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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. How do I find out if she's Canadian? I assume with the vin? I haven' t looked yet... I would also like to find a forum on Internationals... I had a '73 scout back in the late 80's. It was my "woods buggy" up in Maine... Thanks guys. Jojo
  2. Thank you.. The inside is just as nice...I'm still learning the proper forums to do that and chat about it too... Jojo
  3. she's a work in progress.... The tires are all new. (The glass and seals are in storage), the grille trim is in the cab in a box... but otherwise, she's all there.. I just got it in Oct. and have been too busy to do anything yet. I'm proud to have her. I will get some interior pics and engine pics. She's a time capsule from 1948.. Thanks for youre interest, Jojo
  4. I've been to bunch of big truck shows as a spectator, But 2021 should be better, If I can get my 1948 KB7 together, I'm going to try to attend shows with my own truck, for the first time... Merry Christmas and Happy new year!!! Jojo
  5. Merry RamaHanukKwanzamas everyone!!! I'm looking for one of these dust shields or even the part number. Thanks, Jojo
  6. Hey there, Good call. I posted on the 10th about this, as well.. Check it out.. Jojo
  7. Thanks, It's all good... Never thought about judgment.... many people here need youre knowledge...Jojo
  8. I also did a valve adjustment... It sure was nice to be able to work on that engine, 360 degrees......In the future, I will probably not try to answer questions about MP engines , unless I'm sure of what I'm typing... Thanks again for chiming in.. Jojo
  9. Thank you chiming in... It's been 2+ years since I did a rear gear train repair, and it was on an MP-7. I pulled the engine at the time beacause the cust. wanted rod and main bearings and an engine harness. The chassis was a GU-813 with an allison... anyway thanks again. Jojo
  10. i guess you need to use a dial indicator on no. 1. roll it up to find T.D.C... i cant remember if the dowel on the rear crank hub is a reference point.... ask Vmac3, or FJH. on this forum.. Jojo
  11. it's on the front of the cam shaft
  12. I don't think so. Have you called a Mack dealer with the last "6" of the V.I.N.? just have them look up the springs.... then take the free info, "And run"!... then get what you need at a real shop... Mabey Watts Mack can help you.... They may be one of very few who really care about Macks... Jojo
  13. Hey there, I was raised in East Islip, Just curious were you are... We moved out in 1981....anyway, just thinkin about the old days.... Jojo. Merry Christmas!
  14. "L" I know what you are saying about "Sleepy" In some case's I changed the "governor" setting from Min-Max.... to" All speed" and it would perk it up some, However< you are at the mercy of the E.C.M...... I drove 427"s and 400's.. 13 spd. and 18 spd. puling over loaded dump trailers... The 400 with 18 spd, (Didn't know the rear gears at that time). did a heck of a lot better, country road hills, mabey, drop 1 gear then split down 1 time was enough to pull the hill and not be a rolling road block. I was a young driver back then, 1999,, But that was my experience, I came out of a 79 R model, 350/ 9speed.. and nothing else... well, it had power steering... Jojo..
  15. Hayseed?? I love the Quote on you're page.. I've been quoting it in my head so i can use it.... Jojo
  16. holy crap..... i didnt even look.. it came up in my page as "new" so to speak...THANKS Hayseed....
  17. paint the splitter grey so onlookers wont get confused..... Just pokin fun,,Jojo
  18. So true, It's a 2018 tranny, change the knob or cut the gate out of it...
  19. Just a thought.. is there a 6-5 code??? I think thats throttle pedal, wasnt there a re-set procedure in V-Mac soft , where you had to press the pedal three times to calibrate it? sometimes I had to do it a few times before it took.. yes I did this when re-programming a new E.C.M., just curious... Jojo
  20. Your too funny... I'm good, I couldnt agree more with you,, nor could I explain as well as you did... Jojo
  21. I know less and less everyday.

  22. The E-7 mechanical is great!!!, the last of the million mile engines. The electric governor housing on the Robert Bosch pumps were great too. yes there is a small computer,,, the F.I.C. module.. The most common repairs i've made on those, is the Duetch connecter for the governor housing. the contacts get loose, especially if the connecter is not secured. I have also gained respect over the years for the E-Tech. It's fairly simple, and can run a million +... lifters were an issue, engine brake was nothin to write home about,..... Top oil feed update, high pressure oil pump, new re-set screws, and a lash change on the engine brake helped, .....Mack went with vendor parts on this engine, and quality was compromised. but, it is still a good engine, Once again this engine still does a good job. around 2003-2006, they started to screw up, with the A.S.E.T. C.E.G.R. However, The "Powerleash" engine brake, made by Mack... did a good job... I have done compression skids with power leash during road tests..... there's a ton more to say, but I have never written a book before....🙂... Jojo Ok Vmac3+"F"... Fill in the blanks.... 😅
  23. Thank you "F" for adding youre knowledge.. when i'm building an engine, the deck looks like a "math problem" with all of my paint pen measurements, I also sketch the deck on cardboard and re-write my measurements on the cardboard "art work" ....Anyway. I have been mocked at dealerships for my redundancy....... but when my engines fire-up...... there's no problems... I take neary 10-15 hours longer than most, but ..... I dont know it all,,,, but i'm proud of what I know.. I'm glad you're here.. Jojo
  24. So true Bullheaded,, I'm a one man show with my mobile mechanic business. I'm proud of what i do and i take the good with the bad. I pay my taxes and dues, while I see people get everything they need for free.. anyway, ... Jojo
  25. Hello 880 joe, The E-7 I built, is doing good... When I did the job, we replaced, the: Heads, Water pump, Air compressor, Radiator, the oil cooler and turbo was a few months old and in great shape, so my customer asked me to re-use them. I agreed.. New belts, and fan clutch (viscous). The cam and lifters looked good, so we skipped that. I took the oil pump apart and measured the clearence, spring tension, and there was no scarring. I put it back in, Oil pressure was, and still is, within spec when we ran the engine, (Run-in).. It still makes good oil pressure when hot. it's only been 4 months, but it's still doing it's job.. I know I repeated some stuff here.... The final cost: $10,500.00 Parts and labor.. Jojo
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