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Everything posted by Fishhook

  1. Nope, cant get the Argosy in the states anymore either. There are no class 8 cabovers at all.Although they all still produce them for Australia/New Zealand.
  2. You can thank the govt for the 07 motors for this. All mfg will be laying off due to the fact that no one will be buying anything for the first 2 quarters of 07. Sign me up. I want to pay $6,000-$12,000 MORE for something that will be less efficient & higher maintance costs. Yup, that makes perfect sense!
  3. The more I look at that thing, it reminds me of some Matchbox trucks I had as a kid in the 70's. I always hated them because they didnt look realistic.The dimensions look all wrong. It looks like a cartoon. No thanks
  4. Put the crack pipe down!! I think I've seen the ugliest truck on the planet. WTF Makes the Argosy look fantastic!!! ....YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Cool video of a Mack pulling a Shell Gas Tank roadtrain down under.I bet thats a PAIN to load!!Pull up, get out, pull up, get out, pull up get out .....
  6. WOW, More pics!!!!
  7. Thats Ritchie, "EastCoastLargeCars.com".& "GotWheelBase.com" That thing is 350"
  8. Hey Barry, did you see any of these by Gettysburg? http://bigmacktrucks.invisionzone.com/inde...?showtopic=1396 . They all looked like they would have potential.
  9. For anyone interested on rt. 30 west of Gettysburg Pa. there are two places/properties with B's sitting and rusting away. The first is approx 13-14 miles west of Gettysburg on the south side of 30.It looks like an old resturante/ dinner.There are a bunch of old trucks, majority look to be Mack.There at least 6 possibly more B's there.Looks to be anywhere between 8-12 old irons just sitting there, most behind a fenced area.The next place is 8-9 miles west of Gettysburg.Looks to be a construction co. w/ one B hooked to a flat bed loaded w/ steel, definetly hasn't moved in quite a while, the second B is parked along the side of a garage, looks pretty good. Now I realize "this thread is worthless with out pics", but it was raining like crazy and we were on our way to a wedding( oh joy ).But I thought you PA guys might be interested. Being from central Ohio, I dont see to many old Mack around like that.All looked complete( as much as i could tell at 60 mph!
  10. They are WTI's, apparently he shaved the dip/hump .
  11. Wow...If any of you have seen the Beast in person, its simply AMAZING.Fantastic looking B !!! http://www.elizabethtruckcenter.com/ccs_gallery.html
  12. Thats just incredible .Just saving them from the torch? or plans for restoration?
  13. How many do you have total? Looking thru your gallery, wow, what a collection!
  14. Haha, "Stupid" only because I really dont have time for it, no the place to put it.Honestly thinking of just storing at a buddies place till I have some more time.Most of the ones I have seen are total ragged out junk.This one "appears" to be in good condition. Air cab & susp, by no means rare, but....I'm possible going the O/O route in a yr or so.
  15. We'll I may be stupid, but I'm SERIOUSLY looking/thinking of buying this.If nothing else, putting a driver in it and hauling rock/ sand....or making a project out of it.I really dont have the time too fool w/ it but it looks like a good deal and has potential.....Most in this price range are ragged out pieces of @#$*......http://www.truckpaper.com/listings/forsale...D220EE53BA835B5
  16. We hauled our first few loads of ULSD yedterday, once you all see it, you'll know its ULSD instead of LSD. Its completely clear.If you put a sample in a glass, you cant tell the difference between ULSD and water.I did that last night, showed a bunch of other fuel drivers and no one guessed that it was ULSD!!Very little odor.If anything it kinda smells a little like terpintine/mineral spirits.
  17. My $.02, I drive a fuel tanker , so heres what I know. The ulsd will already have the lubricity added to it, you wont need to add it your self. The 07 motors basically cannot run on conventional lsd, the DPF(diesel particulate filter) will clog after 1-2 tanks of regular lsd. ULSD will start being introduced in June, to be fully fazed in by oct/nov.You will get worse mpg, but it will pollute less Volvo has stated that the 07 motors will be a $ 7500 increase to the price of a new truck.The others are to be between $7000-$12,000!!! The DPF 's will need to be "cleaned" , when depends on the application, but the Feds have mandated 100,000 mile minimum before its needed.Some manufactures will be essentially injecting fuel into the exhasut after the turbo , which will be burned off in the DPF, thus burning the captured particulates. The DPF will get to 1100-1800 degrees!!Exhaust temps at the stack will be hotter than that of a gas engine, possibly upwards of 1200 degrees.Which for us at loading racks ought to prove interesting The price per gallon is rummored to be $.08-$.15 more for the ULSD.And I'm sure there will be supply issues while the refineries switch to it and the racks have to let there tanks drop to empty before they can recieve.Also you cannot blend regular lsd w/ ulsd, nor can you belen ULSD w/ regular Kerosene, it would have to be Ultra low Kero.And I dont think you'll be able to blend Bio w/ it.Not sure on that though. I'm sure I'm forgetting something else, but thats the gist of it.fun fun fun!!
  18. We buy thru a dealer in Utah, but the trucks are delivered from the factory.I think in this lot we only bought 13, but usually its 25+ at a time.Its not just Mack, our new trucks, KW, Intertrashonal, never see a dealership before delivery. The tanks were painted, you can see 4 pieces of masking tape in the pics. I understand covering the tank for paint and shipping, I've seen that, but this just looked like a VERY poor paint job.
  19. At this years Mid America Show, they had fliers for the movie at the Mack booth/section and they were showing clips of it on a mini theatre set up they had there.
  20. They fixed everything.The tanks were not covered in plastic, just painted , in a VERY half a$$ed manner at that. They stripped most of it off.I'll do the rest.It just surprises me that they would ship it this way. I absolutely love the truck, beats the pants off the junk 05 International I gave away,Junk junk junk.Great power, fantastic ride, very quiet cab.
  21. Quality I tell ya Makes ya wonder what else they skimped on at the factory. All I can figure is that they used the air tanks as a place to disguard excess masking tape.WTF
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