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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. E-6 is 672 Cubic inches, The E-7 is 728 Cubic inches...
  2. basically ,,, yes.... But I have limited knowledge on different E-6's... I'm currently building an E-6 2valve. 1960'ish... So I am learning as well... Someone here will hook you up better, however, you have a great engine, they just run and run and run... jojo
  3. The E-7 was born in 1990... You have an E-6... what year?
  4. Well,,,, My Dumbass, just saw this was for a Cat. 3406.... So Never mind the Mack reference, However, the cooling tube part, stands,, sorry, jojo..
  5. Good call Glenn.... The Mack eng. kit doesn't come with cooling tubes... The P.A.I. kit I used this summer, had them and the ball seal's.. Un-real... anyway, if you don't have a "Target Tool" for the cooling tubes,,, just replace them... (after the pistons are installed and torqued down, trust me....) Jojo
  6. Good clean bolts with or without anti seize will work... they only torque to 33 lbft.. so I'm guessing someone put them in with a 1/2" gun before you got it...😃 Yes... chase the threads... jojo
  7. The cam is "Degreed'ed differently. Low HP engine were retarded 3 degrees 350+400 hp were at zero degrees, 427 and up were advanced 3 degrees.. The offset cam key is painted red on one end and white on the other. Red is low power, white is Big power... The zero degree key is straight.. ..When installing the key, the color you need faces out... (front)...Jojo
  8. I keep a C.A.C. pressure test kit on my svc. truck... in 15 minutes I'm testing for leaks.... I have found many loose clamps,, and of course, cooler leaks too... I never did like the one-piece intake that mack used. always sprung a leak... jojo
  9. I don't know the year of the truck...I looked back but couldn't find it. If it's an ASET/CEGR/ When the little air filter for the VGT controller gets clogged and cuases poor performance, by not working the VGT correctly.. Just another thought, not knowing the engine series. jojo
  10. I've always wanted to hear opinions from other country's.... Thank You, Jojo✌️
  11. I see what "F" said and I chuckled... I'm guessing this is an E-Tech engine? I used to go in to "Mack Software", and open up the governor seeing and change it from---"Min-Max" to "Allspeed". dTo try to give it a little more Pep-in-the-step... This doesnt give 50 extra horses... Just better response, "F" and "V"?? Edit this post if needed... Jojo
  12. Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!! Great post's.. It brings me back...... The 12 spd. I drove was in a 78 RD tractor. The deep reduction switch was up in the dash... Looking back. That was a real Mack, I would love to have one... Jojo
  13. In '99, I drove for a construction co. in Maine for only 2 years,, But I drove '77-'97 Mack's... My favorite was the '79 long framed RD tractor, with a tri-axle framed dump... That tranny was so versitile, and multi-speed reverse was very cool for backing on svc roads around the job site.. I also drove the X-107 twin stick.. another multi speed reverse tranny in a tri-axle dump truck.. I learned to respect that tranny... after that --- no more stopping in the middle of the intersection, to start over.. Bullet proof and proven.... It may be slow, but it will Pull!!.. jojo..
  14. Your'e right mark.... I forgot that.... 🤫.... Jojo
  15. I have a 1948 KB-7... I will be learning about a truck that is new to me.. I cant wait to get started on it... I'm proud to have it.. Jojo
  16. I hope this helps........
  17. Mack did away with the o-ring... On the liner there is the tall ring(step) around the liner, measure the low groove just outside the circumference of the tall step.. you will use a small amt. of Mack Gray sealant on the shelf in the counter bore to seal in the coolant. the head gasket will take care of the top... jojo
  18. It's all good..... You go DOG!...Jojo
  19. When I was driving late 70's R models, I learned to count, One One thousand,,,Two... I would double clutch,,, Then On "Two" I would grab the next gear.. It still works for me today... I rarely get to drive a 107 or 2070 anymore.. In youre case a 105.... same-same... Jojo
  20. I really wish I was there to see it, and hear it fire up!!!! Jojo
  21. it's all good... i was guessing what you had, when you said 5 spd. i said 105.. The Mack triple countershaft tranny's, were the same in the main box... the added back box changes it up,, with a few exceptions... Jojo. Hope I cleared it up sir..
  22. the 105 is very basic, and bullet proof... triple countershaft.. just be patient shifting it... it's no Eaton.. Jojo
  23. Mabey you can find one of these... The Mack 107 tranny book is around too... Good luck, Great find.. jojo
  24. I can tell you this, if it's an internal E.G.R. engine that runs good and you know the maintainance was good, It's a desireable truck... JUst my 2 cents... Jojo
  25. what about the axle do you want to know thats not stamped in the carrier housing, (Mack Rear).. or on the data plate on the axle tube, (Eaton rears)? Jojo
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