I have been looking and I heard that this "beauty" was located about 15 miles from my house. The owner has a tandem sitting out at his house so I thought I would stop and ask him what they story was. He told me he wanted to use the cab and the engine(gas) on a single axle up at his camp. So I asked him if he wanted to sell the single axle and he said he would. The farmer who owned the single axle told him there was a hole in the block. I guess the farmer use to dump a gallon of oil in it when he wanted to use it, and when he was done, most of it was on the ground. So anyway the guy I bought it from got it from the farmer and they dragged it to his camp. 20 years later this is what you have (yes that's a tree growing through the box). Passenger side window broke, passenger side floor rotted, couple of the rear tire feel like they hold air. Its buried about foot in the ground so hard tell if the fronts hold air. Posted on Facebook, so some of you guys have probably seen it, but thought I would toss it on her too. Maybe Saturdays project to get her cut out of the Jungle.