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Joey Mack

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Joey Mack

  1. D.C.W.,,, as far as I know, without calling Raleigh and telling on myself,,,,, I am allowed to drive trucks as long as I'm not hauling freight.. When I had my truck repair business, I was able to test drive the trucks... When I got my job for the city, they did not ask me to renew my Phys. Card...
  2. I have to give my local O'Reilly's ''Parts Professional'' a lesson and show him how to find it on the computer, each time I buy it.. just sayin'.... Jojo
  3. If your Cleaning up your yard with a forklift because the tree cutters need room to cut down a tree,,,,,,,,, Youuuu Might be,,,, me.. got a tree co. coming Thursday morning.. I will be on my fork lift moving logs... I need some cookin wood, 1 is a Red maple, and the other is a Pecan.. I will have cookin' wood for a couple years if it doesnt rot first.. yeee Hawww!
  4. exactly !! Brocky..
  5. Here in N.C. you get a letter thats lets you know that your D.O.T. phys. is due.. then after it expires, you have 90 day's to get it done before they pull your C.D.L.... Because I don't drive for a living anymore, I was able to sign a doctors note/form/ whatever it is,,, and still have my Class 'A', without a D.O.T. card in my wallet.. Of course if I get back in the Saddle, I will have to get my D.O.T. card.. Jojo
  6. Sorry,, I dont know either..
  7. I check my journals too, I use plastigauge and calipers as needed..
  8. Yep. Hopefully the crank is stamped with, Std. Or the cut size.. I have seen cranks with different sizes journals on one crank..
  9. I used to buy stuff from them, but the last time I went there, the emblems were all the Volvo style bull dogs.. so I stopped buying there.. I have about 12 hats, some coffee cups, 8 trucks, and a bunch of small trinkets..
  10. JoeH, I have been keeping a list for decades... It work's,!!! I get stuff done, and transfer the incomplete to-dos to the next days list.. My wife gives me crap about it, but I get more done than she realizes, or even cares about.. .. I'm a list guy.... Jojo
  11. they will have robots to do the work,, wonder if robots can wipe butt's too ?? it's coming, stick around Mech, to see the sh!tshow... Jojo
  12. just make sure you get any and all of your old parts back.. You may need them later when you find a shop that CAN fix it.. I have a turbo shop an hour away. He is from Germany and some how can re-build older turbos and he even had a turbo for a 22 year old Isuzu Diesel I rebuilt, on his shelf..
  13. Can you go in the EECU and check the smart fan setting and engine brake on/off setting?
  14. was the E.E.C.U. replaced/flashed right before this happened?
  15. I'm Glad that you found some Humor in that mess.. I hope you are not hurt.. Good Luck Bud.. Jojo
  16. I have 2 sets of these, bought them over 20 years ago from 'Wal-Mart' of all places.. I still use them and I have heated and bent some of them for B.S. jobs like the one in front of you.. Good Luck, Jojo
  17. You may want to start your own thread on this topic.. You can copy and paste your posting, I will paste mine too. I bet you get more replies... Jojo
  18. If you believe they have moved,,,, Replace them !! there are 2 essential tools for this job.. the long black one is a depth gauge and alingment checker.. It is used from the bottom with the pan down.. the silver tool can also be used to check them when the heads are off.. It is the tool you need.. it is also the installer.. there are 3 types of H-rings available, std. and 2 that are oversized.. I think one is .002'' and the other is .005''.. they are for bores that had H-Rings move.. the 3rd thing you will need is the sleeve retainer fluid.. ''Winging this repair will cost you a cam shaft and all the labor to pull the heads and do it right.. It only takes 1 miss-aligned H-ring... Jojo
  19. Well I have made more progress on The '48... and have supper smoking, and a cold one in my hand.. It's a good 3 day weekend 'round here... jojo
  20. Bob,,, How 'bout you just retire??? These Sh!tboxes are going to give you a stroke or worse... I am quite sure you have earned the right to hang the keys up.. Happy Weekend Bud,,, Jojo
  21. my Dad was also a Vietnam vet who came home in '68.. I popped out 27 Apr.1969... He didnt tell me much but I remember how he reacted to certain things, one in particular was,,, anything about ''Jane Fonda'' .. I'm am very proud of my Fathers service.. He doesn't know how proud I am, because I do NOT bring it up.. God Bless America !! and god Bless the Service members that protect our Constitution..
  22. Thanks bud.. I am weak on that knowledge, mostly because the Bulk of my knowledge is E-7 and E-Tech's.. and as you know I have the timing tool for the Robert Bosch pumps,,,, and E-Tech's are,,, well,,, E-Tech's... the few other diesels I built had timing marks and windows in the Inj. pump, to set to a certain degree.. ie: the John Deere 3179's I built and an Isuzu 4 cyl. 4HE1... Jojo
  23. I really wish I knew how to ''flow-time''.. I read about how to do it, and I have a svc. manual that shows how.. I always thought that you needed a pump that can produce 400+ PSI.. Am I mistaken?
  24. the lash 'results',,, is that what it was before you adjusted them? Did you start on #1 TDC? you can be 180 degrees off if not.. there is an easy way to tell if you are up on #1.. Jojo
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