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Everything posted by n2deep

  1. I haven't been on here since july of 2010. Just thought I would drop by and thank all the guys that helped me with info to get my little mack on the road. We started hauling gravel in august and it hasn't slowed down yet. I'm still amazed how these old trucks keep on going. No major problems with the R just have to keep tires on it and fuel in it. Thanks for the help.
  2. I finally identified my front axle and ordered the king pin and bushings, and have already took the front end apart. Is there anything special about putting these back or just put it back like it come out.
  3. thanks Rob. good info is hard to find.
  4. fa 534 is all I can find.
  5. Worldwide equipment is a dealer.
  6. Not had time to look for numbers yet. I did call worldwide and with all the other Macks I just give them the serial number and they stick the price to me. This time I give them the serial number and they say they can't tell anything about bearings, kingpin and bushings or anything else, it just give a parts number for the front axle no other info.
  7. Can someone tell me how to find which front axle is under my R600.
  8. We have put another R in the shop its all ready but the front suspension is all crapped up. It has one eye in front and two pads in back that sit in rubber. Every where I have tried I can't find the main wrap seperate only the stack. All I need is the main wrap because we are putting in a heavier front end. Does anyone know where I might find the main without the whole stack. Also wen't to spring service and they wont roll the wrap because he says he can't put the metal pads back on. Any help is greatly appreciated or am about ready to take on a new idea.
  9. Looking at my collection of engine blocks and decided to build another one. I have to Mack 350's to use. Question is why are the blocks blue, not really important but I was just curious. Thanks.
  10. My Macks 237 is leaking oil at the tach drive. Whats in there o-rings, gasket.
  11. Checked the heads and they worked great. Changed the throttle return spring and the jake works like it should, guess it was weak. You were right Fjh. thanks for the help
  12. Checked all the switches again and they function properly. Anything mechanical that could cause this, the truck runs good with plenty of power so it has to be in the jake heads. ""don't it""????
  13. its set as far as it will go and even bent the arm a little for some more, checked all the switches.
  14. 675 Jacobs brake
  15. The jake brake on my 70 R seems like it works now when it wants to. It won't jake at all until the engine rpms get down around 1500 to 2000. Any one have any ideas. Thanks
  16. I finally got the jake for my '70 model R. I need four gaskets for the spacer and valve cover and also the sealing washers between the rocker arms and head. Has anybody have the part numbers to these as the 20 year olds a the local dealership can't figure this one out. Thanks.
  17. This has probably already been covered somewhere but I can't find it so. The guys a watts mack called specs and they say my 237 needs a dynatard, some of the mechanics say a jake can be used. Whats the deal with this idea is it one or the other or will either one work. I have a couple parts trucks with jakes but no "dynaturds" as I am not thrilled about the thoughts of putting one on my truck. The only one I have ever driven worked as well as opening the cowl vent to slow down. thanks.
  18. I found the clips down in the bottom of the doors. Went back fairly easy. thanks for the help
  19. I ordered a new set of door locks and ignition tumbler. My door locks were already removed what holds them in. Thanks for all your help.
  20. Seals in steering box swelled twice the size they are supposed to be. Wonder if the atf has worked on the pump too.
  21. What kind of oil goes in my mack power steering. Someone put ATF or something in it, smells like Dexron to me.
  22. The black in the avatar is mine but good lookling is a bit much. Maybe I can get so pics of my trucks in a few days. As for the steering shaft I don't know why it broke but it is a good thing it happened a 1 mph leaving the pit and not 55 on the highway. Thanks for all the help and info.
  23. The input shaft has decided to break in my steering box, it broke even with the top of the box. I was wondering if parts are still available for this box and where to get them. It says Ross hydropower, the casting numbert is HF642884 and the stamped in number is HF64114. Anybody know anything about these.Thanks
  24. For the last while if I leave my truck setting two days or so its hard to start. After you get it started its easy from there on. It acts like its losing its prime. My track loader did the same thing and I changed the check valve in the leak-off line and stopped it. Does the mack have something similar and if so where is it located.
  25. Does anyone know the gear ratios on a tr-107 5 speed
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