This is the Yellow and Green "twisted pair" of comm. wires. easy to trace because they are the only yellow and green wires.... Under the hood is a triangular Duetch connector where the steering column comes through the firewall. if it is not secured it can loose its connection, I believe you have a gray 6 pin comm. port by the clutch pedal. the wires are there too, the low line has about 1.7 volts and the high line has about 2.5 volts. did you check that when the truck is running, and then when it shuts down? these wires go to the VECU behind the kick panel on the right side under the metal panel, pull the floor matt back to get to the lower row of screws. I should have asked this next one first.... Did you check the condition of Fuse #40 in the EPDM under the hood? pull the fuse and check the terminals tension, (holding ability)also check voltage. 12.6 with engine off, 13.8volts -14.3volts, with engine running. ecu's can go bad, but lets just look for a weak wire connection first.. Wiring issues can really make a person mad.. many times the solution was a bad wire or connection. With the engine running, you can wiggle these wires and see if a change happens, I will keep thinking,,,,Jojo