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About BulldogVision

  • Birthday 09/20/1960


  • Location
    Sharpsburg, MD

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    Vintage trucks, hunting,guns, Ham and CB radio, Vintage radio, Pennsylvania Railroad history. Also, keeping my '03 Vision between the lines......
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  1. Well, one,new oil pump later and the oil pump drive gear has become unpressed from the shaft........Dernit!!!! It's at the shop!!!!
  2. 820,000 miles and geez I can't remember the hours. This summer was rough on the old dog. I spent most of my time in Louisiana and heck I doubled my normal hours between service cuz of idling. APU for sure next summer. I don't mind the cold but can't stand heat...
  3. Well, I took the oil pump apart....There were what looks like small pieces of piston ring inside that really chewed up the one impeller. The screen on the pickup was bent up leaving a gap for foreign objects to get into the pump.... Well that explains my oil consumption increased lately. Looks like the inframe plans for this winter are gonna have to happen...... I don't see any real damage to any of the liners or piston skirts though.....
  4. Ok, pan is down the pump is out and it will only turn 3/4 turn and lock up....The secondary drive looks ok... If I could just keep the oil from dripping in my eyes...
  5. Greetings gang. I just finished changing the oil in my 03 Vision with the e7 427 in it. When I turned it over I heard a loud crack, and the engine started and ran but no oil pressure. I lifter the centrifugal filter cap and it was dry. Did I just break and oil pump?? The engine sounded normal, and I did shut it down after about 30 seconds. I pre fill my filters and such. What has to be done to check the oil pump and how is it driven? THANKS!!!!
  6. This is the damage done to my CH in October by a HUGE buck on I-70 WB in Frederick MD....It woke me up for sure. It was actually the turning point that pushed me over the edge to finally retire the 'ol Dog. Besides, I had the chance to get into a '03 Vision with the pre emissions 427.........
  7. My feeling on these re-flashes and chips and such is if the engine was designed for something like this the factory would have done it.....Maybe.....I had a buddy that did a reflash on his series 60 Detroit and within 2 months he had to do an inframe because 2 of the pistons came apart. He was lucky that he didn't ventilate the block.... The only way I would consider these things is on a fresh rebuild....Just my $.02
  8. I add 1 gallon of Lucas when I service my 03 CX with a 427. I started using Lucas when I had my 95 CH with a 350 in it. I ran that motor to 1.5 million miles and it finally blew a head gasket so I pulled the motor. There was wear, but we figured we could have run it for a while longer if we wanted to repair the head gasket. I just figured that it was time to update.....I have the opinion that the Lucas does help. Right now I have 766,000 on my 427, and it's running 60-70 lbs oil pressure depending on the temp........
  9. I have a Webb 650 fuel filter/heater that is getting a bit old. The FS1029 is the only element that comes with the correct bowl gasket but the o-ring that come with the filter doesn't fit. I have been using the old o-ring for quite awhile and I'm afraid that one of these days it will rip and I will have to replace the entire setup. My question is this. Does the fuel have to be heated??? There has been an ongoing argument around here over fuel heaters. My opinion is the cooler the fuel, the better the injectors will like life. Others say the fuel should be heated to flash correctly. I'd just as soon disconnect the coolant lines to the heater. Also, I've heard some of the temp controls in the filters go bad and the fuel is basically at 180 to 200 degrees. That can't be good........ Any thoughts??????
  10. Aw come on!!!! It wasn't that bad!!!!! It's also a good time to stick the cupholder in the dishwasher and clean out all of the spills!!!!!!!
  11. The 9 speed in my 95 ch did the same thing.The syncros eventually went out. I put a reman trans in it and ran it for 8 years with no problems, and that was local work. lotsa lites and stops. My shop told me it really helps to wait until you are going as slow as possible before downshifting into the low box, such as rolling up to a stop sign or lite........
  12. Speaking of the New fuel, I started using Howells or Power service once a week in my '03 CX with the 427. It's a pre-emissions engine and I swear you can feel the difference!! I don't have a boost gauge or Pyro yet to really know for sure. I was going to add the stock gauges but it sounds to me like too much $$$ and pain in the tailfeathers.
  13. Thanks guys!!! Heck my brain went into neutral and I didn't even think of that idea for the boost gauge!!!!
  14. Hey gang!!!! I've been trying to add the stock Pyro and boost guage to my dash cluster. My truck did not come with them. I see no plugs anywhere to get the pyro sensor cable into the computer or wiring harness. Also, I have no extra hookups out on the engine for the boost guage. I'm I at a lost cause??? My dealer has been trying to help but has struck out. I'm about to give up and go to Teltek for the aftermarket units. But, they are EXPENSIVE!!!!!
  15. The Vision hood is more aerodynamic. You'll get better mileage!!!!!!
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