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  1. Does anyone have a PTO unit for one of these transmissions?
  2. Was wondering if anyone knows how to replace oil cooler lines in block to bottom of piston
  3. Got her done, Thank You
  4. With the ENDTB 865 on the B 615 going from the Thermodyne 864, the dog house was customized, as the years go on since the install in the mid 90's maintainence and access to the rear of the motor, that firewall was taken off. There is a main leaf on the rear that needs to be replaced so untill that happens she won't be going on the road regular.
  5. This truck body was never designed for 865, a longer nose on her, and set the engine ahead 1/2 a foot and the motor would fit.
  6. With the ENDTB 865 on the B 615 going from the Thermodyne 864, the dog house was customized, as the years go on since the install in the mid 90's maintainence and access to the rear of the motor, that firewall was taken off. There is a main leaf on the rear that needs to be replaced so untill that happens she won't be going on the road regular. The thought to keep the exaust pressure equal was what led to cutting the fire wall. keeps you warm in the winter and is like a sauna in the summer. I happened to look at the clearance in the twin spin on filter and steering box there is maybe .5 ", when the oil was changed, the filters wern't banged up from hitting the steering box, so they are working in this one. This truck body was never designed for 865, a longer nose on her, and set the engine ahead 1/2 a foot and the motor would fit. As it is she is running smooth, Just replaced the water pump, pulling the fenders and radiator is dam near nascar speed, really opens up the work area, To check what the problem was of oil in the water, the pan was dropped and pressurized the water system, there it was flowing down the front cover. Glad it wasn't linner seals, looking around, don't know how but the pick up tube was unbolted and one oil cooler tubes was missing on number 4, they are still available and have one getting shipped, any info on installing that would be great. I would kinda like to keep her all original but, I hope to look into a oil driven steering box maybe mount on the outside of the frame. similar to a 359.
  7. Well the truck is a 1964 B615, something like 700 made. Original motor was a END864 Thermodyne, that motor stopped and found a ENDTB 865 crate motor in surplus in the mid 90's made in 1-75. I'll get some photo's up in the near future. Hey Brian I would like to see how you dealt with the turbo, on account of the firewall being in the way. Next thing is to get rid of the armstrong steering.
  8. Thanks for the info the old girl is still tight
  9. Well if anyone can offer some basic info, I have a 865 with about 50K and would like to adjust the valves, knowing the firing order would really speed this up
  10. DEAR BMT, This is a new way for me to ask questions. I just the other day found water in the oil of of the B-Model that I put a ENDT 865 in in the Mid 90's. This engine is a crate engine brand new, since installed no more than 50K miles. The water pump seals failed and is being rebuilt to new from Commercial Water Pump in Houston TX. No parts were around from OEM. type of bolts should be used to This is about the pick up tube to the oil pump, it was not connected to the oil pump and have never had the oil pan off since the engine was installed. We removed the oil pan to identify how water was getting in the oil. The two bolts were not in the pan. The question is what type of bolts were used to fasten the pick up tube to the oil pump? Respectfully, Rick
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