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Miami Cossack

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Miami Cossack last won the day on September 15

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  1. Now she says if someone broke into her house she would use her guns to kill them. 😜😜😜😜. I doubt if she could figure a firearm out, but she would give the intruder a whole bunch of STD's that would last for life. Everything these snakes say is a lie
  2. She used to blow married guys. Like Dr Jill. LOL
  3. The banana republics, Iran, Russia, South America etc... they use plane crashes to get rid of their opponents. All the time. And it sends a message. He really shouldn't fly for the next couple months.
  4. And if that doesn't work, they start WW3 and there is no election
  5. The third attempt they will bring in a pro
  6. And kick out all of the Secret Service
  7. How does an unemployed guy in Hawaii get an AK? How does he travel the world? How does he go to Ukraine and hang out with the Azov nazis without drawing a ton of attention from the feds? How does a "sniper" hide in the bushes for 12 hours with a pink shirt? How is it TWO would-be murderers of our president have been in Blackrock commercials? The questions go on and on and on......Either the SS is completely trying to kill him, or only half of them are. People keep getting advance word of where to be and when, and find a good place where there is suspiciously no security whatsoever, six weeks apart. Mr Trump had better see if any of his aircraft ground crew or his chef have been in Blackrock commercials.
  8. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/breaking-attempted-assassination-gunman-pushed-rifles-muzzle-through/ Here we go again......If I were him I would really watch over anyone who goes near his aircraft between now and November. They want this guy gone!
  9. Us here, you folks and the people I am around are not like these libs and brainwashed fools. We build things, we fix things. We know how to fabricate and make something run forever or make a part or a tool that you can't click on the app and buy. We have the upper hand, and as things get worse we have more of an advantage. We can grow food, hunt, know how do provide some level of medical care to animals and humans. The people around us are soft and helpless. They won't make it a week. When the regime starts shutting off their bitcoin or the Chinese strangle the supply chain worse...or the cars get worse. They wont eat. They wont be driving. They cant travel. No heat, brown-outs, no A/C! Sorry, can't charge your car this week, Chad! Sorry, no medical care for you, your social score is too low! We will provide for ourselves. Us old guys are self sufficient.
  10. I will do just fine no matter what they install. But their cheerleaders are in for a very miserable life when they wake up and get what they wanted so bad.
  11. An electric School Bus is 4 times the cost of a Cummins. When the battery is dead you must tow it to a charging station. They operate high voltage systems for the A/C, air compressor, propulsion system, power steering, inversion system. 600-700 volts requires trained technicians which are in short supply. Charging stations are a huge issue. HUGE. The battery pack on a Proterra (Thomas) is 11.5 inches off the road. IC bus is about 12 inches. High center it or hit debris and you have to tow the bus and find someone to remove, inspect and repair/re-certify the battery packs before it hits the road again. Any damage to the battery pack or even the EV bus, and most collision shops won't even touch the thing. There are a handful of things that can disable a ICE vehicle. There are many dozens on an electric. For safety reasons. It has to be that way. If you have a battery pack failure, the bus is a write off unless you are lucky enough to get the manufacturer to pay for it. When they are working properly, they are really nice. Great to drive. I would say the ones I deal with are on the road 30% of the time at best. Also, Don't use them on a lot of hills or deep water/snow if you can help it. Whatever you do, don't high center one. The International is quite a bit better but the A/C systems are right by the rear wheels. Sling a tire and guess what? .....They will get better some day. I work with these, daily. They aren't telling you the whole story.
  12. I forget. Wasn't the Mack the first one piece fiberglass front end in the industry?
  13. Women voters and mail in ballots appearing by the truckloads. Nothing against women, but they gave us jug ears, they almost gave us Hillary, they love Pedo Joe and they adore this dipshit. They don't vote on policy, they vote on emotion and who has the best fingernail polish
  14. Weird that the hyena wants another "debate"
  15. Within a year or less, I won't be able to put some words like I did online without going to prison. That is coming so soon your head will spin! Anyone who is watching current events should be really really alarmed.
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