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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. yes, can you spray it with soapy water and look for bubbles?
  2. well,,, maybe you should tell us more about the trucks condition, and what you have already checked out looking for damage. jojo
  3. did you check the internal oil pump gears for wear and the pressure relief valve for a weak spring and or scratches in the bore and on the piston?? and did you see the condition of the 13 crank journals before the bearings were rolled in?.. was the crank cut .010" and standard bearings were installed?... look at the old bearings to see if the part number has a P-10 after the part number. the crank should have been stamped with the cut if there was one. jojo
  4. I know i made my comments about ether... however, being from Maine, I have worked on many Mack's with 'propane injection' systems on them.. many were dissabled but some still had the switch in the cab . it was labeled as... 'for cold starts only' ... there was a common propane torch bottle screwed to the injection system.. I know I may be contradicting myself, but I do not like ether in a diesel.. like i said before.. I dont mind learning , if i'm wrong about something.. just saying... jojo
  5. fuel pressure issue, is probable, since it wont fire up after it shuts off while HOT.. compression is at its best at this point, so why... doesnt it fire back up??? and how does the fuel leave the pump so quickly?? and is there more to know?? if you ever put fuel filters on and didnt put enough fuel in them. it will run for a minute, but when fuel gets below the filter pad nipple, well.... there you are ... dead... so you pull the filter and re-fill it and then pump the primer, if you have one, and ... off you go... call me crazy.... jojo
  6. yep.... that's the one... Mark.. good memory...
  7. first time I heard that one Onyx...
  8. ether is highly volatile. and has no lubrication in it.. I certainly dont know all the aspects, but I have worked on many worn out diesels that were fed ether until they died,,, (Diesel Morphine) if you will. or (Diesel Hospice)... anyway... this is one of those topics that I tread lightly on in my world, because..... far be-it for me to tell someone how to operate their machines that they have operated for years... know what I mean?? jojo
  9. its pouring rain here, and I did all I can do in my shop til tomorrow,,, so im sittin here 'numbin it!!' with BMT on the laptop. good to chat with you Bob... jojo
  10. and we are also paying all this bills that the illegals have, like food / rent/ health care/ phone service/ transportation / utilities/ .. did i leave something out?? jojo
  11. Truckie, my post isnt directed at you, as much as I hope it is info for anyone who needs it. You may be very cautious about how you use ether, but I have seen heavy doses being sprayed, and its not good.. we had an MP-8 in the shop a few years ago, and a so-called master tech, loaded the CAC so full of ether, rather than taking the intake boot off he just filled it from the turbo side.. anyway, it ran away... it didnt break... I put the laptop on it to read the last event, and it hit 3250 RPM's.. the reason the truck would not stay running..... another guy put the wrong compressor gear on the new compressor, and the gears didnt mesh, so there was no fuel being pumped.. jojo
  12. compression becomes too low, in order to burn diesel. since ether will burn at much lower temperature, it lights very easily. the wear is already in the engine to start with, the ether just allows you to start it up, and when the engine is running at around 650 RPM's, it has enough rotational force to maintain itself. and compression is higher due to the speed of the running engine compared to the typical 250 RPM's that the starter provides.. this next part is just my opinion... Because a diesel is a compression ignition engine, introducing fuel at the right time is crucial. The issue I have with 'sprays' into the intake is that, as the piston comes up on the compression stroke, to compress the air. the temp of the air is hot enough to light the ether early.. "Pre-ignition" Not a Good thing... this can and will weaken the engine, and if abused can bend rods and such.. I welcome any and all opinion's on this, and even those that dissagree with me.. I always learn from the many comments here.. jojo
  13. Hey Bob,,, My wife also watches all of the crime shows, like forensic files, true crime network, her new favorite show is Dr.G Medical examiner.. They are interesting show's,, but they are also, 'online training courses' on how to get rid of their husband, and make it look like an accident.. Gotta go now... I just remembered there is a jug of antifreeze in the cabinet... jojo
