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les n

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    Ex Middle East overland driver UK to Asia / Middle East ex Mack F700 O/D

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  1. I haven't been in a Mack rocker cover for at least 20 plus years and can't remember how I set it all up but from what your saying and what you've found I would say your losing pressure to operate the brake . I would set / check the tappets and brake set up then you have started at the beginning then if all is ok run it on the road and operate the brake as you would use it if this proves no good possible then the solution is the lose of oil pressure in the brake it's self .
  2. Hi Chris .

    Did you ever go to Oktay parking ? I worked for Chris Crabtree / Colin Johnson / Nick King all from 1980 ish through to about 1998 last job to Uzbekistan then out .

    We might have met at some time .


    Les . 

    1. chris1953


      Hi Les. I worked for Fred Archer from 83 to 86. Then did Spain when they joined the EU and ran fridges up until 95. Been in Canada since 2006. We might have met....

      Regards Chris.

    2. les n

      les n


      You had an interesting career with Fred then ! lot of ( err ) interesting characters there then LOL .

      Had a Job offer to live work in Saskatchewan for a Peterbilt dealership but never went , was pissed off for a few years that we never went but good luck to you .

      Regards Les .


  3. You have got some epic pictures of Mack's and UK middle east overland transport trucks , would you mind if I copied and pasted on a site Astran trucks and middle east driving on facebook .

    I was a subbie for Astran doing work to Qatar and Kuwait then Uzbekistan with my Mack , there are a lot of old guys that went overland to Iran back in the day .

    If you read on the site I have written articles of my time on the road my story starts with me remembering my mate Davy Griffiths who's memory I carried for 35 years and didn't know about the facebook page with all my mates on it .

    Thanks ( Leslie Naylor )

    Les .  

    1. mrsmackpaul




      Help your self to the photos, to good not to be shared

      A Griffiths hey, there's a few of us Griffiths jokers about lol




      Paul Griffiths 

  4. Mack's have a very proud presence with them , When I first saw the Iranian Macks in Yugoslavia coming up to Europe with the Trilex wheels and the big fabricated fuel tanks it was love at first sight . You will be a very proud man when she's finished .
  5. Welcome
  6. Tidy truck , what engine do you have there ? In the UK if I remember they had the Renault engine , I saw Magnum's in Italy with the E9 very tidy truck going back a few years now . Les .
  7. This is not my Mack but this is a good picture of what she looked like
  8. Hi , Chris1953 haha , I'm les n 1952 model , the model of Mack I ran was a F786STMack the same can be seen owned by Overdorp transport Holland , possible came from them , I recovered mine from Germany with the gearbox gone then converted with a second hand box to the three position air change five position stick if that makes sense , high / low / reverse in each five stick positions , could be a bit of a bastard if you stopped in third then went in to reverse on the switch and got court out . Now then North Queensland Australia hows it goin . Les .
  9. This was 25 years ago now , there was pictures coming home in Kazakstan over the desert it was hard packed earth no road for miles , we were trying to find a shorter route from Sammara in Russia to Symkent in Kazakstan to save all the miles on terrible roads going round by Almarta to Tashkent this the original Silk Road . Les .
  10. The high cab gave a lot more room , I ran a 6x4 tractor unit with this cab .
  11. Hi . What a forum ! After being away from the trucking life I found a forum on youtube which took me through to a forum of Old Guys that I worked with from the 1980 throught to end of the 1990's driving UK to the Middle East and Asia , On the forum I have written accounts of my life back in the day Astran Trucks and Middle East Driving on facebook . I restored a Mack F700 Aerodyne cab , Newway rear air suspension change the gearbox to a air change system from the twin stick , the engine had a tip turbine and turbo charge system ran the truck from the UK to Newmont Zarafshan gold mine in Uzbekistan in the 1990's , Very cool truck and great power should have keep't the old gal . Saw many Iranian Macks in the day they all had the big chequer plate fuel tanks very cool looking trucks . Going to enjoy reading on here . Regards Les .
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