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Mack Ccrs 470

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  1. Great pics so where is that pump located on engine and it looks like a gear type pump and you just take cover plate off or do you have to take off pump complete?
  2. I have a Mack 2003 ccrs 470 quantum goes good bobtail but when I load up and not go very good boost about 29 sometimes you feel loose power and won’t boost past 12 and no whistle no power like limp mode any ideas where to look
  3. I have a Mack 2003 ccrs 470 quantum goes good bobtail but when I load up and not go very good boost about 29 sometimes you feel loose power and won’t boost past 12 and no whistle no power like limp mode any ideas where to look
  4. So what fuel pump had the loose gear the main pump ? It wouldn’t run with no drive on main pump ? Is it the lift/transfer pump ?
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