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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Is this truck full mechanical?
  2. Bingo!!! Thanks "V"
  3. 11:25 P.M. on the East coast.. Fox news is on... Of course.... The Dems are still trying to get Trump out of office, less than2 weeks before Kamala takes over... Seems to me... the Dems are scared, because we are RIGHT!.. This is so sad, we could have just kept our country Great Again... Jojo
  4. Is it leaking at the input shaft or the sector shaft? If at the Sector shaft, your done... new box.. There are seal kits for the input shaft, these kits are for several versions, so there will be some leftover parts.. the Mack dealers are proud of these kits.. I have bought them at private truck parts suppliers for less than $50.00.... if it's the input shaft, before you open the seal repair kit,(not returnable).. pull the seal out of the steering box and see if there is a groove on the input shaft at the seal lip line.... if so..... get a new box.... Ok "V" and "F"... you're turn... Jojo
  5. TJC,,, I feel the same way... It is sad that she died, however...... W.T.F. were you thinking? Jojo
  6. I knew right after Pelosi picked Kamala to be the future President, we were screwed.... I don't know what more to say, without sounding like i'm "Looney tunes" Jojo
  7. Good point!!
  8. These people that broke into the Capitol Building remind me of the antifa/blm people... It wouldn't surprise me if these are "Soros" libs acting like trump supporters.. This is out of character for Trump supporters.. Maybe I'm losin' it! Jojo
  9. Has the boost sensor been replaced recently? Is the waste gate dumping to soon? along with what "F" is saying, I made a repair years ago that stumped several of my co-workers... I found a new boost sensor was installed. I recorded the part number,, then went to a chart for boost sensors that were available for that engine. The sensor that was in the engine, had a voltage rang that was 1.5 volts different from the correct sensor, therefore the operating range of the sensor was wrong. It caused the wastegate to open too soon. When I drove the truck, it was like someone cut the fuel off, the truck would pull hard, then lay down at around 1600 rpm... with the correct sensor, it pulled like a "Big Dog". I know it's a long shot, but it happened.... Jojo.
  10. Well, It's 8 am on the east coast, I'm watching Fox news and it looks like Georgia is going to elect 2 more Commies. What the Hell happened at the poll's this cycle??? I know we have talked about it being "Rigged", But this is too much!! It's a slap in the face to all good American's who work hard and pay their due's, ,, to all veterans who gave some, and all,. It wont be long before there are more people with their hand's out to get a freebie, rather than people with "working hands"... The one's that PROVIDE!! I Love our country!!! I hope we get to keep it..... Jojo
  11. i'm one of those too, Glenn.. ... Jojo
  12. I drove one of those too, it was an 18 speed, however it out pulled a lot of non-Macks. I pulled a tri axle framed dump trailer, and we were loaded heavy... and this truck got it done, on and off the road... If I went back to owning another one... I would look for one like it, anyway.. This era of Macks were TOUGH.. Jojo
  13. Sir, Thats what : Pre-Trip inspections, Regular maintainance, and giving a damn, are for... If you have employee's, I hope they "Give a damn" Yes older trucks, ,,,,,,Hell.... any machine can break. But when your '99 RD has an issue less than the Engine, or drive line... It wont be 10-20K to fix it, and a guy like me, can get you back to work quickly... Just a thought......Jojo....
  14. Amen! Brother...
  15. Because the Dems want total control, They will hide under ground while Commies take over the U.S.... Just a thought, Jojo
  16. I just built a '90 E-7 Mechanical this summer. All of the parts were available through Mack, We chose P.A.I. parts. The quality looked great, and the price was less than half...You should have no problem getting parts for you're truck. You got a Great one there. The R/RD set the bar very high, too high for some non-Mack trucks.... When I get a new customer and i see an R/RD or a CH, -or- CL.... I smile because I know, "I Got This!".. I wish you well with you're new truck. Like Alexg said.. "you've come to the right place" Jojo
  17. I wonder what will happen to my little business When President Harris takes over ? I'm a one man operation, I have a mobile truck repair service. Most of my customers are in construction. I work on a lot of dump trucks... and occasionally some heavy equipment. Jojo
  18. Hello, on my laptop.. that drop down menu is there, but without the trash can icon... I appreciate youre efforts... I'm ok for now, I just wanted to delete duplicate pictures,,, Thank you again, Jojo
  19. Thank you for the help, Hayseed.... when I'm in the folder with all my pictures in it, there isn't a box at the far right for me to click on. Im sorry if i'm missing something here. Thanks again, Jojo
  20. Hello, I was wondering how to remove pictures from my attachments folder.. Thanks, Jojo
  21. Bingo!!!! Storkmack...
  22. It sure was... The China virus helped the "Commie" Dem's, put fear in Americans and instill in the weak, that "you can't survive on youre own, you need us 'dem's' to help you"... The Biden's are just as crooked as the Clinton's. It's sad to think, that our economic gains that the Trump admin. created, which helped many Americans thrive and employ more Americans, will be gone as soon as Kamala become's President.... I'm getting pissed now, it's best I stop... Jojo
  23. I did'nt know I could run out of "likes' until I started liking all of this thread... Thanks a Million for the laughs, and The Truth!! Jojo
  24. Well, I tried to find tranny I.D..... All I found was: 3-4-R.... and, 95903-H... I tried to find them on the Inter-web, but no luck... I need to bid on a svc manual on E-Bay.... Anyone have any ideas about these numbers? Jojo
  25. Hey bud, Were you able to repair the Cig' lighter sockets? Jojo
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