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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. ok... at the bottom of the flywheel housing, there is a cover, rectangular or roundish. 5/16" bolt heads.. 6 of them or 2 of them. remove it... then look inside. the flywheel may be rusty, sorry.. have a piece of emery cloth ready and when you roll the engine around, look carefully. when you see the markings through the rust,, buff it clean,, do this to all of them. the flywheel is divided in 3 .. if you need more help.. PM me and I will give you my phone #. then you can call me.. jojo
  2. please show pics... rust protrusion is a bitch... is that what this is about? jojo
  3. deleted??? that is where the problem started.... the EECU is smarter than that... Leave the EGR system alone and keep it in good repair... -or- sell it and get a real truck.... Sorry but the Gov. made sure that you cant really beat the system... at some point you will PAY... When I worked at the MackVo dealership, a few years ago, we were not allowed to touch a deleted truck.... So you are left to take it to a private shop... Then the 'Hack's' come out of the woodwork with "The solution".. you pay them 3-5K ... you go away and do youre thing, then you have an issue... and guess what? youre screwed... sorry guy's .. Jojo
  4. Hello Tomm.. Just a thought here.. I purchased PTT (Premium Tech Tool) for one of my big customers this summer. $600.00 + .. He bought a new windows 10 laptop, He did already own a Vocomm box. Approx. $1800.00 for it.. With this tool you can do a lot to youre truck. You would be buying the "customer portal" but you will have a lot of access to info. You will NOT have the same access as MackVo. you can do many diagnostics and even trouble shoot the stupid DPF/DEF systems, if you have any.. You order it on-line and call tech support after you recieve youre packet with the authority info. tech support will walk you through it and set youre base password, then you can take it from there. all you have to do is log in once every 90 days to avoid resetting the P/W and every 6 months you can change the P/W to maintain security.. Just my thoughts.. Jojo
  5. Another friggin mask mandate and B.S. talking about about how natural immunity doesnt combat Omicron.. and we need to cancel our family gatherings for "Christmas" huhhh I thought it was called "Holiday"? anyway,, what really upsets me is all of the weak pansie's that listen to this crap.. Yes , it is a real infection, It kicked my ass back in march. I was wearing the damn masks and gloves and kept spraying lysol in my service truck that my 1 employee rides in, even had handi-wipes to wipe down everything... both my employee and myself still got the Kung Flu.. It's amazing how the King and his Vice King can easily weaken so many brains and speed up the destruction of The United States of America.... with the useless, so-called safety measures... and using the Kung Flu as an excuse for every agenda they are pushing...... I'm losin it... sorry guy's... Jojo
  6. boost leak?
  7. yep pretty easy.. The marking are 1&6... 2&5... 3&4..... it follows the firing order... 'too young,, too old,,, just right!'... 15-36-24.. when the pointer is pointing at 1&6.. look at the #2 exh. rocker. it should be 'rocked' if so ... you are up on #1, if not , you are up on #6.. easy breezy... jojo
  8. .016 int. .024 exh. .021 eng. brk.. if the jake heads are updated, .017 if they are not.. jojo
  9. if you have the black plastic panel, remove the small torx screws to get the face off...the bigger ones remove the whole unit.... jojo
  10. shine a flashlight on the dash panel at the little lenses, and you will see where it is, then pull the panel and see if the bulb fell out and is hanging back there... 194 bulb.... jojo
  11. to a truck driver... it's a short ride....
  12. right on ALL accounts... probably a better chat on youre thread.. may get a laugh... jojo
  13. the truck was born as a Scotsdale 20... I bought it 15 years ago.. It was a whole fleetside truck.. I flat bedded it a few years alter, to do the work I do... I bought a '78 1 ton cab n chassis in 2009... removed the cab, went through the brakes and swapped the cab... ran it as an automatic for a few years then bought a pedal set from E-Bay, and put a granny gear 4 spd. in it.. I work it when needed, go to Lowe's, scrap yard, and where ever I need a 1 ton.. I wont ever sell it... It works hard for me when I need it, and it's a conversation piece at times in the parking lot... I did build a hopped-up 400 for it but after 2 years... I pulled it out. it was too much engine for the gearing, and I put the 350 back in.. Now it's 'right'... jojo
  14. Hello 'J'.... I assume you mean China?... Jojo
  15. I understand... I guess, Im just seeing clueless out of touch with reality people, forcing thier agenda down our throats.. it looks like the minority governs the majority.. Like I said, just another one of my silly thoughts.. well, gotta go on a road call now, need to crank my nasty diesel truck jojo
  16. Very good points.. Sounds reasonable...
  17. So now Kamala and the King are going to install 500,000 (using the ,so-called infrastructure money) charging stations for electric cars, across the country in big cities.. So cities that already have parking issues are going to give up parking spaces for your Duracell car? Really?? Hell, here in my town people park in Handicap spots and get out and walk, no placards on the car indicating H.D. So how will they stop non-electric car drivers from parking in the Duracell spot's? just another silly question that I have..jojo
  18. hello 880joe, I think it all mechanical.. like to see the injection pump and less of the rigging.. jojo
  19. Here's Mack standing guard on my work horse.. too funny.. He wont let the other boys near it or me if i'm on a creeper and such..
  20. im gonna move this to youre thread... if i can.. jojo
  21. Onyx.... Bingo!!!
  22. Well all of what you ask and say makes sense.. I literally rely on my skills with ''tool's'' I looked into buying a loaded laptop and Vocomm box 6 years ago. $12,000.00... So instead I bought a 2002 Isuzu NPR, for $8000.00... It is tough out there, but I have been able to find customers that need repairs rather than programming, and some will pay me to install the parts then go to the dealer for programming, or a "Learn data reset"... I will not get rich doing this. I average about $50,000.00/ year with this truck.. and the rest is made in my little shop.. jojo
  23. Volvo has already Killed Mack... But can't Kill guy's like us.. Jojo
  24. Im in my zone with Mack's... But lately I have branched out a bit.. The John Deere's were new to me, I built an Isuzu 4HE1 2 months ago.. What I do is, buy an instant download manual for what I have, and go for it... I buy tools as needed. the Isuzu caused me to buy a rear main seal tool.. and a few other tools... what'cha thinkin? Jojo
  25. Awesome!!! A Yorkie I assume? I had 2 myself. My little girl was a 'Teacup' Pup,,, or 'Purse puppy' as some might say.. and my boy (her real brother) was a 'Meatball' jojo
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