  14. I actually posted this before.. I was trouble shooting a similar problem in an RD many years ago, after a day of going nowhere, when I pulled fuel line inlet to the primary fuel filter, I found electrical tape in the line, I was able to gently pull the tape out of the line. and just like that, problem solved. My bossman said that is was sabotage, because if you drop a roll of electrical tape into the tank, the diesel will dissolve the glue and the tape gets sucked up the line... The most recent one was about 4 years ago, on a CXN.. similar issue, plus the fuel tanks wouldnt balance out, (no crossover hose).. I found slivers of Bamboo swing around in the tank.. my guess was that they were using the bamboo to check the fuel level. there was a stick of it laying in the headache rack. the slivers got sucked into that supply line.. anyway, I hope his truck isnt addicted to ether at this point.. jojo
  15. a radiator repair shop may be able to weld it up, I have had a few repaired, I guess it depends on how long the crack is or if its in the viens.. typically it is at the top right corner at the inlet. jojo
  16. I dont understand how it can be running and warmed up, shut down and not start right back up without ether.. to me if is warmed up, then the compression should be at it's best. so yes, fuel supply may be the issue here. Do you have a small tank you can mount above the level of the injection pump, that you can connect to the inlet of the primary filter, and run a return line back to it so you can run it for a while til it warms up, and try to restart it in an attempt to duplicate the problem.. I know I may sound like a nut, but sometimes I do these things just to see.... especially if I dont have new parts on hand. ok, I will set back and watch now.. jojo
  17. too funny. I have fixed it twice already. my bracing is still strong, the original frame just keeps rotting away. at some point the frame will look like a patchwork quilt .. I still drive it with out fear, I just cant go off road...
  18. hey Bob, I have a '97 toyota tacoma.. 21 years now,, the frame is rough but the truck runs and drives great... 188,000 miles... I was told by scrap yard guys that they were told to drain the oil from the engines and start them up and blow them up however they saw fit to do so... LKQ, is one of those companies... yep,,, Kill the good ones, and keep the junk... America !!! 'F' Yeah !!!... I hate progressive phonies.... they are not conservationist's... just duche bag's... forgive my poor spelling jojo
  19. And you always will Mackey..... the system is too particular about differential pressures and it causes more harm than good.. to me it was better to just burn the diesel to make power to get the job done, whether it is hauling goods on US highway's, or working the land to feed the US, or moving goods on trains and in ships, than to have to sit somewhere for an hour and light a fire inside a potential fire hazard box. its all a joke.. And dont nobody try to school me on NOX... I dont care.... more diesel is wasted now with these POS engines than when they were just Mechanical.. jojo
  20. As much as I love our Mack's.... I would run the wheels off an FLD with a 12.7 Detroit, and a 10 or 13 spd. I aint no super trucker, but I know I can run that sucker any day...
  21. Cat's and Dog's can get along, with proper training... Myself.... I like a 12.7 Series 60, If I can't have an E-7... or even an E-Tech.. jojo
  22. Volvo has dissolved the MACK brand... it started around 2002.. I have heard of dual dealerships dropping the Mack Brand.. PAI, is going to make a fortune!!!! Why?? because guy's like us will buy their kits to keep our Mack's on the road... I just hope PAI, doesnt reduce quality to a 1-2 year life span... anyway, I have an opinion.... ooop's,, I forgot.... the DEF is a bunch of sh!t !!! No REAL truck need's it... jojo
  23. so true Rebel...
  24. E-Tech... I am using the part number that the reman center installed originally. I prefer steel rollers.. The owner didnt want me to stray from the current part number as well.. and since I literally, finished an ASET-C the day before, with ceramic lifters, he said to do it again, with this E-Tech.. As far as calling PAI, I would like to but the owner pulled out his credit card and paid for the parts I put in the 'Cart'.. It's ok... I will just build it with what comes.. Thanks guy's... jojo
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