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built like a mack truck

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Everything posted by built like a mack truck

  1. hi my mack truck people. Ill never forget daddys 1st mack tractor. a b81 thermodyne. well i grew up in that b81 always riding with daddy. I was about 6 yrs. old, she was red, hername was the red barron. my dad and his men taught me a lot about macks. as time went on we finally sold our last b model. That was Snakes truck, daddy would keep it as long as snake wanted her. well our friend Ritchie from ritchies B.P in Annapolis maryland had a whole yard full of daddys old B models. Classic and all the dog they were. ritchie could not wait to get the last one. He made truck tow trucks out of them. we had dm600s and the long nose dm800s, r models and the first Superliner sold at Baltimore mack, she was all anyone could want, with her bad ass lowboy. we built roads and hauled sand and gravel, plus rip rap. you would never catch any nasty asphut dred went in our dump bodys. we were caterpillar and mack all the way.Daddy did a commercial for cat showing the world our lovely 12 g motorgrader. A airline that is long gone wanted my dad to send me to flight attendent school. you should have seen how proud daddy was. Then you should had seen his face when i told dad, i want my own mack. no one ever quit George m. king contractors, ihad black family and white familys that i loved with all my heart! well in 1978 i had turned 20. dad put me in my dear friends Tom Cats truck, for a whole year i rode and drove. i can say i was real good. old number 24, she was a puller. then when i turned 21 daddy brought my dm 600 dump truck for me. he didnt care for the career i chose but he was so proud of me. those were the best years in my life. i always sprayed out of under my baby. she was so beautiful!!!! Daddy sent my beloved Mr. Bill Rumpel to mack truck school. one time when we were haulind sand out of a hell sand pit i was waiting for mickey dove to load me. dont get me wrong i was mack true blue nd was the only girl driver i knew of. I said Daddy, why dont we get some KWs dump tucks like sonny pruit had. daddy let me know, they will end up blowing their rears. so right daddy always was. I was a tomboy from hell, i lived at our great shop. Daddy soon gave up on telling me to stay out of it. He should had known I had the worst mouth out of all my mack family. all the glory has been long gone because daddy died of cancer in 85. the mother was to lazy and scared to run my daddys business. i had no use for her but to buy my barrel racing saddles and other things for my horse. No I am not cold, she could only have one daughter at a time to love. she had 5. any way she isnt in my story. Lord how I miss the feel of a full load and the power, it reminded me of a motorboatpulllin through the water. I loved my truck, my co workers, and the man that let me live my dream daddy. never stop driving your mack, i regret every day that let it go. if it in your blood, you will know it. it runs through my veins still to this day.
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  2. Iam lucky to say I drove a mack, no computer
  3. I can tell you for a fact, macks are really the greatest name in trucks. they are in my blood, and will be forever. man you can hear a mack, well the real ones. i was so lucky to have my dad. whose daddy buys his baby gal her mack of her own, my dad. i loved the smells, i loved the life, i drove to make my living. my mack dm600. this forum makes me happy, so happy. dont drive anymore, and regret giving it up. Daddy died of cancer in 85. i was a gal, my shop mates new me from birth. I was scared to drive for strangers. it was hard for a gal back then, never stop, i dont even have my mack anymore. i should had stepped up to find a goood company to sub with. but all these people would be strangers. i could do it all, and loved snow plowing and taking a chain to pull cars back on the road. i alwyas earned plenty of extra cash pulling the dummies back on the road. people would think i was mean, no i just loved carrying on the mack tradition in my family
  4. try to get a ungroomed cab, I know daddy could get them as we has the real macks. i have no idea if u can get them now
  5. Where is the Mack Museum?,i must go there befoe my last days
