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Joey Mack

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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. Thanks again, Rich....I will keep going with what I have for now.. They are in good condition, otherwise.. If I cant make it happen, I will contact you.. I remember, you tried to help me with The TRD-72 tranny I was redoing.. Thanks, Jojo
  2. Thank you for you're input... I will just keep them soaking.. I think I will bake them on the grill for a while and see if I can rod them out.... It's just strange to me why the oil hole is so small and the recess in the bearing cup is around 1/8" ....Anyway... Thanks again... Jojo,,
  3. hey there..... I was looking at youre  picture... looks like a CL.... Is it A 454, or A 460, or 460XT??? Damn nice truck... Im currently working on a couple of RW's   Rather do this than work on a Volvo/Mack...  Jojo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joey Mack

      Joey Mack

      Thats Great... You definatley have something there... The 18 speed, and I assume 200 series carriers, either 4:17 or 4:42.... Thats  a strong truck.. I drove a couple of them for a short time, and torque I felt when I let out the clutch, was amazing,,, Jojo

    3. Dirtymilkman


      Actually  3 86 rears. Ran a lot of interstate. 

    4. Joey Mack

      Joey Mack

      Triple Digit Truck!!! Glad to chat with you... Be safe out there..Jojo

  4. The engine you have ,,, if it's a '99... Is An E-Tech... I remember the old timers I worked with 20 years ago, telling me that they were junk, the E-7 was the last of the "million mile engines" that Mack made..... Yes The E-7 is Great.... But after many years I have come to respect the E-Tech.... Yes, It had cam issues, caused by bad roller lifters... and some issues with the wimpy engine brakes....Mack tried to improve that with the "top oil feed" update.. it helped along with the improved oil pump.. I have drivin these trucks for years and ..."yes' built a couple dozen of them too... I wouldn't be afraid of owning one. After 2002, They went a little crazy with cermic lifters and spring loaded pushrods...Blah, Blah, Blah.... In my opinion.... You have the best one.. Too bad they didnt have the power leash engine brake on youre engine,,, That to me is what it needs...:) Jojo... Go Bulldog!!!
  5. Thank you,Paul.... I have had them soaking in diesel for a couple of days.. I will get the solvent you mentioned.. I have 36 pushrods and was tempted to take a 1/16" drill bit and make my own holes... I'm surprised the oil hole is so narrow, since the oil back then wasnt as refined as recent oil... Correct me anytime... I like to learn from my mistakes.. I'm lucky enough to have customers that trust me to repair thier older Macks. Jojo
  6. I should have said... the clog is at the rocker end of the pushrod.. just curious.... is the hole at the lifter end of the pushrod, there, to release pressure caused by heat? If the top cup is not an oil passage.?
  7. I am inspecting my push rods, and i see a drain hole at the lifter end, and what looks like a hole at the rocker arm end, however,, they all seemed to be plugged up.. im guessing the hole is small and gets clogged with dirty oil... what is the best way to open them back up? I have to re use them, and otherwise, they are in good condition.. pushrod #1140.. Thanks, Jojo...
  8. Hello, Im guessing you do not have mack svc manual 8-201??? The flow chart to diagnose your 4-4 or 4-5 code starts on page 132.. it would take me hours of typing to give you the info. If you do not have access to this book, text me at 704-785-1738.. I can scan the pages and e-mail them too you.. I have had this issue several tmes and the duetsch connector had weak connections. if you have the jumper harness at the pump that adds extra ops for loose contact. un plug it and gently tighten the pins with a pick or something pointy and strong, like a dental pick. there are realltools for this as well. anyway, gently tug on the wires to try to pull them out of the sockets. be extra careful on the governor harness. dont break it!! i have found the wires were frayed inside the plugs, usually because the plug was not secured in the yokes that hold them along with zip ties.. let me know if you need more info there are a ton of very smart people here to help you... Joey Mack.
  9. I forgot to tell you about replacing the exh. rockers too.. text me if you need to.. Jojo
  10. I bet... I called many places in the U.S. to find parts. Of course these machines that we love are phased out.. Thanks again for you"re interest.. Jojo
  11. If you have ruled out air leaks and excessive usage. try bypassing the air dryer by hooking the 2 big lines together, then checking operation. it pressure goes up correctly, repair the air dryer. just a thougt.. Jojo..
  12. As far as going to the dealer..... You may find that they don't know or don't care... I"m currently building a 1960 -ish E-6 2V.. and a TRD-72 transmission, and the 2 dealerships her, don't care... I found info ...Here.... Good luck..:)
  13. Hello, I have done a few of these.. It's been a while.. The Jake heads should be a 680 series.. There are spacers that go under the valve covers. The wiring comes off the aux relay in the dash and goes to the switch that you will install in the center dash panel, then to the clutch switch, and then to a micro switch on the injection pump at the throttle lever.. the late 70 models i drove, required me to hold the clutch pedal gently, or flip the dash switch off to stop engine braking while waiting at the red light. There are a lot smart people here, that can fill in the rest of the blanks..... The system is a combo, of simple electrical, and a hydraulic system that the engine provides through the jake heads.. youre rocker shafts have plugs located at the #2 and #5 oil galleries that come up through block. they will be removed and 2 little check valves will be installed there, to feed the jake heads. also, the jake reset screw lash is based on the turbo you have. Some were set to .060" and .080" based on the turbo and H.P. Text me: at 704-785-1738.. I have the engine books and will try to answer questions... Jojo.
  14. There is no comparison.... your "Volvo" has B.S. controlling fuel going in... and exhaust. coming out... The E-7, may be slow.. but its deliberate.. Keep it running as long as you can.. Hell, if the exhaust system gives you a problem, you will be able to smell it, and see it... Without the High repair cost, and having to explain why you cant do a re-gen to a tech.... Anyway... I m just having fun here... Go Bulldog!! Jojo
  15. Hello,Rich...Thank you for your interest. I found the parts I need.. I appreciate your help. Mabey someday I will help you..Jojo..
  16. Thank you very much. I'm sorry I posted late.Iv'e been busy..Jojo..
  17. Thanks again.Jojo
  18. thank you again!!!
  19. yes sir.The no. is.. 11KBA5288BP1... The Mack Gasket kit # is: 127SH17C... unfortunately , my local "Mack" dealership doesnt give a damn about real Macks... I do have a gasket parts list breakdown, but it does not tell me the positions of the gaskets. the sliding clutch no. is:320KB261.. thank you for responding.. Jojo...
  20. Put the lap-top down and Fix-It!!!

  21. Hello, I am building an ENDT-673 for the first time. Of course i run into snags because of part availability.. I'm looking for the thrust washer and pin for the cam shaft. I can re-use my current washer if need be, but I don't have a new lock pin for it. Would an aluminum pop-rivet do the job? That seems like my only option right now. Thank you, Jojo
  22. I figured that is the case. I just wanted to try this forum. Thank you for the info. I did try to find gasket paper that is large enough to cover the rear case area and have found nothing. Now if I can just find the sliding clutch for 4th-5th... "Live Free or Die"
  23. Hello, My name is Joe Ronzo. This is my first post ever, I look forward to seeing this in action.... I am looking for a gasket kit for the transmission I am building, I also need the 4th-5th sliding clutch. Thank you Jojo..
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