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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Thats a cool picture of the truth..... "Live free or Die!" jojo
  2. I just read some old posts on this, and I may have missunderstood, I thought this was about an MP, but the post title is E-7... I'm sorry,,, jojo
  3. Just asking because its been a while since I fixed a volvo/mp, engine, Is that the short harness for the oil pan sensors, or was it the whole harness that goes behind the engine with the cam sensor plugs that can be mixed up because they are the same? I'm rusty, I have only done about 5, MP harness' and it's been 4 years since the last one, on an MP-7 that i pulled out to do major work too. .just like to know in case I need to help someone who may call on my services..... thanks, jojo
  4. is the engine an ASET-I or C?
  5. Yes L.T.K... I agree, however, I was born in N.Y.City and have heard his kind of arrogance for 2 decades.. He is tough and that's how he gained his wealth... Anyway, His "Mouth" is hard for many people to understand.. .....his policies and love for country and, really all people... is real.. I always sensed a tender heart, behind the A-Hole that he acted like... Too bad our country can't be as unified as B.M.T. Jojo
  6. holy crap... where do I start, hell, where do I end??? You cant; have trump. We ALL need him. If He was back In power, He would set (TrueDo'nt) straight.. anyway..... I miss him and his office, Big Time... I know for sure he would spread the wealth to our Great White Northern friends.... No reason not too.... He was another "Great Unifier" for our country, and the World.... Not perfect, just Damn Good...jojo
  7. I think the only real virus we have is Progressive democrats that are power hungry. We are smart enough to decide for our selves what we need to do to sty safe. We don't Commies to tell us what to do. Hell, I wore my mask and kept my hands clean and carried dissinfectant spray and kept my service trucks clean, and both myself and my one employee got the Kung Flu.... This was my experience, The U.S. Gov. is totaly using this virus as a tool for power. as long as wimp's tag along, this will never end until there are more people with "hands out" then there are people with "working hands" working to put money in to their hands... It's B.S.!! jojo
  8. yes, the "Twisted pair" of green and yellow is the 1939 line..
  9. yes Bullheaded, you are right... If you use the same procedure to fix a 9-2 code, you will be inspecting all of these grounds.. he has posted this issue in another thread and we addressed that, Of course we are not doing the trouble shooting, so who knows if all has been inspected,,, ( with respect) .. Jojo
  10. This is the Yellow and Green "twisted pair" of comm. wires. easy to trace because they are the only yellow and green wires.... Under the hood is a triangular Duetch connector where the steering column comes through the firewall. if it is not secured it can loose its connection, I believe you have a gray 6 pin comm. port by the clutch pedal. the wires are there too, the low line has about 1.7 volts and the high line has about 2.5 volts. did you check that when the truck is running, and then when it shuts down? these wires go to the VECU behind the kick panel on the right side under the metal panel, pull the floor matt back to get to the lower row of screws. I should have asked this next one first.... Did you check the condition of Fuse #40 in the EPDM under the hood? pull the fuse and check the terminals tension, (holding ability)also check voltage. 12.6 with engine off, 13.8volts -14.3volts, with engine running. ecu's can go bad, but lets just look for a weak wire connection first.. Wiring issues can really make a person mad.. many times the solution was a bad wire or connection. With the engine running, you can wiggle these wires and see if a change happens, I will keep thinking,,,,Jojo
  11. it's easy... just pull the triangular top panel, look down to see the buss bar.. it is labeled really well. you can use any of those post's... Key"off" Key "on".. just put a good fuse holder from the post to the,,,,,, camera or whatever.... and install the recommended fuse... ATM/ATC type or whatever you like.. keep some circuit breaker's of the same amp, and type of plug, in the tool box. just in case you have an issue... jojo
  12. what is the truck model and year? I have done dozens of these cam jobs. With respect... do you know what you are doing? Jojo
  13. the AC is a different E.E.C.U. ,, 3 plugs. The AI has 2, just like an E-Tech... I would suggest keeping the wire harness that is on the AI engine, then swap the E.E.C.U. with the engine. the plug on the top of the tranny should be the same, just look at it to be sure,, its a rectangular 16 pin plug, that should be secured on the top of the tranny, to the left side. it will be secured in a square clamp and may have zip ties holding it together.. It's easy to get to, with the floor pan around the shifter removed, ..-or- if you have a skinny guy in the shop.... squeeze his ass above the fuel tank to get it.. just air up the cab air bags...:) jojo
  14. any luck? if its fixed, post the fix... jojo
  15. I love it Paul..... I'm laughing, but I want to know who's right.... I'm supposed to believe us.. (U.S)... too funny, jojo
  16. I was a child in the 70's..... I'm just concerned about the -here-and-now. With respect and diss-agreement , It's best that I stop now.. Jojo
  17. Mr. Mackey... I am quite sure you believe in what you say... But? don't you think that it's a different country today? and not heading in a good way.. what has been happening since the Virus, has been used as a pawn, regardless of the loss of life and all of what we need to live, being hard to get... in simple words... What I see every day is proof that Progressives are out to destroy our great country, and new age Dem's have no problem giving 'Us' Up! to whoever is walking over us... or "just plain, walking in) with respect..... Joey....
  18. there are yokes to put under the rocker arm to set lash. The thickness is based on the type of turbo you have, I have made these adjustments using feeler gauges. I check both sides to be sure that the lash is correct. I have several individual feelers that I have riveted together for the different engines I do. so I use these paired feelers to get it done. If you need to know the lash setting, there is a chart that uses the turbo series. ie: s-300, or s-400 turbo's and so-on.. not a big deal.. there are people here that can tell you off the top of their heads... I have a Mack book that has all of the specs... Jojo
  19. wouldnt it be just an E.E.C.U replacement? .. far as I know the mounting is the same as an E-tech... jojo
  20. We all may be State's apart, or Countries apart, but what I see is a kinship/friendship/and family... Just my heart talking here... In order for us to have the knowledge we have, WE have worked very hard to learn it.... Jojo
  21. dont know youre age, but totaly understand what you say... im 52 and have been a mechanic since I was 10... bikes, mowers, toys etc... the last 10 years have blown my mind, only because I thought it was just ... simple.... hat's off to you sir... jojo
  22. you know what TJC? "You Tough" My Father-in-law always said that to me... Jojo
  23. the turbos and egr valves on the ASET-C ( assuming your's is CEGR) engines arent that good. and very expensive to fix, if you can even get a turbo due to the current parts issues. I have been getting turbos re-built. I just had one done for an E-9 that I was tunning. is the engine throwing codes? jojo
  24. I appreciate all of the responses on this one... I think that there is a tremendouse amount of good info here. I read a lot of posts and learn from many of them and I can also confirm many of the ideas and fixes from my own experience, after 23 years of working on Mack's, as well as driving them too. When I found this site, I was very happy. I stay here for many reasons now.. anyway. I was just curious about opinions. thank you all... Joey. (P.S. I am glad that there are'nt any Jerks, posting, and insulting others..)
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