  6. hi my mack truck people. Ill never forget daddys 1st mack tractor. a b81 thermodyne. well i grew up in that b81 always riding with daddy. I was about 6 yrs. old, she was red, hername was the red barron. my dad and his men taught me a lot about macks. as time went on we finally sold our last b model. That was Snakes truck, daddy would keep it as long as snake wanted her. well our friend Ritchie from ritchies B.P in Annapolis maryland had a whole yard full of daddys old B models. Classic and all the dog they were. ritchie could not wait to get the last one. He made truck tow trucks out of them. we had dm600s and the long nose dm800s, r models and the first Superliner sold at Baltimore mack, she was all anyone could want, with her bad ass lowboy. we built roads and hauled sand and gravel, plus rip rap. you would never catch any nasty asphut dred went in our dump bodys. we were caterpillar and mack all the way.Daddy did a commercial for cat showing the world our lovely 12 g motorgrader. A airline that is long gone wanted my dad to send me to flight attendent school. you should have seen how proud daddy was. Then you should had seen his face when i told dad, i want my own mack. no one ever quit George m. king contractors, ihad black family and white familys that i loved with all my heart! well in 1978 i had turned 20. dad put me in my dear friends Tom Cats truck, for a whole year i rode and drove. i can say i was real good. old number 24, she was a puller. then when i turned 21 daddy brought my dm 600 dump truck for me. he didnt care for the career i chose but he was so proud of me. those were the best years in my life. i always sprayed out of under my baby. she was so beautiful!!!! Daddy sent my beloved Mr. Bill Rumpel to mack truck school. one time when we were haulind sand out of a hell sand pit i was waiting for mickey dove to load me. dont get me wrong i was mack true blue nd was the only girl driver i knew of. I said Daddy, why dont we get some KWs dump tucks like sonny pruit had. daddy let me know, they will end up blowing their rears. so right daddy always was. I was a tomboy from hell, i lived at our great shop. Daddy soon gave up on telling me to stay out of it. He should had known I had the worst mouth out of all my mack family. all the glory has been long gone because daddy died of cancer in 85. the mother was to lazy and scared to run my daddys business. i had no use for her but to buy my barrel racing saddles and other things for my horse. No I am not cold, she could only have one daughter at a time to love. she had 5. any way she isnt in my story. Lord how I miss the feel of a full load and the power, it reminded me of a motorboatpulllin through the water. I loved my truck, my co workers, and the man that let me live my dream daddy. never stop driving your mack, i regret every day that let it go. if it in your blood, you will know it. it runs through my veins still to this day.
  7. hey, poor guys, guess yall never drove a real mack. bad to the bone my dm600 was. back in the day jake breaks were called dynotards. i was raised in b81 thermodynes, was driving for dad starting in 1978. No truck school for me, no school could ever beat a kid in love with mack. you all will never know the joy. they were tough,well built, send your mechanic to the old mack truck school in allentown pa. and how many of you ever drove a bad ass superliner with one bad ass lowboy, yes me. a mack made in allentown pa, was the way. I remember all 29 of our macks had custom made for george m.king, our kree with true macks and caterpillers was so great, i wish i never let my career go, a lady drove up my truck,. she died, i was amazed to see the deadly wreak only cracked some fiberglass. back then u had butterfly hoods or pulll down fiberglass. iwas talking daddy in to buying another superliner, i wanted a bad ass tow truck for trucks. I wake up everyday and lay down every nite, whats on my mind, i was so dumb not to jump back in the saddle. i regret it very so much. my trucks name was A House on Fire, a true. bull dog . never let any truck wreak ruin your dream. most of the wreaks are the cars fault. they always blame trucks. I drove for George M. King contacters, we made new roads , hauled sand gravel and rip rock. my first job was to haul rip rap from Brooklyn Balt. to a yaght club on the chesapek bay. I made a fine jetty. back in 78 that still looks fine today. i miss my fine days, the dot let me get away with any thing, those no good bastards. my co workers new me from a baby up. we kept our guys. they were my family. remember the potable scales back in the day. u can bet ur bottom dollar i knew how to bust them. The weight men sucked..........My dad never ever let us be preduced. i cant spell. my buddy tom cat taught me all of the all. The weight man hassled my tom cat cause a white girl and her best freind a black man were always together. Tom Cat is still alive he is in his 80s and me the babydoll is now 62. by now
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