Bob, I just had a thought,,, you commented on greasing palm's.. is bringing a big bag of breakfast sandwhiches to my local Mack parts counter, considered 'greasing' ? i hope so, i have done it dozens of times.. Luv U Man, Jojo
  23. yes Onyx,, and my patience goes away, because I'm trying to repair this truck and put my customer back to work.... jojo
  24. Onyx, it just seperated,,, no pressure on it or anything else... I have a new one coming, now to explain to my customer that MackVo may not warranty it.. I only had for 2 hours before I installed it.. $130.00 part... oh well,,, jojo
  25. I had to get My mom, I mean My Wife to fix it for me... Here it is Onyx... jojo
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