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Everything posted by IdleUp

  1. By the way, I was right that line up against the exhaust is burnt half in two, but it's not leaking air and it runs aft (somewhere).
  2. Rob, What's your thoughts why it would only shift when cold and or with low pressure? Thanks
  3. I'm still waiting to pick up my truck, but I noticed that every time I cold start the engine, I can get it into reverse a few times then it won't go in at all. Maybe its something to do with the low air pressure or just being cold ?? Thanks
  4. I just noticed but it looks like this line is right up against the exhaust pipe _ I wounder if it's burnt and leaking air?
  5. Thanks . . . .
  6. Thanks Rob - as soon as I close the deal I'll pick up the rebuild kit and the quick release air valve & filter. Thanks
  7. Thanks so much Rob, while I was at the lot today, after building up the air, I can hear an air leak somewhere under the cab. It was windy and raining so I didn't pursue it. Right after I started it up with only around 40 lbs of air, It did jump right in reverse. I backed the truck up and the transmission is perfect, however after 40 minutes of playing with it, it never went in reverse again. There's no sequence is there? to get it in reverse right? I also found out today that sometimes I have to shift the splitter a few times to even get it in Neutral. As I move the splitter knob I don't hear any air exhausting when I move to the different positions. Thanks
  8. Here's the other image - sorry they are so bad!
  9. Rob, Sorry, I didn't see you message to get the numbers but i did manage to snap a few shots of the top of the tranny. I would presume the reverse shifter is the "Blue" colored module to the rear is that right - if so then i guess the hose in the rear is the one which pushes the shifter into reverse? Thanks
  10. Thanks Rob - if anyone comes across an image of transmission or shifter please let me know. Regards!
  11. Ok, I'll peer around and see what I can find - the guy who had the truck looks like he ran it in the ground - it's a mess. Does anyone have a image of the shifter assembly? I included the image one of the users of this forum provided me (thanks) am i correct in assuming that when the shifter is in reverse that Port # 4 has air pressure and it move the shifer piston forward or do i have it backwards?
  12. Ok that explains why it locks the shifter in 1st gear! I found this post on this forum - do you think it could be the quick release valve like it was onthis truck? Here's the post: I rebuilt the "Selectair" valve this evening after cleaning everything up using denatured alcohol and the "lube in a tube", (Navy term) to lubricate the new "O" rings and moving parts, All went back together just fine. It would still leak past the seals when the transmission was selected to reverse. Further T/S revealed the QR-1 valve on the transmission was defective, and I replaced the same with a new one on hand. The transmission now works flawlessly.
  13. When I put it in reverse position, I don't hear anything. If you have the part number that would be great. Is there a post that shows my transmission and the location of the reverse shifter mechanism. I'm thinking it might be a loose airline or something of that nature. Does the switch on the dash have anything to do with reverse. I believe it says direct and something else. when it's in the lower position the transmission only goes in 1st. Thanks
  14. I'm not certain but i think this is the shift pattern - I found this on jpeg on Ebay The spliter on the right and the main tranny is like mine. There is a switch on the dash and when I flip it the tranny only shifts into 1st gear - is that right? I'll try to upload it with this post! Thanks
  15. I belive it's a 12 speed I drove the truck today and The spliter shifts fine from low to high and back down again. When I shift it into nuteral on the spliter, I can shift the main and nothing happens. Like I said it went in 2-3 times fine and backed up great but like today I could not get it in at all. By the way, there s switch on the dash I think it says dir and low would that have anything to do with it? What exactly does that do? Thanks Mike
  16. Hello - I just bought a 1990 Superliner Dump truck and it just don't want to go in reverse. If I fuss with it long enough it goes in and works fine but 90% of the time when I move the splitter over to reverse nothing happens. By the way, I hope I'm doing the sequence right. I put the transmission in nutural, then i move the spliter to reverse. Is this correct ? Any ideas on what I might check. Thanks in advance! Mike
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