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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Yes... clean/filterd air is a must!!! and NO air brake alcohol in the system to displace water. the shift cover can't handle it... BTW..... I call "I-Shift" "I-Don't Shift" What pisses me off about all of these automated system's... Is the FACT that People who buy these P.O.'S truck's, are the R+D ( research and developement) for the products.... OK, time to go..... jojo
  2. I have to correct myself.. the fitting is a #10 jic.. sorry for the false info.. jojo
  3. we used to put a paper clip in the sensor plug to test this fault... I've seen them left in,,, trash companies are the worst offender's... Non MP trucks... jojo
  4. no. sorry... jojo
  5. yes sir.. i understand.... I have a fitting made up that fits the line coming off the top of the air compressor. I hook my shop compressor to the discharge line to the dryer.. then I can listen 'quietly' for air leaks....
  6. Don't sweat the ABS.... No harm no foul.... jojo
  7. since it's a CH... pull the floor pan out and secure it properly and away from the exhaust pipe. There should have been a 90 degree mounting bracket where the line changes from the SS braided line to Rubberized steel braided line. It looks like you have a Mack tranny, the bracket should mount using one of the shift cover bolts. I believe it is mounted on the same side as the air dryer. of course, someone may have removed these parts before you got the truck, and hopefully you dont have to fight with a PTO control tower on the floor panel, in order to get it out... Good luck, jojo
  8. no..... look...its easy.... the rubber line is DOT airline for a #10 JIC fitting. jojo
  9. yes sir...the E-6 I built last year had copper piping like you describe, but he has an '03 CH-613... they run a stainless braided line from the top of the compressor to the top of the tranny, where it goes to a heavy rubber /nylon braided hose, down to the air drier. with respect... jojo
  10. That truck usually has a stainless braided line thats about 30" long and goes to a bracket on top of the tranny where it then goes to a rubber coated steel braided line to the input of the air dryer. #10 JIC fitting's on the line end's. takes a 1" wrench to remove/install them.. jojo
  11. so dry liners can be driven in with a block of wood??? I thought the .002" crush on the liner during install required either dry ice or a hydraulic press? just asking... jojo
  12. B.M.T. is Great!!  Try getting 'one tenth' of the ...answers, knowledge, part number's, link's to important information, pic's,  and the great friendship's......   at 'The Dealership' ?? Like we get here......  Jojo

  13. I totaly forgot something imortant..... yes the batt. switch is a thing.... but do you have a seperate toggle switch on the panel just for the 2 outer cab light's? I'm sorry I didn't post this in the beginning.... jojo
  14. I understand... you could pull the head liner down and dissconnect the hot wire to the outer lights, and connect the outer lights to the 3 center bulbs so they just come on with the park/headlight switch. and when you cut the hot wire that feeds the 2 outer lights, put a small heat shrink on the end of the hot wire so it doesnt short to ground anywhere... jojo
  15. gotch'a.. good luck ... the E-7 that I re-built because of age and the chipped liner, ran just fine and with a radiator cap that have the pressure relief lever on it and letting it breath when needed, and some coolant now and then.. some summer days were a bit hot for it...this was before I went through it..jojo
  16. I recently pulled liners from an ENDT E-6. I didnt have a hydraulic puller... I welded a spiral of weld on the inside of the liner, then used my Kent Moore liner puller. it was still a chore and I had to sharpen the dogs on my puller a few times to get a good bite. Then i had a machine shop press the liners in the block for me. My enigine was out of the truck, and I was re-building it.. for you to do 1 liner in chassis may be a lot of work, depending on tooling. Dry icing the new liner to get it in is a method you can use.. I never got real good at it. I also rebuilt an E-7, 2 years ago that was putting pressure in the cooling system. when I pulled the heads, #6 liner was chipped, just like you described your's is.. so far all is good... I hope I helped you with the approach to this repair... jojo
  17. I doubt it... did you look for a battery dissconnect switch? usually at the batt box area. they intentionally have the outside cab lights burn when batt's are switched on.. jojo
  18. Just recapping what I posted... The 2 clearence lights burning after the truck is cut of, is so that someone can see that the batteries are not cut off.. it's a safety item. .. Jojo
  19. That's a sad reallity... they are protected better than law abiding American's..
  20. Yes this thread is called, ' The best of Biden' but really , it need's to be called, "The Worst of the Democrats"... Cuomo gets a pass.... Really??? But 725 people are facing jail time for 1/6/2020??? and 1600 rioting vandal's get arrested after the Floyd case and get let out on a misdemeanor.. There's a ton more, if you just scroll back on this thread to see all of the 'real' comments about our 'King' you will agree... too bad us real American's can't help 'cleans' our community. Bleach aint strong enough....
  21. look for a battery switch on the batt box or near it... trash companies do that so the drivers cut the batts off after thier shift... jojo
  22. Man that is awesome! So good to see the work and that there is a young'n who learned a skill and is working his skill's... It's great, all the way around... Jojo
  23. the Jake on yours is a 690 series, E-7's had a 680 series, the top oil feed SB did help the performance, but it was still a lame E.B. compared to other engine makes. I remember test driving the trucks for weak Jake performance and having to fill out a report on oil pressure and engine speed, blah, blah, blah.... and then we would do a top oil feed conversion.. it was a very care filled job to drill the Jake head 'once' without busting through or missing the oil gallery.. anyway, maybe some one will post the bulliten, basically for entertainment purpose's jojo
  24. I wonder if anyone near him has the jig to drill the Jake head, and heck, the knowledge to do it? I dont have access to search out the service bulliten from 20 years ago... jojo
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