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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. me too... I no longer work at the mack dealer.. I left mid-june 2018.... I printed a boat load of svc info at home and put it in 3 ring binders... Luckily with my Mobile Mechanic business, I am able to avoid MP's and M-Drives... For now.... I hope the pics I sent help Tim... Jojo
  2. I know the quality of the pics is poor... I remember being fortunate to find the "legends" still in the truck.. I photocopied them and put them in one of my binders, for later use... it was faster than trying to use "Impact"..LOL! Jojo
  3. is the tranny an M-Drive? fuse #71 is for the tranny..
  4. well somehow, I split the EPDM and the top fuse panel pics... Sorry.. Jojo
  5. secondary throttle,, pull it out and twist to lock,, for whatever you need the engine to run up higher.... P.T.O. for example.. Jojo
  6. I am looking to buy a rear brake drum, the dia. is 15+ inches, hard to read it through the rust....the width of the shoes is 4 1/2".. the drum is 5 5/8" wide on the braking surface. I would also like to find an old parts book, and svc manual... Thanks, Jojo
  7. It is a very Cool piece,, I would love one in my Mack curio cabinet... Jojo
  8. Well folk's, I'm going to end my time in this thread.... Jojo
  9. Damn "L"... More great points! I'm getting an education, Thanks Jojo
  10. I just read this thread..... You got some damn good help here, John... yes Mack Gray is the best sealant... Good luck, Jojo
  11. ok Thomas L, You make good points, I still will study more of what you say,, I see our "Lib" Democrats, not as unifiying, and for the "working man" Sorry ladies... anyway, when you plant a seed, and nurture it, It Will Grow!!!!! Lib's and Progressive's planted seed's.... They will try to MATURE those seed's into...... Full Govt. control....... Jojo
  12. bullet proof!.... Parts are still available..... I built one 6 months ago... Do you know how to inspect the engine inside and out? If you are in North Carolina, I will build it for you.... Jojo
  13. Hello, Thomas L.... I just read your post...... I will read it a few more times, because I welcome what you say... and Grayhair... i was raised by "you and your kind"... Thats's what I miss!.. I'm a vet, however, I am not a Combat Vet.... I was raised by Vets, going back to WW-2, Korea, And Vietnam..... I will be damned if I rest on my Laurels, and disrespect, My fore fathers.... and our Country..... Jojo
  14. I guess you have a good point.. I just wish we weren't so divided, it seems like it gets worse each year...Too many people out for Power and Self... As far as the country, I don't want it to be conrtoled by Commies, I have no idea of what real communism is, only what ive been taught.. Anyway, I am greatful for the freedoms we have, that was born of the blood of soldiers. Thats what I want, sir... Thank you for the insight, Jojo
  15. Isn't it funny how quickly the leftie's are trying to arrest everyone they can from the Capitol Building Assault video's, where was this effort during all the riots and looting last year? Many innocent people lost everything, to a bunch of dirt bags, and no swift action was taken, but for a few, just to make it look like they gave a damn... I love our country, I want it back!.. Jojo
  16. exactly...... jojo
  17. I'm out of "likes" for today, "V"..Jojo
  18. That's a good idea,, need to move quickly, before they shut e-mail off to republicans too...
  19. Good one Glenn....... so true, Jojo
  20. ok... so it's been a long time, and it's a good bit of work. "V" is right, what you get after the effort and cost is not worth, the effort and the cost. Where do I start first. It's been a while. doe's the wire harness in the dash have the wires labeld "engine brake"? There should be a fuse socket in the panel as well. if these are not there, No sweat... you can use an in-line fuse and your own wires.. Come off the acc. relay with power, with the key "on". got to the dash switch, then to a micro switch at the clutch pedal, ( you need to get this switch).. Then from there go to the microswitch at the throttle arm on the injection pump, (there is a small bracket needed to mount the switch. it needs to offer adjustability so you can set the switch position). from this switch, you go to the jake heads, you will need valve cover spacers for engine brakes. this setup will operate both brakes at the same time. if you have ever driven one of these, youll remember that the brake stays on at stop sings and you ether shut it off or rest your foot on the clutch pedal.. Do you have the 680 Jacobs heads, and exhaust rockers? I have an E-7 book, If you need info, I may be able to help... Ok, so now is the time for others, here to fill in some of the things i left out... Jojo Just keep in mind what "V" said!
  21. Yes there were many times I wished Trump we be quiet, but his ego is bigger than he is.. I will admit, he did help lose the election in some ways due to his ego... I'm going to miss the prosperity I have... Jojo
  22. "H" what's wackey, is that a man who didn't campaing , won...... That's what's wackey... Respecfully, yours, JOJO
  23. TJC....... Hers the answer....Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Di'Blasio, Cuomo,,, ..... Tell when to stop... Jojo
  24. Pelosi, didn't prepare .. and who would expect "REAL" Trump supporters to do this anyway? Just another thought, Jojo
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